Dr. Hartman Says
In a recent lecturc at the RSurgical la'olel, Di'. Hartman is reported as siijing tliat no one need catch cold lï he is willing to give the matter süght attention ; that a cold is tlio beginning of chronic eatarrh, consumption, disease of the liver, stomocli. kidneys and pelvic organs. All 1his could be prevented by takhg liis advice. The doctor's pro'essioijol duties compelled him, for many yoars, to be mucli on the road night nnfl day, by carriage, railroad nv.ü steamboat. During all this time lie rever caught a cold. Tliis could nut fcaVc been done without Pe-m-na, lie soys. At the slightest evidence o: ft cold a few doses of Pe-ru-na Invarif.bly check it. Th is is especlally seasonab'e advi o. for the coiil winter is here, wiih iis stoims, sudden changes, slop, ra In aiu! snow. Thotisands of peonle will contract diseasqs from -svhich thpy vi!1 nevor recover, by catliing eold. Vr. Hartinan's advice sliouUl be Üeedeö. Pe-ru-na cures catarrh of any slag-e or location. It is tlie most popular remedy for lagrippe. coiigh, eolils, etc. Senö for a freo copy of au Uuètrated book on catarrh. It 64 of valuable instruction. Addres The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturng1 Compary. Columbus, Ohio. Ask vom drnprgtst fór n copv of The Pei:-na Almartac for 1896.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier