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YOUR LAST CHANCE! Positively Limited to December 24th. Never agnin will there bo nnothcr Special Offer made on tMs great Standard Dictionarr and Kiicyclopredia of the World's Knowledge. We fully intended to advance the price on October 31st, buti thousands of people in all walks of üfe have requestedan extensión of time until Christmas. After careful consideration, we have decided to continue our Special Offer until the abovédate. This is done simply and only as a means of advertising this wonder ful ntorehouse of information. We do not expect to make money by this offer, as tbe very low price on extrenaeiy liberal terms little more tha pays for paper, printing and binding: but the tremendous aruount of talk created will help to advertise this most modern and up-to-date home refereace Hbrary. No advertisement can do the work: justice; itin its own most eloquent advocate. Recently adopted by the schools of St. Louis, Mo., and many other citiea, in preference to all other dictionariea and encyclopaidias. It ís equal to a college education. FOR A CHmSTMAS CSFT NOTHING COULD BE BETTER. i Your pastor, teacher, friend, paren ts, or your children will appreciate this great work beyoncl expression. It will last a üfe time and always give satisfacción. No business or professional man, teacher, student, mechanic, housewife or any other person wlio wishes to keep abreast of the times, or who is interested in tbe laudable enterprise of self-educíition, can afford to allow this rare opportunïty to pass without careful investigation, Understand, this great work embodies all the features of a complete Dictionary and a thorougb Encyclopaedia. The new and entirely up-to-the-times Encyclopsedic Dictionary ia now offered all readers of this paper at the rate of 7c. per day, in monthly paymenta of $2.00 eacfa, until the sum ol si ti.Oü is paid. This is but little more than one-third the regular price. This greatest of all Dictionaries and Encycloptedias was edited by such world-renowned scholara as Dr. Rob't. Hunter, A.M., F.G.S., Profs. Huxley, Morris, Herrtage, Estoclet, Williams, etc, assisted by scores of other speciaüsts ia variuua branches of knowledge. "ur quihuí i&IpU The aboveis an exact reproduction of TÏÏE SNCYCLOPDIC D7CT70NAR? ranPficonfalivoc Jfour massive volumes ina handsome case of polUhed ivood. Weight about 40 Ibs. ■ wll wwwlllOllwü Over $750,000 Required to Produce This Magniflcent Self-Educator. It is a Complete Dictionary of the English language. Every word is exhaustively treated as to lts origin, history, development, etymology, pronunciation and various meanings. It is a Tliorougli Ëncyclopiedia of anatomy, botany, cheruistry, zoölogy, geology, art, muslc, agriculture, physics, philosophy, mechaníes, history, inythology, biblical knowledge, etc. It is a Super b Librory Book, substantially bound, printed from new plates, in large, clear tvpe, on heavy white paper, and illustrated with thousands of new pictures made especially for this work. It is better tban all other dictionaries, becausethelatest edition of Worcestercontains but 116,000 words and 2,126 pages; the latest Webster contains but 140,000 words and 2,011 pages; the Standard containbut a little over 200,000 words and 2,318 pages, and even The Century contains but 225,000 words, and sells for $60 io $100. Encyclopsedias of various kinds sell for f50 to $200. This great ENCYCLO1VEDIC ÜIÍ1TIONARY, containing 5,357 pages, over 3,000 lilustrations, bound in f our bandsome volumes, has over 250,000 words, 50,000 encyclopaedic subjects, and is the accepted authority of the English language. Nine Opinions - Thousands More Equally Good. The Encyclopsedic Dictionaries ordered for use in It is the greatest time-saver amongall my book3 the pulilic schools are giving excellent satisfaction. of reference. There Is no other work of many (mes Atter an exhaustivo examination of all the leading its size and cost that can for a moment compare dictionaries, yours was Belected In preference to any with iu- Rev. S. V. Miller, I). II., altsburg, Pa. feílís SJLiü ;:,n-hberSe(1':iaSnrhr?'p?o7ursionÜr„1f J that estüdentand hómê encyclopa;dic matter, terse, yet comprehensive, shouW Possesb.-Gov. Geo. T. VVerls, of N. J. covering tliousiintls of important topics, saves many The Encyclopiedic Dictionary opens the dictionary a long search through the more cumbersofne eacywarwbich may involve the Century, the stundarti clopiedius.- EUncr E. liaeey, Chairman Course of aml 'ue International.- New York Worlrt. Stmly Com.,st. Louis Board of Education. It forma a , -jry of knowledge and I have Webster, Vwroestpr, ar!;i the Century, and Bervea the purposes of&n encyclopEPdla as wel! as :. for Encycloptedlasl have the Britannicaand Appledictionary. Bend Ave mote sets- iiev, (eorse ton's. The Encyclopedie Dictionary Is a masaifleent ratterson, II. L., New Glasgow, NovaScotia. Bubstitute ror all of them - .1. II. Atwood, Esq-, A nsation- a loon to every stuAttorney-at-Law, Leavenworth, Kun. dent.- Itcv OliverCrane, D.D., ..O., Boston. Serres the purpose of a complete reference liExtensive In inforn peochable in accubrary.- Christin n Herald, Ni-w York. racy.- Public Ledj . Iphla. Books guaranteed as represented or money reftindcd if reiurned within ten days. HOW TO CET THIS CREAT WORK.-! Í- by post-office order. expr. ■ check, and the entire four haiuisome volumes wifl hr : Every month theréafter send .;J. in tl same manner, until the sum of fl is paid. 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