Martin Haller
fK A HAPPY THOUOHT J - _ - v Is to buy a Christmas Gift V fs- aX at MARTIN HALLERS. ==Í IJL'? a-Ü ULp Ö Have you thought of the Holidays É7 i-ir UW' fl yet? 0L the the many tllinga yu can - ' ' i jj i=L' i =■' purchase to present to some friend? rHeöJjrF75 =t?ê= SSf' have many things which would make lol' IfiSlPBirrí?7 suitable gifts in the line of Furnitiire, '■'fSf f fl W' níS Carpeta, Eugs and Draperies. There is 1[JIlJ!i3-1 I nothing inore pleasing and thought of Jr as a Christmas Gift than some article of 'ABfíí ' r "Ü Furniture, such as an Upholstered Arm I-'KP O H Chair, an Oak or Mahogany Rocker, a cr'ïy .gff" wl[- =" Desk, Center Table, a nice Leather -■fi S Coucli, Side Board, Combination Book Case, a Set of Dining Chairs, Rattan Rocker, Bed Room Set, Parlor Set, or any such thing as can be found in a Furniture Store. Here are a few prices : Library Table, solid oak, polish finish, at $2 75 A fine Couch, full spring edge, fringe to floor, at 7 75 Abrass trimmed iron Bed, full size, at 6 75 A spring edge Box Divan, at 9 50 Sweeperette Carpet Sweepers, vvill sweep hard wood floors, at 2 75 Prices on all other goods iu Store as low in proportion. Don't forget the place. You can save money on every article by buying of us. Phone 148. 52 S Main St. and 4 W. Liberty St. Passenger Elevator. Aun Arbor, Mieh. Repairing and TJpholsteriug done at reduced prices.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier