Overman Wheel Co.
I fTf O are the product of skilied , - " workmen, and rank with m T-Ï I F-'Tï Víctor Bicycles in quality. JL S flLC 11 We make the best base_ L -.__. - balls, baseball bats, baseB g 2 O l' a gloves and mitts, tennis j rackets, tennis balls, tennis nets, racket presses, racket cases, boxing gloves, footballs, football suits, football and gymnasium shoes, gymnasium supplies, sweaters, etc. Weguarantee bettergoods for less money than asked by other manufacturers. If your local dealer does not keep Victor Athletic Goods, write for our illustrated catalogue. Makers of Víctor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. BOSTON. CHICAGO. DETROIT. NEW YORK. DENVER. PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES. PCWLAND.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier