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MORE MILEAGE Territory Covered by C. H. & D. Books Still Further Enlarged. Now Operative Over 12,000 Miles of Centra] Traffie Lines. I Made Good Over the Balto & Ohio. West of Pittsburg. Comirercia' travel, as wel as that niate.-ia' port ion oí the general pubi-; a valling it e f of a mileage rra:sïcitation. wil) be high y gratiiijd to 'e&ru that the Cinicn lati, 'Jamilton A DaytO!' Ra lway Company 'iave irïan.aed ora stlll further exte ision of th'i a'ready far-reachin.L' terrltory c;overeo by their Tweity-rioüar one thou?anc! müe tickets eff -ctive October 15 C. H. & D. commercial' 'nlleage t.ckete are accepted on the Bal'lmoie v Oliio R. R.. weit of an.l including and Benwood. and also on tlie Pi t bii'-r & Wheelin? Dlvi4on. TLis in ad llt'on to the large number of roade over which a C. H. & T. M leage book is now operativo, renoc-t itone of (he, moí?t com!Tel)rns!ve and ronvenient booüs in th! ünitel States, embrnclng, as it cees 12.T00 miles in roud Usures. of .'ï-3 o' tlie most prominent (ind Important ra'ln-ays In the terrltory I ounle;l by iines tlrawn between Oincinnatl Phtsburg, Buffno, ClevelandTo'edo, Detroit, Chicago, an 1 fit! I-Oii is 0!d People. ' Old people who require medicine to regúlate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stiniulate and contains no whisky nor ota er intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the etomach and bowels,, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the funcjions. Electric Bitters i3 an excellent appetlzer .ind aids digestión. 0!d people find it just exactly what they need. Price fiity cents per bottie at The Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's drug store and Gco. .T. Heaussler, Manchester. Br. J. T. l'ellimg, Des Moines, iowa, a man that is v;i,v up in lila professio-n and a specialist tri nervous diseases, writes is follows : I have used Gessler's Magie Headache wafers in my daily practico and find them to give excellent satisfaction. I have piescribed a.nd given them in a great nuinber of cases and havO yet to hear of the first case they did not care. 1 do not hesitate to recommend them to both practicioners and the public as a su re cure. A. E. Mummery sella them at 25 cents a box. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Plioebe Thomas, oí Junctton dty, m., was told by her doctors she had Coinsumption and that there was no hope lor hr, but two bottles of Dr. Kimg's New Discovery completely cured her and she says lt saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida et., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, trled without resuH everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. Klng's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is eueh reRults, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Couffha and Colds. Pree trial bottles at Eberbach Drug & Chemical ('o's drug store, and Geo. J. Heaussler. Manchester. ürFctíefree "Secure the Sliadow before the Subtance fades." Any Person who will subscribe fortlie COUEIER one year, paying $1 therefor in atlvance, will be given a Large Size Crayon Portrait Free. Tliia is a CHANCE OF A LIFETIME The offer can not be held open any great lengthof time, sö that it is neeessary to secure it now, before it is withdrawn. ; All work is Warranted first class in every respect. You are only asked to furnish a smal] photograph to makte the copy from. Do not delay and lose this excellent opportunity. COURIER OFFICE, 41 and 43 N. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan.


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Ann Arbor Courier