A Record To Be Proud Of
On Wedneaday last December 28tli, Mr. Chas. B. Daviscm, foreman of the Courier press room, completed his 29th year in such positura. AVhen he tirst commenced hia duties in tliis office it was owned by its founder, Dr. A. W. Chase, and was then contained In the south building, the otlier part of the Courier block not having then been erected. During that period Mr. Dayison has lost very little time becanse of illness. A siege of la grippe in 1890, lastim; for about three weeks being the only occasion of the kind. During all these years there has not been an accident of any account, or any injury to any person in the press room, or in the boiler room either one,' both of which are in his charge. The writer of this can confldently assert that if all engineers were as careful as he is, there would be fewer explosions and d h asters with steam boilers. He has handled steam all his life, and yet he is free to confess that he has never seen the day that he was not afraid of it. It is often the fauiiliarity with this great power- so useful if pioperly handled, so disastrous to both life md property if not that cause trouble. He never allowa it to become his master through carelessness. In this connection it might not be out place to notice another characteristic of Mr. Davison, showing liis thoroughaess la whatever he undertakes. He is probably one of the best posted members of the Masonic fraternity to be iound in the state, and Michigan is one of the best Masonic states in the Union. During the period mentione.l he lias held office for 12 years in the Masonic fraternity as senior deacon, junior and senior warden and as worshipful master. [During the five years past that he haa formeel the dutiea of W. M., ibr fraternity lodge, lie lias raised on an average twenty-five Fellow Crafts each year to the sublime degree of a Mas ter Masón, or 125 in all, and the work of this Iodgé has become so famous that members of the order from longdistances come here to see the work exemplifled, and during his occupancy of the chair of warden and master he has raised HiO- a fairly good-sized lodge of itself. Mr. Davison has íiot growu as oíd in service as one woulcl tliink. Constant employment of one's abifity does not wear out tlie system with asgreat rapidity as idleness rusts thetn out, as a consequence lie is good for many vears yet to come, at least so all of'his many lrieiuls hojie. ■ ■■■ _
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier