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The Comers And Goers

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John W. Bennett went to Chicago las i Wednesday. Grant Jeukins was up from Detroit Monday greeting friends. Gust Kuhl spent Thanksglvlng wüh hifc parents in Manchester. Miss Lizzie Diehl will be found wi.h Schairer & Millen hereafter. Miss Emma E. Hayley Thanksgivlugoö with iriends in Jackson. Henry Masten has been visiting his ttn in Chicago during the -week. Qliver Davis has been visitir.g friends in Owosso dnring the week. 3ir. and Mrs. Adolph Krause have returned home to Grand Kapids. Mrs. Ed. L. Seyler returned irom Hiliord in time for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Adams visitcd Jackson iriends Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Henry DePue who had beenTisiting in Adrián, has returned home. Mrs. Dr. Heartley spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. T. E. Knox, atDundee. Miss Barnard of Mt. Clemens, has been an Ann Arbor visitor during the week. Hon. John F. I.aivrence took his Thanksgiving repast with Detroit Iriends. Mr?. XeMie Ho'zheimer spent Tlianksgiving with irieuds in Mt. Pleasant. H'm Abbey, o. f Decoran, Iowa, has been visiting friends in the city during the; week. : Louis Laviolette, of Detroit spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. B. St. James. I George E. Barker of the Argus, ate Thanksgiving turkey with a Iriend Et Dexter. Mrs. Fred Besimer, who had been Tls-iting friends in Detroit, uas retui neil home. Senator Emery Townsend of Sagii'aw, spent Tlianksgiving with Ann Arbor friends. Mrs. Willis .7. Abbot of Chicago, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. Mack. Mrs. W. W. AVatta took Tlianksgiving dinner with Mr and Mrs. WhlW marsL in Milan. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Morton Jias been passing the week with lier sister, Mrs. Millen, in Detroit. Chas. Lohr and daughter of lbion, spent Thanksgiving with P. Iohr and family, of Packard et. Miss Aggie Schaible, of this city, Las been spending the week with her parents at Mancliester. Mrs. John Goodaie, of Kalamazoo, lias been the guest of Ann Arbor relativos? during the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Howlett attendod the Wateon-Eyan wedding at ï'psilanti last Thursday. Oscar Schmid of Jackson, ate turkey with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmid iu. this city. Mrs. Enoch Dieterle entertained her mother Mrs. John Fiegel, of Pittefield during the past week. Mayor Walker and company are homo ngain from their deer hunting uji north. They got a few. ) Dr. John Kapp aud Reuben Armbruster have returned from their huntin trip in the north woods. Mrs. F. W. Hawkins, of Ypsiianti, lias been vlsiting her daughter Mrs. Oeo F. Key, d uring the week. Prof E. T. Austin and wife, o! Ow osso, have been guests of Ann Arbor ïriends during the week. Inspector Chas. A. Ward has been ertertaining his mother Mrs. Mary A Ward, of Detroit, during the week. , Miss Carrie Britten, of Jackson, and Fred Britten of Albion, spent Thanksgiving with their parents in this city. Prof. Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, have been visiting friends at Mt. Clemens during the past week. Karl E. Harriman of the Toledo Commercial, spent Thanksgiving and the next day at his home in Ann ArDor- Mrs. Fred Schmid and daughter Emitía, have been guests of TVIr. and Mrs. Ernest Mann, of Detroit, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lehman have teen entertaining Chris. Schumachor and family of Waterloo, during 1he week. Miij. Newton Payne and son, who ■p ere guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Darling, have returned home to Detroit. Dr. ('. 1!. Nanerede accompanied the fooi hall team to Chicago last IVednesday, and was in at the victory I'aul Perry has returned to Bay City after a visit with his parents Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry, for sevays Kobert Shannon, of the Argus lorce aud ex-supervisor oí the 3d ward, lies jite seriously ill a his home on W. Pummit st.' i Mrs. Mary HUI, of S. State st.. entu tained her daughter Miss Eliza Hill cl St. Joseph, during the Thankegiv uur vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Eugcne E. Beal. daugh ter Alta, and aunt, MLss Abbie A rond, spent Tlianksgiving with rel atives in Dexter. Miss Nina M. Davison went to To ledo last Wednesday. where she tspent neveral dnys with relativas, return in;; home Monday. Mi. and Mrs. Harry W. flawley Lfo returned home from Europe, and hit guests for a time of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Mack. Ir. A. McGuire of Detroit, and J S. McGuire, of Durand. ate turkey with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGuire of N. Main st. Mrs. ILitchfieid and daughter ani Mrs. Daivd E. Waite and chüdren, all of Dexter. have been guests of Aid. Snyder and wife for a lew days. Mr. and Mrs. James Shirloy of Benjamin st.. leit Monday morniug lor Quincy. HL. cailed there by the death ol their daughter, Mrs. Lee AVilHams. Mieses Heien and Lizzio Krauser, of ypeUanti, have been visiting tlieir piand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O Keeïe, of X. Thayer st., during the eek. Miss Jean PhiUips, who lias been visiting her brother Robert Phil'.ips di the State Savings Bank, !cft on "U ednosday tor Kentucky, via Chicago. Mrs. O. E. Jones and daughter, Slist Editli Atkins, of Lansing, were in the city during the past week visinfe- iriends during the Thanksgiving vacation. Mis. Viola Kintner, who had been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. L. Pack, oí N. Ingalls st., for several weeks, retumed home to New York City on Tiiday last. Judge and Mrs T.. M. Crocker, of Port Huron, and Hon. and Mrs. Martin Crocker, of Mt. Cemens, wei e gueste of Mr. and Mrs. J. "W. Bennett tb es past week. , J J. McÖellan, the organist at St. Thomas' church, entertained as his guest during the week, Prof Jos. J. Daynes, the organist of the Tabernacle at Salt Lake City. I. K. Pond, on hifi way home to Chicago from a trip in the east, stopped over here and spent Thanksgi ing with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pond, of S. State st. Mr. and Mrs. WiU S. Carpenter of Ypsilanti, and Jlr. and Mrs. "VValter T. Seabolt, took their turkey and cranberry sauce with Mr. and Mrs. Eimer E. Beal, on S. División st. Louis 'Eoland, a f ormer Ann Arbor clgar maker, stopped over in the city duiing the week on his way to Europe. Louiis now Jives in Denver, Coló., and has made a stake there. County School Commissioner "W. "tt . Wedemeyer ate his turkey with fiicnds(?) in Kalamazoo. (The questior mark U to question 1he number of ot friends that's all. Some think it stiould be written Ifriend, you know.) Miss Emma Bower bo f ar recovered fi om her illness as tobe at her office íor a íew minutes Saturday, :md on Monday evening, Ín company with l'cr sister Miss Maggie Bower, leít íor Cincinnati to visit her brother 1!. Frank Bower. Miss Iva Gregg left Saturday aiterncou ior Marquette to remain for the winter. Miss Gregg has been emp!oyed in the postoffice for a numtier of years, and has f illed the place with gi'oat credit to herseli and atisfactioii to tlie public, who will be sorry to learn that she will bO found there nii longer. Wherever fortune may lake her, she wlU be ïollowed by kind v iehes of the people of Ann Arbor 'Uom she luus served so long, so faithfully and so well.


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Ann Arbor Courier