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Twinkle, twinkle, little stai' l've discovered what you are.; Paint and uowder. gownsai-M tights, in the gtareofcalciumj The barn which was burned recently occupied by C. A. Jlaynard, is 1x-ing rebuilt. Thoso who lieard Br. Cobern discourse on backbiting last Sunday cening speak very liighly oí the ellort The Ann Arbor high school foot bal', team defeated the Grand Kapids bigli school team Saturday by a coro of 10 to O. The Ypsilanti ladies quartette, who sang at the evening service at the C'ongregatlonal church Sunday, leït roany admirers heve. J D. Ryan witnessed the Harvard game last Saturday, and is warm in piaise Of our boys. He thinks they put up a plucky fighfc and only lost upor a bit of iU luck that could not i.e avoided. I!' you will look in at the show, v indow of Schairer & Millen you can eet. the beautiful autograph quilt tvhick the ladies of the English Lutheian churcli are to seü at a fair to be given on Thursday and Friday e enings. W. Dunlap, who was one of the victinif of the terrible explosión at Journal office in Detroit last "U'ednesday, was the manufacturer of the Hogers Typograph, and in that connection had visited Ann Arbor a liumber of times, and carne to be quite ■wol. known at tuis office. He was a quiet, gentlemanly man, whom you considered a friend at once. His sad death is deeply deplored, and wliat aöds to the intensity ot the sorrow, is the tact that he leaves a wife and two little children. The subject which Prof. Chas. E. Gieene is to speak upon next Monc'ay evening, at the Unitarlan church, m the Unity club course, may seem lito a dry one, but it is a very important one, and he will make i1 very interesting. If you doubt this assertion you can prove its truth by attending and becoming convinced in that way. The subject is "Building Material and Points in House Con stmetion." There are a good many sfcarp points in this subject, and Prof Gieeno knows what they are anc tcw to make his audience see the points, also. Our Country - Though sometimes she's a-bilin', Aq' ain't in good accord, She's generally a-smilin' An' happy- thank the Lord' -Atlanta Constitution. Ypsilantian says of Rev. T. Vi . Young of the lst Baptist ehurch of thie city : "He is a most oarnest and inspiring preacher." The Chequamegon Orchcstra have veiy Mndly consented to give the audience a lialf hour's entertainment pieviöus to Eev. J. M. Barkley's lecture on the 26tii. Mr. Butler, of the iirrn' of Bach & Butler, secured 51 new insurace polie ie In one day last week. He thinks a íeat of tliafc kind in these days, deserevs a notice in the paper, and so do we. Oi: Monday John Baumgardner, of Anti Arbor, erected a handsorne monument on the Schieferstein lot In Forefct Lftira Cemetery. The monument is o' Missouri granite and weighs live 1cn&.- Dexter GLeader. The Adrián Press boils over ín this :y: "James Boyle is the Kortlisidc supervisor at Ann Arbor, und ïor a íew days past has had a little Boyle on his knee. He seems to rather enjoy it, too." Even the elemente have been joining in the glorious victory. Just as scor. as it became known the republicana had won the electiöns, the longed for rain commenced to (Jescend and moisten the parched earth. At St. Johns 200 mothers icneC the council to pass an ordlrance íorbidding children under 16 years ofage appearlng on the street at. night after 9 o'clock. These mothers should use their slippers more eííectively. Those who listened to the grand eclure of Maj. H. C. Iane in Uni■veisity 'Hall some two or three years dgo, will regret to learn that he died lecently on the Pacifts ocean, whüe on hie way to America írom Australia and was buried at sea. It has been suggested that the easiebt way to get rid, of tramps ihis v ínter is to compel them' to take a coUi water bath. Water is so ab1-orrent to "the profesh," that they, i il1 never come a second time where iLey are compelled to bathe in jt. This is an experiment well worth tryh:g. Turn the hose on them. The annual convention of the Michigan State Sunday School Associaliou Will be held in tbe Auditorium in Detroit, Nov. 19-21. Gen. John B. Goidou the celebrated orator of the scutb will give the opening address. Two accredited delegates from each echooi will be entertained. The railvoadb give a round trip for one fare. üeduced rates at the hotels. The -trustees of tiho Germán M. E. ehurch of this city have purchased a let ïor their new ehurch building. It is located opposite the 2d ward school luilding, On Fourth st., at the corner of TV. Jefferson st. The location is ai: excellent one, and the building ■w il' 'be erected at once. A pastor's residence will also be built on the lot. The ehurch society will have suificient funds, it is thought, from. the sale oí Ita oíd ehurch and lot, to build the cew buildings without going into debt i cry much. The mistake of the board of superisol■s in raising $20,000 for county expenses instcad of $25,000 is alreaciy apparent. Thcre was an overdrait o:. Saturday of over $3,000, on which tin; county has to pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent. There wus pald out of the county treasury last week, the sum of $6,554.54, and it is thought that there are about $2,OOC of bilis yet payablo allowed at the recent session of the board. Deputy Ti-easurer Lehman says that the overdraft on January lst, will ie just about the sam& as last year. The reason Pingree stands so well With the frisky college youtli, Is that, at lenst so we've lieurd teil, ir. bellevee in Hazen- Truth. Mr. Hubbard and Wood Allen got ia. fniü wild goose as a result of one öay's hunt at Portage Lake, iast Sattiday. A local butcher recently asked a faimer if he wanted some sausage. No,1' replied the boeking. " can't cat the dog-goned stuff." "'Pon mj ■uord," said the carver, "there's no doi; gone in this.1"- Harbor SpringB Liar. 00 The supervisoi's committee apI cinted to settle Ex-County Ti-easurer Suekey's defalcation, had a meeting- Thursday, and agreed to meet v. ith the bondsmen any day that s3id bondsmen would agree to hand o-v, er the $4,100 deficit. The concert given at the M. E. church last Friday evening was well al tended and heartily appreciated. In res-ponse to an encoré, Mrs. Worden, of Detroit, sangt he old song : "Mrs. Lofty,'' which yraa new to most of ber audience, whom it greatly pleased One of our business men, who is in a position to know what he is talkiBg about, says that Ann Arbor is fceling the hard times now more than she ha feit them at any time before. IJ e judges f rom the amounb of ousiï.ess being donê" and the extreme difficulty in making collections. Ci account of the Week of Praye: all the evening classes of the Y. M. C A are being dropped this week, to bo made up later on. These classes very successl'ul this year, and the boys are taking hold with a great ïea; of zest. Tlie association in tMs on thing alone are doing a grand ivork. The marriage of Frank Legg and Jji&:, Franc Dorr on Thursday of last v. eek, was consummated in St. Andiew's chureh, the Kev. Henry Tatlccl. officiating, and witnessed by a ■veiy few friends. Mr. Legg is a gentleman -vvell Unown in the city haviu many friends and well wishers. The Courier extends its hand; to the couple for a long and useful life. A marriage license was made out for Ian J1. Ross at Ann Arbor last week. Dan looked it over, jerked ui the sag in his trousers, scratched tlie back of his e ar reflectively and tier. shoved it back to the clerk. 'C'-ourse,'" said Dan, "course I'd like arother wife or two, but you see, the pi esent Mrs. Eoss would make it very sulphurous for me. I only wanted e, deer license." - Monroe Democrat. A gentleman remarked to this scribc on Saturday : ' 'You teil the citj authorities that if they, do not fb the cross walk on the south side o? Kingsley across N. State st., they ■vvill be having a bilí for serious sges to settle. It is now dangerous fot pedestrians, and I saw a man Yiho was perfeetly sober, fall flat on I) is face tihere a day or two since. Just put that in your paper." And tberc it is. Three hundred Ann Arbor studenta liave pledged themselves to read one ehapter in the Bible each day, till they read it tkrough. From the horribhle atiempts of sonie of the editora uiound Michigan's intellectual clectric Ughl station, to quote scripture, ve feei justiíied in the opinión that they ■would discover considerable :ievs by fcllowing the example of the 300 stutnts. - Monroe Democrat. Biother ymith" must be thinking of the time lien he was here. There's no troublo now in that respect. "V'hen Mrs. Edith Clancy, who carne iuto some notoriety here a few weeks ago, went away to Toledo with Pat lioyle, she left her little 8-years oíd díiiiighter Marguerite, at Kalamazoo. 11) authorities there took the chüd and found her a good home. Now Mis Clancy is attempting to geit possession of the child, and the authoritie.-; are fighting the attempt. It v il le remembered Ihat while it could uot be proven on the inquest here, yet iliero is no doubt but that the litti) girl's father was murdered while lie M'as searching for his runaway wiía in Toledo. For the good of the littlo one, ií she has been found a good Lome, it would certainly seem is if sLe oug-ht to be allowed to reniain in it. Tliere are times when it is a sin for parents to be allowed íh: custody oí tlieir own children. Mrs. A. Ij. Worden sang a solo at tlie M. E. church last Sunday evening, enlitled "I would aot Live Always.V In sucli a mnnner as to eücit tlie warmest The ladies of St. Andrew's .rhurch are very busily eng-aged in preparing for their festival of the liolidays to Ie giver, at Harria Hall soon. It will i-: both unique and beautiful. The 3d ward Eecord Breakers will play the Ypsilanti High School on Thanksgiving Day, at Ypsilanti. On the Same day Hiighie McGuire wiU run a íooL race with George Wilson. Edward L. Seyler and his brother Jullus, have bought the undivlded iniiiterest of their deceased sister, Mrs. Editt P. Fowler, in the store occuplci by E. E. Beal on N. Main st. Edwin A. Keith has bought of Chas. R. Vliitman the lot on E. Ann street, formerly owned bjr the late John Fogerty, and will erect a üne refeidence thereon the coming summer. The Ministry of Song" will be musically illuBtrated at the Methodist Jipiscopa' church next Bunday evenü:g. Dr. Oobern will speak in the morning on '-The Saint Paul of the 19th Century." Ol' Tuesday evening, Nov. 26th, au iDspection of Welch Post G. A. E., o! thifi city, has been ordered by the post department eommander, Col. H. S Dean. Every member of the post is expeeted to be present tliat evening. A.1: Flint a sort of "clearing house" ha.s been established, througli whlch ul! charity wlll hereafter be dispenseci. It will be under the svipervision of an advisory eouncil of the best citizens of the place. "Why sn't thO iclea a good one ? The culmination of a somewhat romantic courtship n-ill be euded on tomorrow, Thursday evening, at Zion's church, by the marriage of Mr .Ixjuis Boes, the teacher of the parocliial school of tliat church, to Miss Anna lutz. Eev. Max Hein wlll periorm Uio ceremony, too. Ii every store or business place v ould close its doors at 'G o'clock p. 111.. tho people -vould soon become accuetomed to the custom, and overy1 ody would be benefited, and the business man himself most of all, for lie is the one who needsi the rest -aid relaxation from wotk and worry. Many of Ex-Senator Thomas W. l'almer's iriends in Ann Arbor regret to learn of the destruction of his fine IjOuso with all of its contents, on "Woodward ave., Detroit, by fire early luesday morning. Many choice paintings, boo&s, and mementoes on wliicli no money value could be placpd. were swept away by the rnereiles.i destróyer. Mrs. Mary Ann Starkweather of Vpsilanti, has agaln shown uer erality toward her own city by giving $J 0,000 íor a new Student's Chrisliai' Association building. This act is one characteristic of the woman, v ho has already given much to that city among other things being the public fountain, the ILadies' Library building, and much of the soldier's ironument. Dr. Fred. M. Pi-ettyman, medie '91, a brother of the popular 6th ward alderman of that name, was marrled on the 3d of last October to Miss Gertrude van der Slies, at Campiñas, liiazil, where he is located and pract icing his profession. If it is not to( late and too far away, the Courier would be pleased to extend conpiatulationa to the Dr. and his bride v ith a wish that happiness and usefufriess may be their lot in life. A.I a meeting of the school board Isst fevening the usual monthly budget of tiills were allowed ; the banks wero called upon for bids for keeping the school money ; The Germán Methoc'ists -vvere given permission to Iiold their church services in the 2d ward sr hooi building ; the use of the 2d and ?il Avard echool buildings Runday Schools on each Sunday afternoon M a granted ; and the resignation of Íj Gruner as a trustee, still kept on 11);' table.


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Ann Arbor Courier