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I YOUR LAST CHANCE! Positively Limited to December 24th. Nerer again will there be another Special Offer made on lilis reat Standard Dlctionarr ?i. Encjclopajdla of tho VVorld's Knowledge. We fully intended toad vanee the price on October 31st, butl thousands of people in all walks of life have requested an extensión of time until Christmas. Atter careful consideraron, we have decided to continue our Special Offer until the above date. This is done simply and only as a means of advertising this wonderful Ktorehouse of infortnation. We do not expect to make money by this offer, as the very low price on extremely liberal terms little more than pays for paper, printing and binding; but the tremendous amount of talk created wUl help to advertise this most modern and up-to-date home reference library. No advertisement can do the work justice; it ia its own most eloquent advocate. Becently adopted by the schools of St. Louis, Mo., and many other clties, in prererence to all other dictionaries and encyclopsedias. It is equal to a college edueaüon. FOR A CHRISTMAS CIFT NOTHINC COULD BE BETTER. i .in You'-Pa8torvte!f,c).her.' Wend. Parents, or your chlldren will appreciate thla greatwork beyond expreasion. It will last a life time and always give satisfaction. No business or professional man, teacher, stuSent, mechanic, housewlfe or any other person who wishes to keep abreast of the times, or who is interested in the laudable enterpnse of self-education, can afford to allow this rare opportunity to pass without ?híS 'nvestigation. Understand, this great work embodies all the features of a complete Dictlonary and Et thorougu Encyclopsedia. The new and entirely up-to-the-times Encyclopedie Dictionary !? ' n höered aJI_JdSS ?f tb-!f "SPi' st the rate of ' da ln monthly paymenta of 82.00 eacn. , UDtl' 'he Bum of S1.OO is paid. This is but littie more than one-third the regular price. """" I __ L bis greatest of all Dictionaries and EncyclopKdias was edlted by such world-renowned scholars as ílyJMS ESt0Cl6t' WU)Uamï' etC" "S S 1 storVs'faíícaí mgSoTuSlTre represenfat'ives Owf r.7OO,OOO Requíred to Produce This Magniflcent Self-Educator. ita nrsJw, F?mvlf te Dictionary of the English language. Every word is exhaustively treated as to lts origin, history, development etymology, pronunciation and various raeanings. nirriíiilfnrB rTh "orou; ' incj-clopfBilia ofanatomy, botany, chemistry, zoölogy, geology, art, music, Bgnculture physira pbüosophy .mechamos, history, mythology, biblical knowlede, etc. il IS a Supero JLibrary Kook, substantially bound printed from new ulates in larp rlejir rvnr on heavy wh.te paper, and Illustrated with thousands of nêw ""ctures maïe" pTclaiiy for this' wörk. " ' word, inS % i-S an ?," "'her dictionanes, becausetbelatest editioa of Worcestcr contalna but 116,000 bm i lime over kS theiatesÍY.f,bster conta" but 140,000 words and 2,011 pages ; the Standard contains WO tn i im Pn.T ? a.od - 8 pa!ges anrl even The Century eontains.bat 2-2ó,0O0 words, and sella fot Tiiivinv y. cl9P.iBd'as f various kinds Bell for 50 to 1200. This great EKCYCLOPjÈDIC DICoÓoOwír(í'fn0nnnimmS íSílfmlZZL 3fiW "'strations. bound in ïour handsome "me" lías "ver 200,000 words, 50,000 encydopaedic subjects, and is the accepted authority of the Engllah language. Nine Opinions- Thousands More Equally Oood. leaves nothing to be-desired; and the profusión of ' ' rPSPr"LSa worfe tbat every stadent and hnme encyclopaidic matter, terse, yet comprehensive B5oul11 Possess.- Gov. ÍJeo. T. Wèrts, of N. J. covering thousands of Important topics, snves msny ri'ti" Encyclopasdio Dictionary ooens the dictionarv a long search through the more curnbersome encywar which may Involve the Conlurv the Standard clopredins.- EImer E. Lacey, Chalrman Courscot '""l 'he International.- New Vork vcrl!. SlmlyLom st. Louis lioard of Edi.catiou. El forma a perfect treasary of lcnow!ede and 1 have webstor, worcestcr, and tbc Centary ai ' '■■ a of en encyclopsedja as vi 11 ■ a br Encyclppffldiasl have the Britanni. e sets- I{ev, Keorse ton's. TheEc Dietlonary is a m . ■ o, D. D., New Glasgow, NovuScotia. AtmrneSntT ' ' ' '"''' At"'"! JEs- A marvel oí eondensntton-a boon to every ntnAttomey-atLaw, L i. Kan. Crauc, D.D., X.L.D., B hr,,er'LV." '■ complete reference Extensivo in . ,, tableinaccubrar.-Clii-istian Ucrald, New York. racy.-Pu!. i,,iiia fiooks guaranteed as represented or money refündcd if reiurned within ten days. MOW TO CET TH6S GREAT WORSC,-si52 ,,-' check, and tbe entira Tour handsome volames will be forwarded. Every month tnereafter ame manner, nntil the samof 16 is paid. Understand tbewhole setof 4 volumeais nem 2ispaid, thusyou have the uso of them whlle payinK the balance, at the rate ui 'j ■ ■ ■■ ...„.„ - I fwightor expresa charges mast be paid bypurehaser. Anyonewishin w"ll complete km, muy deduct 10 percent., and eend 114.40. Tnls allowani WANTED. cost of kePlnS " account if purchased on easy terms. We refer to ui 1 1 agency, or any baok in Philadelphla. Adiirees, (Mentiö Pamphlet of 8o specimen pages f ree on receipt of 6 ets to pay postare 236 So. Eiglith Lï . PtütADELPHIA, PA


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