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Rev. Barckley's Splendid Effort

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Those present last Friday night Bit the Presbyterian chuch, in atterd anee upon the second entertainanent i the Y. M. O. A. Lyceum course, wer delightfully entertained. The Unlve sity Orchestra, about 20 strong, ren dered a, number of selections that wei not only excellent, but tine, very fine The youns gentlemen composing tbi orchestra have placed the Y. M. C. A under great obügation for tlieir eer (ice so genorously and ireely tender cd It was a kind act and fully ap picciated. And the lecture. What shaJl be sai of it? And the leoturer, What sha be said. of him? The lecturer, wkat of him? He was simply inimitable. He had a subject in. which he could throw his entir heart and soul, and he had a thoroug command of lauguage in wliich to e.v press his ideas in a telling way. He imitates the late John B. ■ Gough in many ways, for he is au actor as well as a talker, and many of his keen points are made more keen by his theatrical way of putting it He not only lectures but he entertains as well. There has not heen a lecturer on tlic platform ini Ann Arbor in many i day that could equal him. He is a success, and success to liim wherever he goes. The lecture took the audience through the graat civil war l'rom bèginning to end. It told them of the battles, the reverses ío the Union army, the reverses to the Confedérate ai-niy, the -waveriiis; of victory betweeiï the two sides and its flnal settlement upou llie banuers of the Union under the leadership of that peerless soldier Ulysses S. Grant. It told of the characteiisties of the Soniihemi people, of their natural miliUüry temperament, their dash and love of display and titles, which gave the Souüi, together with. the foresight of Floyd, secretary of war under Buchanan, who transferred all the U. S. army supplies and ammuuition to Southern arsenals bcfore the war begaa, and the furüier fact that twothirds of the graduates of West Point were Southern men, these gave the South a. wonderful advantage in the beginuing of th.e mighty struggle. But they were not able to coatend against the mighty perseverance and energy of the North when fully aroused. It told of scènes that were ludicrous, and scènes that were sad, and it told many tnMhs, ainong which was this one, that the war was one which the people themselves did not understand, but whieh the leaders, the politicians foreed tliem icto. It told of a Southern underground railway froni Salisbury prison, and how a large number of Union prisoners reached the Union lines by meaos of it. It further told how the people of the South condemned ihe inliuman treatment of the Union prisoners, which was stigrnatized inl no unmistakable terms. In fact it was a noble setting forth of the war, its causes and effects, from the mouth of a Southern man. who fought, and who today we believe to be as loyal a citizen who breathes the air of American, freedom. The feeling tribute paicl to Abraham Lincoln was a touctdng and beautiful one from au eloquent tongue. The Y. M. C. A. made no mistake in securing Rev. Barkley, for every person present went away feeling that ie had beem made better by hearing it The statement that the republican county committee met Saturday to discuss tle successor to Mr. McKinstry, vas entirely untrue. No word was said dbout his 8uccessor the only thing agiating the committee was the honor of ,he party and what onght to be done to irotect it. In case of removal from the office of legister of Deeds of Mr. McKinstry, Messrs. George Alexander, Alonzo ford, Frank Creech and George Cook are candidates for appointment. - Ypsiantian. There seenis to have been a ittle too unseemly haste to grab in this nstance before there is anything to grab. Republicans shoul be less demonstrative. ïoo inuch haste doesu't ook well, sometimes. The lover of the beautiful could feast lis eyes, and the poet find food enough o feast his soul for weeks, in the landcape that everywhere presented itself Sunday ïiiglit and Monday niorning. 'he fleecy flakes of snow had clung to he trees and the little twigs thereof éemed to bear a foliage beautiful be'ond words to discribe. The painter's jrush that could reproduce any portion f the scène would have to be weilded )y inspired hands. The fllthy streets, he unsiahtly debris covering the earth, 11 was given a cry stal coat that sparked like innumerable diamonds, dazzling iie eyes and almost Viewildering the enses with its loveliness.


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Ann Arbor Courier