Republicans If Council
The Republicaii couuty coiuimttee met in this city Saturday afternoon 011 the cali of the chairinan, to take into consideration what action, if auy, was necessary in regard to the many stories afloat respecting O. T. JIcKiustry, the present register of deeds, who was nominated for the position by the Republican party, and electeá by the people as a representative of that party. There was but one feeling among the inembers of the coramittee, and that was one of sorrow and re gret that it should liave been neces sary even to cali sucli a meeting. Bu at the same time, as the people had emtrusted the offices of the county into the hands of the party, they feit that the honor of the party was at stake, and that if truc, the reported misconduct could not be passed by without notice. mueh discussion, and the presentin? of the question tni all its lights, the committee, nnanimously without one dissenting vote, passed the following resolution: "Ta the Honorable Setli C. Iiandal!, Prosecuting Aittorney of Sashtenaw County, Michigan:- It having been brought to the notiee of the Republican conirnittee of said county, Üia,t C. P. McKlnstry, register of deeds of said county is charged with certain rnisconduct, irregularities, and neglect of duity in the management of said office, Therefore, the said Republican committee through lts chairman does hereby petition you ito investígate said cliarges, and if you lind Uiein to be true, to take such steps as you may deem necessary and proper, under the laws of Michigan in sucli cases made a-nd provided, to the end mat the laws of said state may be duly vindicated." There was no desire to basten ters, no desire to porsecute or pre-j .iiulge, no dasire to hare this official removed if the rumors current sliould prove to be untruthful, yet tlie entire coramittee feit that they could not go bef ore the people of this county and aak their support wíth such things uanoticed, and that as the register of deeds office -was one of great impontanee to all the people of the county, that its duties should be attended fo promptly. Thore should be 110 fear by any eitizen leaving a papee in tliat oilice tliat. the same would not be properly flled and recorded. There were 28 gentlemen present, l'psilanti haring its full complement of commltteemen, so that it was the i aetion of the Republicans froxn all parts of Üie county, and not of one particular
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier