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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Walter f rom Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the following bilis and recotnmended their allowaace at sunis stated, viz : Claimeii. Allowed Wra.BIaekburn, Dep'y Slieriff, $ 39 92 $39 92 Thomas Bell, " " 114 10 6S ttl Adopted. Mr. Tuomey, froni Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following and recoinmended their allowance : Clalmed. Allowed W. P. Beach, Justice $ 98 54 Í 88 40 John Munn " 5 10 5 10 A C.PIerce, Constable 38 25 31 75 John A. Wuruer, wituess 48 48 Report adopted. Mr. Oesterlin, from Civil Claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allovvance at sums stated, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed W.W. Wedemeyer, School foramissioner f 4 00 $ 4 00 W.W. Wedemeyer, Statlonery.. 27 32 27 22 W. W. Watts, Care of Clocks ... 28 50 28 5 T. A. Bogle, Barton Case ... 166 90 166 90 M. L. Belser, (Disallowed) ExInsane. 5 00 5 00 Mrs. N Rice, Stenographer ... 30 00 30 0J Q. W. Turn Buil, Justice inquest 3 10 3 10 Frank Staffan, Jnror 1 50 1 60 Oeorge Blaich, Juror 150 150 Joseph Girdwood, Juror 150 150 Geo. P. Staffan, Juror 150 150 Edward P. McKone, Juror 1 50 1 50 Thos. Wilkiuson, Juror 1 60 160 H. W.Sclimidt, wltuess 85 85 . F. W. Reeve, post moi te m 10 50 10 60 A. C. Colllns, wltness 50 öli Win B.C'ollins, Constable 190 190 L B. Wallace, Juror 75 75 Willis Pickett. Juror 75 75 Elmer Jayeox. Juror 75 95 Irving Pickett, .lulor 75 75 . Alfred Wallace, Juror 75 75 C.C Hlggius, Juror 75 75 . A. J. Boyce, Justice 5 75 5 75 . Mts. Ferguson, wilness 75 75 ( Also that the bill of J. A. Polhemus ' wliich the committee recommended be disallo wed. J. A. Polheraus. Livery, disallowed _ $6 00 Keport adopteil. On motioii the Board took a recess uutil 2 p. m. Afteruoon Session - The Board was called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Case, from Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance atsums stated, to-wit: Craimed. Allowed Harria Ball, Dep'y Sheriff.. ..$ 53 50 $ 53 50 C. M. Warner, ■ " .... u 55 114 32 Isaac Davis, ' ' ... 52 40 47 15 P. W. Ross, " ' 4 00 4 00 M. C. Peterson, Barton case services 2170 16 00 Keport adopted. Mr. Oesterliu, from Civil Claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed 0. G. Uarling. post niortem 82S 00 ?28 ('0 Frank Bourns.ass't mortem 7 50 7 50 Wm. Judson, iuquest (Ulaucy). .63 84 63 84 J. M. Woods, " .. H 80 12 55 Samuel Vi. Deakes, Juror 7 50 7 50 Fred Hulin, " 7 50 750 K.K. Freuauff, " 7 50 750 Peter Lehman, " 7 50 750 Wm.Eldert, ' 7 50 750 Joseph H. Bal], '■ 7 50 750 Wm. Gerstner, witness 150 1 13 V. L. Shuukiand, " 8 90 315 E. P. Masón, " 3 60 2 85 George Clancy, " 2 00 150 Uregiry Nugle, ' 3 00 2 25 MargaretClancy, ' 3 00 2 25 W.KVernor, " 3 00 2 25 J. M. Woods, ' 2 00 15') W. L. Haseneck, " 3 00 150 Micliael Hays, ' 150 1 13 Mrs. Frank Claney," 13 00 10 75 P.W.Boyle, ' 22 00 2135 Harris Ball, Coroner 59 75 59 75 Report adopted. Mr. Boyle, from Cotnmittee to examine reports of snperintendents of the poor, made the followiug report: To the Hon. Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Co: Gentlemen - Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor, respeetfully report that they have examined the said aecounts and find that the stub-book and ledger agree with the vouchers and Wils for the same, aud that the business is conducted in an econouiical and satisfactorj' manner. We'desire to thank the Superintendonts for the assistanee rendered in the work ; also to Mr. and Mrs. Shankland for kindness sliown your couiinittee. James Boyle, Emory E. Leiand, Win. F. Huil. Mr. Case offered the following resolu tion which was adupted : Resolved, ïliat the number of officers to whom coinpensation wilt be allowed for atteudance in circuit conrt be fixed asfollows: When a jury is present the sheriff and two deputiea- when no jury is present the sheriff and one deputy. Mr. Walter offered the following reso lution which was adopted : Resolved, That we pay the Prosecuting Attorney the sum of $400 for services in Justiee Court and collection of liquor tax. Clalmed. Allowed Seth C. Randail. Pros. Att'y. ..$400 00 $100 00 Mr. Scott moved tliat a committee of three bo appointed bv tlie Chair to investígate the discrepancy reported to exist between the State Treasurer's and County Treasuror's books. The Chair appointed as such cominittee Messrs. Oesterlin, Childs and Daveoport. The liour having arrived for tiie election of Superintendent of Poor, on motten of Mr. Case, the Clerk was natructed to cast the entire vote of the Board for E. P. Mason. Carried. Tlie ballot was so cast. The hour for the election of School Examiner having arrived, Mr. Scott moved that the Board proceed to an informal ballot. Carried. I The Chali' uppointetl as tellers Messrs. Boyle and Wheeler. Result of first informal ballot, Herbert Dancer reeeived 13 votes, Thaddens Leland 15, and Alien Rockwell 1. Om inotion of Mr. Bibbins the Board proceeded to a formal ballot. Result of formal ballot, Herbert Dancer received 16 votes, and Thaddeus Leland received 13 votes. On motion of Mr. Scott the electionof Mr. Dancer was made mous. On motion of Mr. Case the Boarc arijourued until 2 p. m. to-morrov. Win. Dansingburg, Clerk. H. Lighthall, Chairman. FR1DAY, OCTOBER 25, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Case from Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at suma stated to-wit : „ T r_ , Claimed. Allowed. F. J. Tucker, detecüve work (Barton case) 222 62 222 62 Mr. Oesterlin from committee on Civil Claims reported the foüowiug bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated to-wit: „ „ ,, „ Clalmed. Allowed. C. P. McKInstry, postage 23 00 25 00 J. A., Walker, ex. insane 8 00 8 00 ï . C. Wheeler, wit. in probate coiirt 4 00 4 00 Frank Haywood, bringing insane person tu A. A . 6 00 6 00 Fred Jedele, wit. in probate eourt 3 50 3 50 Wm. Dansingburg, physieian' eert. probate court 10 25 10 25 E. M. Conklin, ex of insane-5 00 5 00 C. P. McKinstry, ex. of treasurer's books 185 50 185 50 Washtenaw Times, printing- 1 t!0 1 0 (i. W.Turnbull.Justlcelnquest 5 15 5 15 Ueo. H. Foster, Juror 2 25 2 2r, A. O. Pierce, " 2 25 2 25 Albert Winans, " 2 25 2 2:, Nelson Dancer, " 2 25 2 25 Horace Baldwin, ■■ 2 25 2 25 iVdam Kalmbach," 2 25 2 2i Al. 3. Eley, wltness 8 25 3 75 liudolpli Schrader, witness 6 25 3 75 John McGreevey, " 6 iö 3 75 . F. Renshed, " .... 6 25 3 75 jteo. Staffan, " 85 85 Jlias. VanOrden, " 85 85 Report adopted. Mr. Hunter from Criminal CUiiins No, 2 reported the followiag bilis and recomuiended their allowanee at sunis stated to-wit : t,, t. ,, _ Claimed. Allowed. Tíos. IX Mosa, Justlce 23 00 (i 00 Thos. D. Creech, deputy marshal 14 gg j g Geo. Bell, constable _„" ig 60 32 35 Report adopted. Mr. Ball from committee on contagious diseases reported the following bilis and recommended their alíowance at sunis stated to-wit : „ , T,.. riaimed. Allowed. T. L. Iddinss, lnfected clotlies destroyed 30 00 15 00 T. L Iddings. dlsenfectlng house 10 nn 500 Geo. O. Vinkle, work . 21 50 21 50 Mrs J. .Toys, supplies 190 190 E. F. Chase, medical attendMn'W--, 2S 2 "O M. . Hodeman, milk 3 01 3 05 LutherL .Tames.disinfectants S 20 5 20 Joseph Alger, meat.s 3 78 3 7 J. Croarkin, provisions 26 S6 3Ü ñR Christopher Loney, wood 3 50 3 á) Which was agreed to. Mr. Boyle moved that the bilis for oil and wood in the above cases be allowed. Carried. a,,, . „ . . „ Claimed. Allowed. gilí AQuish, oil jo 10 Christopher Loney, wood 3 50 3 50 Thecommittee reported the following bilis and recotmnended their disallowance. Lee Quisli, sardines 1 30 Ed Croarkin, Clotliing le 70 Sr"--T?ogerSl movln8 family Zll" 1 00 K. B. Honey. health offlcer 10 m Dexter Milling Co., feed 3 00 Davis Bros., bedding ZZZHH" 7 88 Committees report accepted and adopted. Mr. Forsythfromcommittee 011 flnance made the following report : Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 25, 1895. To the Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen. - Your committee on flnance respeetfiilly report nnd recomïnend that the Board accept the bid of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank as the place of deposit of the ïnoney of the Oounty. James M. Forsyth, F. C. Whéeler, Wm. K. Childs. Accepted and adopted. Mr. Hall from the committee to redistrict the couuty made the followin" report : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your co'nmittee on redistricting and dividing the county into representative districts, respectfully report that tliey liave had the subject under consideration and do recominend that the COimtv be divided into representative districts as now coustituted andherewith subinit the necessary order and reaolutiüu therefor. All of which is respectfully submitted andyourcommitteebegto be discharged from the further consideration of "the subject. Dated Ann Arbor, Oct. 25, 1895 VV. F. Hall, Joseph Donnelly, S. S. Bibbius. " By Mr. Hall. Whereas, Under the provisions of Act No. 237 of the Sessiou Laws of this State for the year 1895, the County of Washtenaw is entitled to two representatives in the State Legislature. Therefore, Be It Resolved and it is hereby ordered that the County of Washtenaw be and the saine is hereby divided into two representative districts to consist of the following territory, to-wit: District No. one to consist of the Townships of Ann Arbor, üexter, Freedom. Lima, Lyndon, Northfleld, Salem, Scio, Sylvan, Webster, and the City of Ann Arbor. All of whieh territory haa accordinu to the census of the year JS94 a population of twenty-three thousand and sixty-ñ.ur. District No. two, to consist of the townships of Augusta, Bridgewater, Lodi, Manchester, Pittsfield, Saline, Sharon, Superior, York, Ypsilanti, an Ypsilanti City. All of which territor according to the census of 1894 has population of tweuty thousand fou hundred and fifty-two. It is further ordered tliat the clerk o this board do certify and cause thi order and determination to be certiflec' to the office of the Secretary of State o this State and to the office of the Clerk of this County, pursuant to law. Report accepted and adopted. Mr. Whittaker from committee to set tle with the county officers made the I following report which was adopted : Ann Arbor, Mieh., Oct. 23, 1895 This is to certify that Wra. F. Rehfuss has ou deposit in this Bank on Oct. 1 1895, to his credit as Treasurer of Washtenaw County the sum of uiue thousand seventy-five and thirty hundreths dollars ($9075.30). Respectfiilly,Chas. E. Hiscock, Cash. Oct. 25, 1895. Your committee to settle with the county officers heg leave to report that they have examined the books and vouchers of the County Treasurer and find them in accordance with the report of the Treasurer, subniitted to this Board, and have procured and attached to this report the certifícate of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, showing balance on hand Oct. i, 1895, $9075.30. We further report that we have examined the accounts of the County Clerk and find the same to be as follows : ffASHTKXAW COUNTY CLERK's OFFICE. lo the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Oounty. We, the Coinmittee to settle with County Officers, would respectfully report that we have examined the accounts of tlio Clerk, and report that we flhd that an eutry fee of $2.00 has been paid to the County Clerk in the I ing cases : Nos. 565, 560, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 573, 575, 576, 577, 579, 58!, 583, 584, 585, 586, 589, 590, 591, 592, 595, 596, 598 599 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 618, 619, 620 621, 623, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631. We also flnd that the Clerk has collected the jury audstenographer fees in the following cases, viz : Christlan Wackenhut vs. Andrew Slianbland . $ 6 00 Amii Walker vs. City of Ann Arbor_ 6 00 Philip Leaver vs. August DeFiïes - 0 00 Win. K. CMJcls vs. Rosella Crawford- 6 (10 Alice Knarney vs. Jolm tleaney 0 00 F. W. Cleveland vs. John Koch ( 00 Jerome Williams vs. Solomon Smitli 0 00 Eugene Helbervs. Martin Sehant.z (j 00 . Amelia M. Dnrrow vs. Solomon Baamgartner o oo John W'ackenhut vs. Henry Brinkman 6 00 Einlly Sumner vs. Thos. Leonard - 6 00 Sophia Brrghardt vs. Martin II ober 6 00 Henry Breltenwelscher vs. Klmer C. ; Clough g oo Peter Oesterle vs. Frank P. Glaziei6 00 John O'Connor vs. Manly Furman ( 00 ' Fred Houek vs, Arthur J. Waters 6 00 í W 00 oí cases at 2 102 00 Total fi98 00 The total amount of mcmfey collected by the Clerk belongiug to the County is $198.00. AVe also fliul that the Clerk is entitled to the following items of credit, to-wit: Postage, January 2 50 Express, " ___ 1 50 Postal Cards, " ____I 2 00 Postage, Febmary _ 3 25 Postage, March 8 05 Express, " 2 90 Postage, April _ __ 3 00 Express, " z 4Ü Express, May 25 Postage, " 1 75 Telegram ___ _ . 25 Postage, June 1 00 Express, " Ju Express, Julj' 65 Postage, " .. 1 95 Postage, August _ 1 00 Express, _ 50 Postage, Sept 11 1 95 3 quarters F. O. Box rent _ 1 so RecordinK H98 births, 390 deaths, i28 marriages and certifying to Secretarv of State 6c _'___ 78 96 Three term ealendars-'. 30 00 Clerk of Board of County CanviissersIloo 00 Total f241 7ö Money due County 19 0 Balance due Clerk $ 43 76 I hereby certify that the above is reet. Wm. Dansingburg, Clerk. R. C. Whitaker, James M. Forsyth, Wm. K. Chihis, Coinmittee. Oct. 24, 1895. Examined. "We wish to extend our thanks to Peter Lehman, Dept. County Treasurer, and to Win. Dansingburg, County Clerk, for their kind and valuable assistance in our work. B. C. Whitaker, Wm. K. Childs, James M. Forsyth, Committe. Mr. Howlett from tlie committee on per diem made the following report ■ which was adopted without objection: Your committee on per diem do recommend that the several sums be allowed to the different supervisors of Washtenaw County as follows : g z Nmnes. ,; 5 =o _: l___i_ S W. K. Childs 12 $36 i 12 $36 12 Eugene Oesterliu 12 36 1 i' '36 r John J. Flsoher 12 36 1 12 36 12 Joseph Do.melly 12 36 1 12 38 12 James Bóyle 12 36 1 yz 36 12 Arlhur J. Kitsnn 12 36 1 12 36 12 ETart H Scott 12 3-i 2 24 36 21 0. L. Tuoniy. - 12 36 2 24 36 24 Bamuel BlbMna 12 86 20 ï 40 88 40 George Wal ter 12 36 35 i 2c 40 20 Thomas MoQuülan.. 12 3 I i 9j 37 92 vv"',haeU -,Alber 12 36 20 2 40 88 40 WaltorH Daneer-. 12 36 22 2 64 38 64 Michael Grosshans - 12 36 8 96 36 ! James Howlett 12 36 25 3 Oo 88 00 VVm. Burtless 12 36 35 4 2( 40 20 g.morj O. Lelandl 12 36 8 % 86 96 PredC. Wheeler 12 3S 3o 3 6u 39 60 n ( ïvrV H,auaei- 12 M 10 1 Ï0 37 20 B C. Whittaker 12 36 o 1 nï m ña Wm!F. Hall I3 12 86 85 Í aï 40 Waltcr oorhies 12 36 12 1 44 37 44 I ram Lislulmll..... 12 36 17 8 SI 88 04 Alfred Davenport - 12 36 18 2 1 , 38 16 John L,. Hunter 12 36 8 9,36 96 Sumner Damon 12 3ü 10 1 2 ' 37 20 James S. Forsyth.... 12 36 10 1 2, 37 20 James Howlett, John J. Fischer, Alfred Davenport. Mr. Scott from the committee 011 equalization made tho folio wing report whioh was accepted and adopted: The updersigued members of your committee on eqnalization for the year 1895 hereby tender their report as" follows : Real Persn'l Total EclualiDollars Dollars Dollars „j! A. A. 5,124,008 1,012,710 8,730,718 5,335,000 A. A. Town 985,335 ,58,425 1048J60 $63 TOO Augusta 611,900 41,50) 653,4011 rm'flOt) Brldgewat'r 797,090 85,040 882 130 757000 Dexter 575,180 50,340 62-5,520 B26Í000 Freeüom _ 798,980 144860 038 280 715 00 p"a -- 793,270 82.590 875,860 813 000 Lodi 912,925 110,400 1,023 32-5 915-00 Lyndon 442,450 47.100 489,550 395 000 Yan,fleStfr 1,091,610 309,8601,401,470 1,M5 000 gorthfle 807,-00 108,4001 915 900 723 000 Pittsfleld ... 1,090820 113.48011,204 300 1,106,000 Sa em 832,830 97,520 930.35'i 908 000 Saine 1,129,4.50 91,500 1,220,95 1,122000 0lO- -1,161,740 204,400 l,36rt,140 1305 00. bharon..... 83930 102,090 941620 '745 000 Superior.... 1,044,380 57,160 1,101 510 947 000 Syn 908,900 202,45'! 1,100350 995,000 Webster 804,120 105.970 910 090 847 000 orií- 1,097,200 215,aooíl,3:24Oiil 962 (0 Ypsj. ln 1,061,440 108,58o 1,169,820 943Í000 dis 1,733,3,0 56(1,100 2,301,450 1,9)5 0(10 Tpgl. 2ddís 548,400 77,450 625,850 SSbIoOO 25,000,000 A. Davenport, Evart H. Scott, Tilomas McQuillan, VVm. Burtless, M. P. Albor. Report adopted. Mr. Kitson moved that the bill of Dr. Belser allowed yesterday be reconidered. Cairied. On further motion said bill was disllowed. Mr. Wheeler moved that when this Board adjourns, it adjourn to meet in pecial session on Monday, October 28. (Jarned. Mr. Case offereil the followiug resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the County Clerk be istnicted to draw orders on the contingent- fund of the eounty for payment of services rendered in conveying' persous to state or city charitable reformatory or penal institutious on presentation of a proper receipt froin the warden or agent of.such institution or prisou at the folio n ing rates : From any point in this county to Adrián, the railroad fare and $4.00. From any point in this county to Coldwater, the railroad fare and $8.00. From auy-point in this county to Pontiac, the railroad fare and $6.50. From any point in this county to Lansingj the railroad fare and $s.0Ö. From any point in this county to Detroit House of Correction, the railroad fare and $4.00. From any point in this County to amazoo, tne railroad fare and $6.00. An assistant to take au insane person to Pontiac to be paid railroad fare and "po. 00. Resolved, That the above rates tobe in ruil payment for all claims aud expenses in such cases, including all cash expenses per diem, mileage, back liire, meals, lodging and all expenses whatever. The hour for the election of janitor being anrived, on motion of Mr. Bibbina the Clerk was instructed to cast the ballot of the board for Marión Davenport for janitor, whereupon the Clerk so cast the ballot. Mr. Case moved that one of the janitor's duties be to keep the sidewalk clean around the court house square. Carried. It was moved that the clerk be instructed to draw orders on the contingent fuud for payment of supervisor's services. Carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned until Monday, October 28, 1895. H. Lighthall, Wm. Dansiugburg, Chairman. Clerk. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1895. The Board of Supervisors of Washtenavv Countymet in adjourned session in the Supervisor's room in the Court House in the City of Aun Arbor in said County, on Monday, the 28th day of October, 1895. The Board was called to order by the Chairaran. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of Friday was read approved. Mr. Forsyth moved tlmt the Clerk uotify the Ann Arbor Savings Bank to flle their boud not later than next Thursdav. Carried. Mr. Scott offered the following : Resolved, That the Coinmittee on Public Buildings is hereby authorized to inake all neoessary repairs on public buildings and to allow all bilis for labor and materials. And the County 'JXeik is hereby directed to draw orders ou the Contingent Fund for the same. And said committee is direoted to present an iteinized statement of their work to the nest Board of Supervisors. Carried. Mr. Case moveil tliatthe Treasurerbe allowed the sum of one hundred dollars for keeping an account of the daily balances with the bank. Cairied. Mr. Oesterlin moved that the sheriff be instructed to put up notice prohibí ting outsiders coming into the jail yard, except on business, and to arrest any one persisting in so doing. Carried. Ou motion of Mr. Kitson the board took a recess until 2 p. m. Afternoon Session- The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Oesterliu, from the Civil Claims Committee reported the following bilis and i-ecommended their allowance at suuis stated, to-wit : Clalmed. Altowed Harris Ba, Iuquest (Hodgesl... í 4 60 S 4 60 Fredenck Huhu, Juror 150 150 ' L. . Krueaiif, ' 15 150 8. S . Beakes, " 1 5,1 1 su Wm.Kldert, 1 50 1 su f - Lgbman, _ j & ro J. H. Hall, '■ 1 so 1 t O M. Martin, Burial ...".'.'. 23 00 2:i OU C.O. Darl Ing Post mortom ;ío oí) 30 00 MaoK & Mack, Burial of Soldier. 40 00 40 00 Q. II. Jacltson, b'd'g prisoners... (U 50 45 SS Report adopted. Mr. ïuomey, from committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the ing bilis and recommeuded Uieir allowance at smus stated to-wit : II" I - - - Claimed. AUowed James Doyle, Justioe 15 20 7 40 üf'Davfi' JUrOr 22-5 2 25 M. B. Bcliafler. " " o Ií Qilbert M.Brown," o 25 i O. E. faitee, '" f? fL David Oady, " ÍS f 25 Henj.McOrag, witness.':;.'.;." 48 O. E Pratt. " JÏ T2 Louis Howard, ' jf Joseph V. Peok, .. S íi Joseph V. Peok, ' ...... S S Eroeat Jacksoa, ' ÍS Ernest Jackeon " ?o ? James Forsyth, " 12 L Cbas. M. Walker, " "48 48 Deonls Court, ■ la Charlas Barlow " BenJ.Page, " !2 JohaV. cook, 40 M.s. Babeock, " TS ! wiiiis Doipu,1 juror:.:::: o DewittPlck, ?X Wm. Voorhles, " Sn S! Charles Doty, " Sí ?" Georg Cady, S S David Ostrander, " S ?X KrancisTibbets.witnisss."".: 48 4 Elias Uooley, J2 !2 Wm. H. Lewis, " jg 40 Sarah Scipio, "" , , ÍS Tina McCoy, } ÏÏ } ÍS Francls McCoy, ' 1 90 90 mihíií?1?1 Juror.....::::.::: k 100 j i A .1 Brown." 100 100 fc.N Colby, j ü0 x w James Armes, " 1 nn 1 nn Olías. Root, " .....'.".'..'.'" 100 1 00 Wm.Thayer, " )_" j 00 j qq Jacob Schmidt, witness ' 48 48 üeorge Richel, " 48 43 George B. Paine, " .. '" 4 4a Wm. Dermott. " ." 48 43 Thos. Kuthweut, " 300 3 00 Aun Smitti, " 195 l 95 MaryA. Bird, " ... 195 195 George Morris, " 95 95 Charles Anderson," 95 95 Johu Hamillon, " 95 gg Peter Lehman, " 1 65 195 Joseph V. Peck, ' 4g 40 Don K. Peck, " 40 48 Cbarles Root, " ,, 48 43 Henry Thorapson," 48 43 Walter Hewitt, " 48 4.8 Eimer Bycraft, " 48 48 Azro Fleicher, " 4g 48 Seth B. Mereness, " m 48 O. M. Warner, " 48 48 John Tburn, " _ 48 48 Elizabeth Bealey, " 43 48 David Post, " 48 4H Barbara Bassler, ' ' 43 49 K. e. t;ark, " 48 48 Chas. Krueger, " 48 48 Dr. JKapp, '■ 48 4S Jiicob Bassler, " 48 48 Edward Finnell, " 253 2 53 .stephen Fluell. " 453 2 53 Siduey Shanguess," 2 53 2 53 Daniel Moore, ' 153 153 Walter Voorheis, " 1 95 1 99 13. L. Townaend, ' 195 j 55 Clinton O'Farrell," 550 5 70 Oeorge Nissly, " 2 75 2 75 Cbas. Youughaus ■■ 275 27.5 Henry Ide, ' 2 75 2 75 Martiu Traub, " .. 75 275 Frank Hook, ■ 275 275 C. F. Schaible, ■ 2 75 29 Conrad Reofer, " 2 91 2 45 Paul Schvefler, " 144 1 44 Oeo. Seyfried, " ' 1 44 1 44 Mrg't E. Liüdell, " " 48 14 (Jonrad Keufer, " 2 13 2 8 Paul Scliofker, " 85 83 George Seytried, " 85 35 Heth B. Mereness, '.' 138 i 35 Joseph V. Peek, " 1 sg 1 88 Fred M. Green, " 138 138 P. J. Lehman, ' 48 48 James Harkins, '■ 50 50 Geo. V. Goodrich, " . . 50 50 Beiij. F. Watts, '■ 50 50 K. F. Sinith, " 51) 50 Kobert Leonard, " 50 50 Lewis Miller, " 50 50 W. J. Rowlaud, " 85 85 Sarah Prescott, " ' 48 48 M. C. Petersou, " 48 48 Chas. Walker, " 48 48 Henry Gage, " .' 48 48 K. liuclianan, luror 150 150 Alfred Davis, " 150 150 L. D . Alley, " 150 150 Alfred Phelps, " 1 50 150 L. C. Rodman, " 150 150 D. M. Ltlchfield, " 150 150 Stephen Crane, wltness 1 10 1 10 George Bell, " ... 1 10 1 10 Isola Slarks, " 4 05 4 05 Fred Alley. Juror 100 100 Edward Freneh, 1 oo 1 00 S. Jenney, '■ 1 00 100 Geo.Vlnkle. '■ 1 00 100 David Viukle, " 100 100 Willard Henry, ' 1 00 100 Fred Norman, witness 115 115 Mr. Oesterlin from committee on Civil Claims reported the bill of Chas. H. Kline and recormuended its disallowance. Claimed. Allowed C. H. Kline, Professional services in inquest (Johnson) $25 00 Mr. Tuomey, from Criminal Claims , No. 2, reported the bill of Wm. Kelsey ' without recommendation. Ou motion of Mr. Scott said bill was referred back to committee for further examination. Mr. Scott moved that the Game ! dens of Washtenaw county be illowed not to exceed two dollars per day and actual traveling expenses for work done in Washteuaw county. Carried. }Ir. Case offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the auiount to be allovved the sheriff" for board, lodging and turnkey of prisoners at the jail the ensuing year be fixed as follows : For each meal 12)-2 cents; for each lodging 12L cents, and 10 cents turnkey for eaeh prisoner. Resolved, That the county clerk be authorized to pay 75 per cent. of the sheriff's board, lodging and turnkey bilis quarterly from the contingent fund of the county, said bilis to be subject to final review and adjustment by tliis board. Mr. Case moved that the Finance Committee report to this Board the amount they deern necessary to raise for Sqldier's and Sailor's Relief Cominission. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the Comraittee on Printing be instructed to get bids frorn the two Germán papers separately. Carried. Mr. Kitson moved that the whole matter be referred back to the Conimittee on Printing to report Wednesday. Carried. On motion of Mr. W alter the Board adjourned until to-morrow at 2 p. in. H. Lighthal!, Chairmau. Win. Dansingburg, Clerk. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. Tlie Journal of yesterday read and apjiroved. Mr. Case, from committee on Criminal claims No. 1, reported the folio winK bilis and recommended their allowance at suma stated to-wit : Win Judson, Sheriff.. f7f 43 700 9g A..M. Gaantiet, Dep'y Sheriff 95 71 (9 54 J. Staffan, Dep'y .Sheriff, Inquest 3 63 3 63 J. Stattan, llep'y Sheriff... no 22 82 46 Zenas .Sweet, " " ö9 gg 5Í 2ij "■ h-ldert, " " 174 49 V2S m JayWoods, " ' 226 34 18104 L. öanfleld, " " 53295 45725 Mr. Ilunter, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: George B. Paine, Constable $33 a5 25 81 Jacob Riddle, wltness... 2 35 2 35 KSchaible, " .f $ X? Jacob Knapp. " o ï 2 Thos. Kennedy, ' ZZ 48 LXSP = = ! I Veder Shankland," 1111"" 2 04 2 04 Adopted. Mr. Ball, Committee on Contagious Diseases reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated to-wit : E. Forsyth, Wood. 4 00 t i 00 Anna Seltz, services 50 00 50 00 James H. Stee, e, Services .I": 60 Jo 50 00 James H. Steere, Supplies 8 66 8 48 i; V.-TBbcck,clothesdestroyed 20 00 20 00 C. W . V ogel, meats 2 go 2 61) Oüas. .Morgan, digging graves. 9 00 9 00 Austin Todd, clothing destroy V' arraway, physician 11 00 n 00 D. A. Post, physician 5 00 5 00 Mr. Hunter moved that the bill of Geo. H. Jackson be reconsiderad. Carried. Mr. Bibbins moved that the bill be referred back to the Committee and that they report to-morrow at 10 a. m. Resolved, That a committee of five rnembers of this Board be appointed by the chairman ; that such committee be mvested with power and authority in their discietion to settle, adiust and compromise the liability of Paul G. Sukey and nis fcondsmen, to the county, such adjustmeut to be made for such 8um as the committee may deern iust reasonoble and fair. That the committee do ad vise witli the prosecuting attorney relatiug to matters of a criminal nature pertaining to the administration of the office of County Treasurer. Mr. Forsyth moved that said resolution be indefinitely postponed. Mr. Wheeler moved tliat the Board adjourn. Lost. Mr. Case moved that action be postponed until 2p. m. to-morrow.. Carried. Mr. Scott moved that the bill of Chas. H. Kline, disallowed yesterday, be allowed as claimed. Carried. Chas.H. Kline, inquest $ 25 00 Í 25 00 On motion of Mr. Whittaker the Board adjourned until to-morrow at 10 a. ni. Win. Dansiugburg, Clerk. H. Lighthall, Chainnan. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1895. The Board met pursuaut to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the folio wing bilis and recommeuded their allowance at sums stated to-wit : „ T _ Claimed. Allowed. H. J. Brown, supplies for jail- 15 95 15 95 S. A. Crane, game warden 7 00 7 00 Geo. Speechly, wit. insane 2 00 2 00 John Kapp, inquest 5 00 5 00 Harria Ball, coroner 35 6 35 Andrew Court, witness 76 75 Lizzie Covert, ' _ _ 75 75 Mrs. Andrew Court, ' 75 75 Lizzie Fitzgerald, " _. 75 75 James Hoskins. " 73 7k David Colüns. " ZZZII 75 75 John Kapp, " 75 75 Paris Banfield, " 75 75 Frank Otteam, ■ . "75 75 W.W. Clark, juror 2 00 150 J Hession, " 2 00 1 50 V. J; Laihrop, ' - 2 00 1 50 K K. Cleaver, ' 2 00 1 50 Henry Schutt, ' 2 00 1 50 Samuel Smith, ■' 2 00 1 50 D. A. Post, physician 9 00 9 00 John Kapp. " 5 00 5(0 X . Ï . Ohlinger, ex. of insane 6 00 6 00 Mich. Telephone Co., probate fflee ---- 36 00 36 00 has. H. Bell, game warden 56 54 43 10 Mr. Hunter moved that the commit;ee's report be accepted and adopted. Mr. Case moved to ainend by accepting the bill of M. J. Cavanaush, which amendment prevailed by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called for. Yeas- Alber, Burtless, Bibbins, Ball, Case, Damon, Dancer, Fisher, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Hunter, Howlett, Kitson, Lighthall, Leiand, Scott, Voorheis, Walter, 19. Nays- Boyle, Davenport, Donnelly, Forsyth, Oesterlin and Whittaker, 6. The motion as amended was then adopted. On the motion of Mr. Dancer the bill was laid on the table until tomorrow at 10 a. m. Mr. Case from comraittee on criminal claims No. 1, reported the following bill and recommended its allowance at the sum stated, to-vit: „ _ Claimed. Allowed. Byion McCauley, deputy sheriff„$40 48 321 Report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Alber from committee on rejected taxes made the following report: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Oounty : Your committee to whom was referred the subject of rejected taxes would respectfully report that they have examined the list furnished by the Auditor General and iind charged to the several supervisor district the following suuis, to-wit: Ann Arbor City $13 22 Dexler 18 J5 Northfield 3 J Snllne _ 13 24 York 1" 3 15 Ypsilanti, lat Dist 10 '11 YpsllanU, 2d Dist HZHHZ 8 80 Your committee also tender their thanks to John R. Miner and Gustave Brehm for tlieir assistance in making out report. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated Oct. 30, 1895. Michael P. Alber, Fred O. v heeler, Joseph Donnelly, Committee. Mr. Voorhies of committee on fractioual schools submitted the following report : . , Decrease. Ann Arbor ,208 Ann Arlior Town .. " [171 Augusta _ 232 Bridgewater " '142 Freedom _ " 'oou Dexter "I II ig Lima „7" , 072 LiOdt jya Lyndon -1111111111 '193 Manchester "1111 .211 Northfleld .} Pittsfield -Si Salem - IS Kaline - - „,? Bharon - - rjT Superior r ', ,- Sylvan J. isL===== -il Ypsllantl Town ■1i Ypsilanti City (lst District) Ypsüanti City (2d District) Walter Voorhies, E. A. Hauser, Committee. Report accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Childs the board took a recess nntil 2 p. m. AFTEENOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment, roll called and quorum present. Mr. Case from committee on criminal claims No. 1, made the following report, which was accepted aud adopted. Claimed. Allowed. Joseph V. Pack, deputy slieriff. 49 51 37 71 George Bell, deputy sheriff. 32 40 32 40 Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. Frank Staffau, burial soldier- 41) 00 40 00 Eberbach Drug Co., repatring cali bells '40 7 40 E. A. Clark, ex of insane 5 00 5 00 Conrad Georg, ex. of insane.- 5 00 5 00 &JF.y. - :; :::: t SS I SS The committee also reported the bilis of F. S. Bourns and W. S. Hamilton without recommendation. Mr. Scott moved that said bilis be allowed as claimed which motion prevailed. Claimed. Allowed. W. S. Hamilton, post mortem of two cows 10 00 10 00 F. S. Bourns, analysis of cbicken 5 00 5 00 The committee also reported the bill of George H. Jackson which was reconsidered yesterday and recommended its allowance as follows, to-wit : Claimed. Allowed. George H. Jackson, boarilmg priïoners 60 50 52 00 The committee's report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Judson having made some explanations in regard to his bill, Mr. Scott moved that said bill be reconsidered. Carried. On motion of Mr. McQuillan $1.15 was added to said bill. Motiou carried. William Judson, sheriff 1 15 1 15 The clerk read a communication from C. H. Manly, Secretary of the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Committee, which on motion of Mr. Childs was accepted and ordered printed with the proceedings. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 30, 1895. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw : Gentlemen. - By directiou of the soidiers relief commission, I most respectfully report to yotir honorable body that there has been expended from the soldier's relief fund of said county for the year 1894, - $ 625 73 For the year 1895, - - 50S 10 Total to November 1, 1895, $1,133 83 The commission are of the opinión that one-twentieth of a mili on the assessed valuation of the taxable property for each township ind city of this county will be ampie to meet all just claims on said fund. C. H. Manly, Secretary. ' To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw: Gentlemen. - At a meeting of the board of commissioners of soldier's relief, and of various represen tati ves of the different townships of this county, held in the court house, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the Board of Supervisors are hereby requested to spread upon the assessment roll of their respective townships, the one-twentieth of a mili upon the assessed valuation of the property in the said townships, the same to be used in the relief of destitute soldiers and their families, as required by the statutes of 1889. And be it further resolved, that the action of the Board of Commissiouers, in calling the representatives of the different townships to meet with them at their annual meeting, instead of calling at the different townships, is a Ba ving to the county and ought to be approved by your Honorable Body, and that a rea sonable per diem and traveling expenses ought to be allowed each oí such representatives and paid from the county fund, and that the clerk of this meeting be requested to deliver to the Board of Supervisors a copy of these resolutions. Oct. 28, 1895. C. H. Manly, Clerk. The committe on printing made the following report : Ann Arbor, Oct, 30, 1895. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors : Gentlemen. - Your committee on printing would respectfully submit the following bids and would recommend the bid of the Neue Washtenaw Post, it being the lowest bid received for printing proceedings in Germán language. Also we would submit the joint bids of the Ann Arbor Argus and Courier and the Ypsilanti Sentinel for your consideration. Respectfully, Joseph Donnelly, Ch'm'n. Surnner Damon, E. A Hauser. Mr. Scott moved that the report be accepted and printed with the proceedings. Carried. The following are the several bids : Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 30, 1895. To the Hun. Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen. - We will print the procpedings ot the Board of Supervisors oi Washtenaw County for the October eession in the Germán lungnage in the Neue Washtenaw Post for the snm o! sixty dollars ($60). Eugene J. Helbor, Mtir. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 28, Li To the Hon. Board of Supervisors ol Washfenüw Co. : We will pnblisb the proceedings ol the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Coiintv in the Hausfrflund umi Post foi seventy-five dollars. Liesemer & Paul. Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 25, 1895. Joseph Dounelly, lisq., Aun Arbor, Mich. Dear Sir -I will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in the paper and in pamphlet fonn at a uniform rate ut' $2.00 per page. Respectfully, M. T. Woodruff. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct 31, 1895. To the Cominittee on Printing and the Board of Supervisors : The, Ann Arbor Courier and the Ann Arbor Argos will print the proceedinga of the Board of Supervisors i'or the January and October sessions in the Courier and the Argus and print and bind 1,000 painohlets with index, 48 pages, for $150.00, more or less pages pro rata. For the past two years the Courier and Argus have united in their bid for the purpose of giving the proeeedings the widest publicity and of getting out the pamphlets promptly after the adjourument of the Board. Previous to our joint bids the Board will reinember the proceedings were not printed until some months after they took place. We agree to print them entire in our newspapers and to furnish the pamphlets within three weeks of the adjournment of the Board. We desire to cali the attention of the Board to the fact that the two papers are of opposite politics and their circulation extends to every township and that the two offices are enabled to do the work promptly because they are especially equipped for it. Respectfully, Beakes & Hammond. J. E. Beal. Mr. Daneer moved that the bids of the Argus and Courier be accepted, whicfa motion was lost by the following vote, the veas and nays being called for. Yeas- Messrs. Boyle, Ball, Childs, Davenport, Dancer, Donnelly, Fischer, Kitson, Leiand, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, and Whittaker, 13. Nays- Messrs. Alber, Burtless, Bibbins, Case, Damon, Forsyth, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, ïlunter, Howlett, MoQuillan, Voorhies, Wheeler, and Walter, 15. Mr. Damon moved that the bid of the Ypsilanti Sentinel be accepted, which motion was adopted by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called for: Yeas- Messrs. Alber, Burtless, Bibbins, Case, Damon, Dancer, Forsyth, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Hunter, Howlett, McQuillian, Voorhies, Wheeler, Walter, 16. Nays- Messers. Boyle, Ball, Childs, Davenport, Donnelly, Fischer, Kitson, Leiand, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, Whittaker, 12. Mr. Dancer moved that the Neue Washtenaw Post be the paper selected in which to publiali the proceedings in Germán, provided they include the January session. Carried. Mr. Childs moved that the bid of the Ypsüanti Sentinel be reconsidered. Carried. On motion of Mr. Case the matter was laid on the table until to-inorrow at 10 a. m. Mr. Davenport offered the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee of five membera of this Board be appointed by the chairman ; that such committee be invested with power and authority in their discretion to settle an;l adjust and compromiso the liability of Paul G. Sukey and his bondsmen to the county ; that such adjustment be made for such sum as the committee may deern just, reasonable and fair, provided, however, that this resolution or any act of such committee shall not be construed to release the said Paul G. Sukey or any of his bondsmen from their liability to the county, until such suin, so agreed as a compromise, shall have been paid in full. Resolved further, That the committee do ad vise with the prosecuting attorney relating to all matters of a criminal ïature pertaining to the late adininistration of the office of couuty treasurer. On m ition of Mr. Wheeler the subject matter was postponed till to-morrow at 2 p. m. Cn motion of Mr. McQuillan the Board adjourned until to-morrow at 10 a. m. II. Lighthall, W. Dansingburg, Chairman. CÍerk. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Case from committee on general claims reported the following bill and recommended its allowance, which report was adopted. Clalmed. AUowed. Archie Gauntlet, deputy sheriff 15 05 4 85 Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. AUowed. J. A. Polhemus, Uvery ü 00 5 00 Robinson&Co, " 10 00 10 00 A. H. Holmes, " 3 00 2 50 Dr. .IohnKapp, medical service 45 00 45 00 Eugene Oesterlln, 2 00 2 00 C. G. Darllng, ex. of insane 5 00 5 00 Report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Tuomey from committee on criminal claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. W. W. Kelsey, justice 5 05 5 n,i George Wantv, nttnesB I 15 1 15 Wllllam Johnson, " ._ 4 :ió 4 35 Sieven Crane, " 1 10 1 10 Report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Whittakerfrom special committee made the following report which was adopted : Ann Arbor, Oct. 31, l-95. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors oi Washtenaw Co. Gentlemen. - Your committee to whom was referred the matter of shortage of liquor tax claimed due the town-iiip of Bridgewater from the County ot Washtenaw, lieg leave to report that they have had the same undercouskleration. and that after careiul investigation are of the opinión that there is now due and unpaid the aniount of one hundred and forty-eight dollars and fifty cents from the county of Washteuaw to the township of Bridgewater. The same being a part of liquor tax due said township for the year 1894. For payment of whícli no receipts appear in the office of the county treasurer. And we respectfully recommend that the eounty treasurer be instructed to pay to the" treasurer of the township of Bridgewater the said sum of $148.50 claimed. All of whichis respectfully submitted, umi we ask to be discharged from the Eurther consideration of subject. B. C. Whitaker, James M. Forsyth, Win. K. Ohilds, Committee. Mr. Dancer moved that the bill of Mr. Judson, reconsiderad yesterday, be adopted as corrected. Carried. Mr. Forsyth offered the following resolutiou : Resolved, That the keeper of the lock-up at Ypsilanti be notified that this Board will pay no bilis for keeping prisoners after conviction. Accepted and adopted. Mr. Scott moved that the bili of M. J. Cavanaugh for rent of room be allowed. Carried. M. J. Cavanaugh, for rent of room $225 00 $225 00 Mr. Forsyth moved that the bid of the Ypsilanti Sentinel for printiug the proceedings be accepted. Mr. Scott offered an amendment that the bid of the Argus and Courier be accepted, whieh was carried by the following vea and nay vote : Yeas- Messrs. Alber, Boy Ie, Case, Childs, Davenport, Dancer, Donelly, Fischer, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Kitson, Leiand, McQuillan, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, Whitaker, and Walter, 20. Nays - Messrs. Bibbins, Ball, Damon, Forsyth, Hunter, Voorhies, and Wheeler, 7. The original motion as amended was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Forsyth the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. P. M. Session- Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Oesterlin from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at suins stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed O. P. McKinstry, indexing discharges 8 20 8 20 P. J. Lehman, extra wolk treas. office 65 0D 65 00 George's Livery, hack to county house -- 3 00 2 50 W. F. Rehfus, 948 tax certifícales 237 00 237 0' P. J. Lehman, ex. treas. books 49 uo 49 HO W. F. Rehfus, livery 1 50 1 50 Fred Se leede, book binding, 25 00 22 00, V. F. Rehfus. postage 25 00 25 00 Eberbach Drug Co., sundries for jail 20 50 20 50 Report accepted and adopted. The bill of Twitchell and Palmer was also reported to the committee -without recommendation. Mr. Hunter moved that the bill be allowed at $50. Mr. Wheeler offered as an amendment that it be allowed at the sum of $40, whicfa amendment was lost by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called for. Yeas- Messrs. Ball, Chüds, Davenport, Damon, Donnelly, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Leiand, McQuillan and Wheeler, 12. Nays - Messrs. Alber, Burtless, Boyle, Bibbins, Case, Dancer, Forsyth, Fischer, Hunter, Kitson, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, Voorhies, Whittaker, and Walter, 16. The original motion of Mr. Hunter was then adopted. Claimed. Allowed. Twitchel & Palmer, medical services 80 00 50 00 Mr. Whittaker from committee on civil claims reported the bill of Gustave Brehm without recommeudaüon. Mr. Case moved that the bill be disallo-wed. Cavried. Gustave Brehm, certifícate for taxes for deeds $220 15 disallowed. Mr. Tuomey from committee on criminal claims No. 2, made the following report and recommended the al owance of the bilis at sums stated, to-wit. Claimed. Allowed. E. B. Pond, Juatlce 8 75 8 75 Paris Banfleld, marshal 12 60 12 60 Report was accepted and adopted. Mi'. Forsyth from finance committee made the following report : To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen. - Your committe on finance respectfully recommend that we raise the sum of $25,000 to pay ordinary expenses of county, and we also advise the sum of $2,500 to be apportioned to the poor fund, and we further rncommend the following apportionment: To the county fund $ 8,000 Contingent fund 9 (K)l Public building fund _.. 1; UO Jury fund- 3,500 VVitness fund- 1,000 School examinen 1.600 Stenographers fund 1,000 Mftlary fund 7,5')0 Fuel fun.i iioi EGastera Michigan Asylum 2,0!]( Soldiers relief fund 1,000 Total amount apportioned including poor fund $39,000 County tax amt. recommeuded-$25,000 Estimated liquor tax 19,000 Total $41,000 Total amount as apportioned--, 39.001 Balance unapportioned f5,4 ui All of which is respectfully submittec this 31st day of Oetober, 1895. James M. Forsyth, Vm. E. Cliilds, Fred C. Wheeler. Mr. Hunter ofFered an amendment to the report that we raise $20,000, whicl was accepted after which the origina report amended was accepted anc adopted. Clerk then preseuted the bond of the Anu Arbor Savings Bank, which was accepted and ordered placed on file. Mr. Boott moved that a comm ttee of hree be appointel by the Chair to prepare a statement of the county expenses !or the past year and have the same published with the proceedings of the Board. Adopted. The Chair appointed as snch commit;ee Messrs. Whittaker, Hunter and Oesterlin. Mr. Dancer moved that the Clerk write the report of the equalization comruittee in the journal. Carried. Mr. Dancer moved that the Clerk have a bound volume of the proceedings of ;ho Board prepared and kept in his office Carried. Mr. Damon moved that tho Daven)ort resolutiou be amended, in that the committee be eleoted by ballot, which was adopted by the following vote, the yeas and nays being called f or : Yeas - Messrs. Albei, Burtless, Boyle, 3ibbins, Case, Davenport, Damon, Dancer, Donnelly, Porsyth, Fiseher, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Kitson, Lighthall, McQuillan, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuomey, Voorhies, Whittaker aud Walter -23. Nays - Messrs. Ball, Childs, Grosshans, Hunter, Leiand, and Wheeler - G. The original resolution as amended ■was then adopted. Mr. Childs moved that the clerk cast the vote of the Board for the foui old members of the committee, which moion did not prevail. Mr. Scott moved that the Board prepare five ballots aud the person having the most votes to be the membérs of the committee. Carried. The Chair appointed as tellers Messrs. Wheeler and Boyle. The five persons having the most votes were Case, Danoer, Hunter, Walter and Ball. Mr. Hunter moved that the Clerk purchase all necessary supplies for the various county offices aud that he draw orders on the contingent fund in payment therefor. Carried. On motion of Mr. Case the Board adjourned until tomorrow at 10 a. m. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSINGBURG, Clerk. FRIDAY, NOVEMER 1, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Case, from committee on Criminal Claims No 1, reported the following, which was adopted. Claimed. Allowed Byron McCauley, (ieputy sheriff.! 2 7ö $ 2 T5 StantoD Persuson, " " 2 00 disal. Mr. Oesterlin, from committee on Civil Claims, reported the following claim and recommended payment. Adopted. Claimed. Allowed. WUliam Seerey, work in Treasurer'a office $67 00 f57 00 Mr. Case moved that rule 23 be suspended. Adopted. Mr. Davenport moved that the bilí of Mr. Knaggs be reconsidered and referred back to the committee. Carried. On the committee's report the bill was allowed as follows: Claimed. Allowed Samuel Knaggs, deputy sheriff. .$10 00 $ 2 00 Mr. Tuomey, fiom committee ou Criminal Claims, No. 2, rflported the following claims aud recommended payment. Adopted. Claitned. Allowed Myron Wcbb, justice $ 8 30 $ 8 30 Peter Hertsehen, constable 5 30 5 30 Mr. Grosshans, from committee on State and County Taxes, made the following report, which was adopted : Your committee on apportionment of State and County taxes beg leave to report as follows : STATE. COONIY. Ann Arbor City $17,644 40 $4,268 00 Ann Arbor Town 2,860 82 692 00 Augusta.-. 1.660 27 40160 Bridgewater 2,50-1 6 1 605 6!) Dexter 1,736 34 420 no Freodom 2,364 74 572 00 Lima 2,688 84 (50 40 Lodi 3.026 20 732 00 Lyndon 1,806 39 316 OU Manchester 3,64 58 884 uo Northfield 2,39191 578 40 Pittsüeld 3,657 88 884 80 Salem 3,003 05 726 40 Saline 3 710 79 897 60 SciO 4316 04 1,044 00 filiaron 2,4(3 96 596 00 Superior 3,132 02 757 60 Sylvan 8,090 77 7116 00 Webster 2,80129 677 60 York 3,181 63 769 60 Ypsilanti Town 8.118 79 754 4u " City. Ist dist. . 6.39!) 64 1,548 00 " 2d dist.. 1,76 42 428 00 Total 82,682 75 $20.000 00 N. F. Groshans, Walter Voorheis, E. A. Houser. Mr. McQuillan, from committee on drains made the following report which was adoptad : We have examined the County Drain Commissiüner's report aud have fonnd it correct, and reoommentl that the several supervisors spread the tax as given, with theexceptiouof BuckCreek Drain, which was spread last year. And we further recomrnend that the Drain Commissioner hereafter ia his report fnlly itemize the cost of expenditnres on èach drain. Thomas McQuillan, S. S. Bibbins, M. F. Grosshans. Mr. Oesterlin, from special committee on jail repahïug, made the following report which on motion was red to comrnittee on public buildings, with power to aot. Ann Arbor, Oct. 13, 1895. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Ann Arbor, Mioh. : '. Gentlemen - We propose to furjaish you extra heavy prison window guards, with stronjr chaunel iron frame to set in a jam, and put the same into position at the county jail for the sam of $12 (fcwelve dollars) eaoh. Hoping to be awarded with your contract we remain, gentlemen, Yours, etc, Hutzel & Co. , Per, E. C. Spring. Mr. Case offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the appointmont of a committee by this Board to settle with Paul G. Sukey and his sureties shall nót be construed so as in any manner to interfere with the progress of the case now pending in the circuit court against said Sukey and the snreties on his bond. On motiou the Board took a recess until 2 p. m. AFÏEENOON SESSION. The Board met pursuaut to adjournment. The roll called and a quorum present. Mr. Howlett, from Committee on Per Diem, made the following report, which was adopted: Your Committee on Per Diem do recommend that the several sums be allowed to the different Supervisors of Washtenaw Coanty, that six days be allowed each member of the ' board except the Committee to whom was assigued the duty of preparing au itemized statement of the expenses of the county which be ajlowed two days extra and also the chairman of the board. I . i O tr. sS - 03 U - - -W i S ÍS o o3 Pl S E H p W. K Ohilds 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 EuarueOesterlin.. 8 24 00 1 12 24 13 JohnJ. FUcher- - 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 .loseph Donnelly.. 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 James Boyle B 18 00 1 12 18 12 Arthur J. Kitsou.. 6 18 00 1 12 18 12 EvartH.Scott 8 18 00 2 2-4 18 24 C. L Tuomy 6 18 ' 0 2 24 18 24 Samuel Bibbins. 6 18 00 20 2 40 2H 40 Ueorge Wallers ... 6 18 00 35 4 20 32 85 Thomas McQuillan 6 18 00 16 1 92 19 il. Miehael P. Alber.. 8 18 1 0 20 2 40 20 40 Walter H. Dancerl 6 18 00 22 2 64 20 64 Micbacl Giosbans fi 18 00 8 16 18 96 Jumos Howleit.... 6 18 On 25 30 2100 Wm. Burílese 6 18 00 35 4 20 22 26 Emory E. Le and.. 6 18 00 8 94. 18 !)4 M.F Oase... 6 18 00 7 St 18 84 FredC. Wheeler... 6 18 0 30 3 60 2160 Edwar-I A Houser. 6 18 00 10 1 20 19 2U H. C. Wmttaker... 8 24 00 B 108 25 08 Wm. F. Hall 6 18 0(1 85 4 20 22 20 WaltirVoorheis .. 6 18 00 12 144 i9 44 Hiram LigbthaU-8 24 00 17 2 '4 26 04 Edwin Buil 6 1" 00 10 120 19 2u AlfredDavenport. 6 18 0 18 2 16 20 1 John L. Hunter .. 8 24 00 8 91 24 9(i Sumner Uamon.... 6 18 00 10 120 19 20 James Forsytli 6 18 00 10 1 20 19 20 James Howlett. John J. Fischer, A. Davenport. Mr. Childs, from committee to settle with conuty officers made the following report, which was adopted : Aun Arbor, Nov. 1, 1895. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors : Messrs. - Your committee to whom was referred the matter rolative to making new record book for office of Register of Deeds, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and would respectfuily report and recommend that an additional sum of one hundred dollars be paid for said work, and that the same be paid only in proportion as the balance of work is completed. And ask to be dischargeci from further consideration of the subject. B. C. Whittaker, James M. Forsyth. Wm. K. Childs, Committee. Mr. Oesteilin, from the special committee to inquire into the expense of putting flre proof vaults in the court house made the following report, which on motion, was accepted and ordered printed with the proceedings. Ann Arbor, Mich. . Nov. 1, 1895. To the Building Committee of the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County. We the undersigned hereby agree to build two fire proof brick vaults in court house of Washtenaw county. and they will be built in the following manner: 16 inch brick walls will be built all around with a Jiollow space between prlsou walls, arched over at top and botton), and 12 inoh I beams be used in betweea arches, the top to have 12 inches of sand on top, the inside of the walls to be plastered and the floor to have a Portland Cement bottoin. the south sidejwiudow of building will be bricked up with pressed bricks on outside. We Will do all work carpeuter work and to leave building in a satisfactory coudition. The work will be carried out in a workmanüke mauner for the sum of eight hundred and eighty-flve dollors (1885.00). Koch Bro. Mr. Kitson offered the following rosolution : Resolved, That the Board does bereby extend a vote of thauki to Chairman L hgthall and Chairman pro tem. Hun ter for their constant courtesy and uuiform impartiality during the deliberatious of this Board. Resolution adopted. Mr. Bibbins offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved. Thdt the different supervisors are hereby iustructed to assess the several amounts as reported by the committee on apportioument of state aud oonnty taxos. inoluding the suldiers' relief fund. also the amount duo the county house for supcort of the poor. also tb. í amounts appo-tioiied in the several supervisors' districts. as the law provides, also the drain taxes as given by the several drains. and also the rejected tax. Mr. Case offered the following resolutiou whiob was adopted: Resolved That this Board appropriatcs a um of forty dollars to be applied towards the purchase of oue or more lots in Oak Grove oemetery, situated iu the village of Chelsca. for a burial place for deceased soldiers. sailors and marines, who have served in the army in the late war of the rebellion, the tifie to the same to be vested in R. P. Carpenter Post of the Grand Army of the Republic,No 41 ; snch title to be held by sucb Post of the Grand Army of the Repnblio and the title to such lots in any snch cenietery shall revert to the oounty when snch Post of the Grand Army of the Republic shall cease to be a legal Corporation, as provided in Sections 993 a. and 993 b. Howell's Annotated Statntes of the State of Michigan. Mr. Childs moved that the members of the Soldiers' Relief Coruinisson have 3 per day and six cents per mile one way. Carried. Mr. Scott moved that the Building Committee be instructed to oonstructed vanlts in the court house at a cost not to exceed $1,500. Mr. Wheeler moved that the matter be indeflnitely postponed, which motion prevailed by the following vote, the yeas and nays beiug called for : Yeas - Messrs. Alber.Burtless, Bibbins. Case, Childs. Davenport. Damon. Donnelly, Forsyth, Grosshans, Hall, Hauser, Howlett, Leiand, McQuillan, Voorhies, Wheeler and Walter - 18. Nays - Messrs. Boyle, Ball, Dancer, Pischer, Kitson, Lighthall, Oesterlin, Scott, Tuoiney- 9. On motion of Mr. Scott rule 23 was reiustated. Mr. Childs moved that the Chairman appoint two supervisors in the neighborhood of Chelsea to act with the Chairman in regard to the purchase of the burial lot for the use of old soldiers and sailors at Chelsea. Carried. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Howlett and Dancer. Mr. Forsyth moved that the keeper of the lock up atYpsilanti benotifled that this Board will pay no billsfor keeping prisoners after oonviction. Carried. On motion of Mr. Case the Board adjourned sine die. H. LIGHTHALL, Chairman. WM. DANSLNGBURG, Clerk.


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