Assessments Chock Up
Aun Arbor, Dec. 2, '95. .Editor Courier : ( Dear Sir : Beüeveing you are lion,est Ín your convictions of what yon have said in regard to tasation and assessed valuation of the townships oí Washtenaw county, I wish to speak m relation to the assessment o? Ann Arbor township in two instances, where sales have been made. Tli o assessment on 40 acres, on Sec. 10, was $1,200, and the actual sale $1,100. Also on Sec. 22, an S0 acre farm was assessed at $5,200 und sold for $4,965. These transactions of actual sales should 'be suíficient to prove that Aan Aa-bor township is assessed up to its fulT cash value In the meaning of Hiü law.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier