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j Baking j Pöwte J "Royal," a cream of s L tartar powder of I superior purity I Y and strength. J My tests show the Royal i ing Powder of very superior lea ening power and a most 6 7 mendable preparation. It is a $ Y cream of tartar powder of the Y j highest purity, containing no v Y alum, lime, ammonia, or any S wholesome material. j R. C. KEDZIE, Professor Chemisliy, Michigan j College, Late State Analyst. j For a number of years past I Y have from time to time analyzed Y J the Royal Baking Powder and L Y have uniformly found it to be Y jj high in leavening power, and Y composed of pure ingredients. Y íl H. A. WEBER, Ï J Ohio State Analyst. 3 i After examining samples of í the leading brands of baking í powder I have arrived at the í x conclusión that the Royal is i. perior in purity, leavening power ? and keeping qualities. It is a ï j cream of tartar powder, entirely free from alum, lime, ammonia, and all deleterious ingredients. fi GEORGE S. COX, { L Wisconsin State Chernisí. A $ I have submitted thc Royr.l a?, C Baking Powder to careful fi S ical tests, and find it to be L & fectly free from any substance 4 in any way deleterious or rious. h. A. HUSTON, S Indiana State Chemist. % I have analyzed all the prin$ S cipal brands of baking powder sold in this State. Royal has "P the highest leavening power, w J and is composed of pure and y wholesome ingredients. No ï othergaveresultssosatisfactory. FLOYD DAVIS, í Iowa State Chemist. % i I have made a large number L L of analyses of Royal Baking ? á Powder, and have found it to ï J be an absolutely pure cream of jj jk tartar powder, entirely free from %. 3 ammonia and all adulterations 3 k and impurities. In leavening L , power it is of the very highest. In CHARLES W. DREW, & Late Chemist Minn. Food S, Q and Dairy Commission. ft í I have analyzed samples of fi the Royal Baking Powder and ijk L find it invariably composed of 5 wholesome ingredients and % w tirely free of adulteration or S & purities of any sort. fe A. W. PALMER, Proessar Chemütry, W w University of Illinois. 6 __f-.- ■, i.jaJii.-'i.'hDfkfjn !■ ■■ é 'ié ■ ii ■ ■ . rHE O UU EI il EE fTB íT-. PV3 jipi A 3 "" ' ■ ■ - ' '-■-"fAt fea i i -' - ''üiS1'' si Si, i Trada Mar!- Dr. fl. Owen FOR WiEfi AND WOïY3EN _TLj .latps! onc; only pcientifio and practica! Electric Beit made, lor general uso, pi-odiuilnu I urroat oi Electrieity. for the cm o iii9ase, that oan Do'readily feit nud rogulotu liiqnautlty and poiv-er, and applied tpaiiypartof the body. t c.ui be worn ut auy niño auring working hours or Bl-eep, aud WILL POS5TIVELY CURS ,. ,;:-.-; .v kmeitbeatism: .,-- ...IJtí.iJi;: B.1CK i ■:-. ;;■ '■:■■■: wurs vo us bíseases ' ".-.' -"■!"' CBï.M K3JAL WE.1HLKE3S ÏTIFOTEHCÏ K1DNSY SISEASES WITHOUT (VEEDSCINE 4,Eie,etr;'-:y. proporly applieQ, is fast takinK toeplace of drup ior alf 'Ncrvous, Kheuf.tie, Kldney and Uriual Troubles, and wlll effect cures m Beemlngly hopeless cases wiiere every othcr küown means has fuiled. s'l'f; weaií of diseased crgan mav bèforauïl, rOUSld tO ñeaUhy aOtivi OnBeftfn8tdhêlr pacte. and reoommeni GÜS URGE ILLÜSTBA7EB CATALOGUE Contatos f ullest Information legardiug the euro ftíri L V TO?io R.nliervous diseases, prices, andhowto order, Ín English, Germán. Sedish and Norweglan Janguases, will bemailed, upon .application, to auy address f or 6 cents postase. The Owsn Electric Belt and Appliance Co. MAIN OFFICE AND ONLT PACTORT, Tho Owen Eleciric Be!t Bldg., 201 to 211 Stato Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The targest Electric Belt Eslablishment in the World MQNTION THI3 PARS. Or. PrJce's Cream Baking Powdor World's Fair Highest Awará. I 1 The Verdict. Ij % k ïfê S.aid Mr. M the other ftti W day: "I want one of j'onr n) M seamless hot-water bottiea y{ vipi that you warrant. I liad one j Áu moiiths witli constant nse. uï vips I bonht two nr. 's i:k! (Xv 'fj tliey {ave out very quiokly." m ttV. We can }_'ive you the inan's Jw-i ■ (va name if you want it. }) j)! Tliose l)otllps will last two nr Jb ItÍ lliree years vvith onlinary iise. x)j fa GALKIWS' PHñBMáGY. Ëffi ANNOUNCEMENT. A GREAT CÖMBINATION OFFER. We have made a special arrangement wliich enables us to ofFer ui MIIGAI lililí Tiie leading Agricultura!, Lfve stock and Family journal of this country, and the 11 H Uil Both papers one year for only $1.50. The Michigan Farmer is a 16-page 64-coluinn weekly, every way able, enterprising, reliable, and pure in both reading and advertiaing columns. Jt aims to help maks the farm pay. For free sample copy send address on postal to Michigan Farmer, Detroit Mich. NDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW -And- Justice of the Peace. Office, No. 10 Huron Street, í3P"Opposite soath door of Court House. AnnKari HOUSE! ('or. W.-iühii]Lion snel Ashlcy Atc Rcfitted and equippect with all modern im. provements. Fikst Class ïable. RATES, $2.OO TO $3.OO. Jyr. d M, STABBLEB, Prop. MEL GILLES PIE TEACHER OF BANJO, CUITAR AND MANDOLÍN. ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC. OFFICE, Am Arbor Organ Co. YDÜRPiqiURE FREE "Secure the Shadow before the Sabtance fades." Any Person who will subscribe for the COURIER one year, paying $1. therefor in ad vanee, will be given a Large Size Crayon Portrait Free. Tl lis is a CHANCEOFALIFETIME The offer can not be held open any great length of time, so that it is necessary to secure it now, before it is withdrawu. All work is Warranted flrst class in every respect. You are only asked to i'urnish a small pbotograph to make the copy from. Do not delay and lose this excellent opportunity. COURIER OFFICE, 41 aud 43 N. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mr, Geo. M. Seward, stato treasurer of Topeka, lías., a nian respecta ed by tlie coinmunity fsor hls lntagrlty and his honor, and oeeupying one oí the highest offices oí trust in the state, writes : "I hiavo trled every remedy imder the sun for headaches but nothing has given me rellel until I trled Gessler's Magie Headache 'Waters." "When a practical drugglst and ome holding the confldence of the entirc commttnity like A. El Mummery, ■n'lll eell them on a positivo guarantee, they nmst be goodt Prlce 25c a box.


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