(bine ((fw'ie FOR TUK WIT UI ! Opening with Splendid Seasonable Bargains in every Department in Boys' Clothing. We haqe Suits and Overcoats at prices you have never seen them sokl beiore. These exceptionally low prices are the results of a large purchase at little more than 50c on the dollar. FUR CAPES, CLOTH CAPES, Stylish JACKETS, MUFFS and BOAS Were never shown with as much advantage to yoursolf as now. We are overstocked with everything that is Stylish in Make and Cloth and a general sliding down of prices has taken place. DO YOU WANT A SILK DRESS, A PLAIN WOOL DRESS, A NOVELTY DRESS. A PAIR OP SHOBS, For Yourself, Your Boy or Girl. You're sure to buy them here i f you see what we are offering in the way of Bargains. HOLIDAY GIFTS !-r There is nothing that pleases a person more than some article of Jewelry, Cut Qlass or Sil verware. Our Store Is filled to overflowing with Rich, Beautiful Goods, just such as you are happy to see. We are Glad To have you come and look over the Stock, for if you do, you will be tempted to buy. Sonie of our customers have already made selections, and had them laid aside; and you can do the same. By doing so you have the full assortment to select from. Wm. Arnold Leading Jeweler.
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Ann Arbor Courier