State Teacher's Association at Lansing, Dec. 26-28. Glen Mills promises his new directory bythe loth iiist. Official meeting of the M. E. church Monday evening. State Horticultural Society now in session at Adrián. Jacobs & Allmand ask your attention in anotlier column. The Hill st. sewer will be completed next week, it is expected. Eegular meeting of the O. E. S. tonight, Wednesday evening. A lodge of B. P. O. Elks is to be orsanized in this city to-night. The high school literary societies are soon to have a joint meeting. It has been overheard that the road roller should be shedded for the winter. The Light Infantry will give a social hop in the armory on Tuesday evening, December 11. A dog fight that had been arranged for last Saturday night was stopped by Marshal Peterson. The total score of the U. of M. football team for this year is 266, its opponents having scored 14. The sleighing is superb just now. The hope of most people is that it will remain so until next spring. The next entertainment in the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum Course will be a lecture by Robert J. Burdett, on Dec. 19. The case oí Elizabeth Lum vs. líoal W. Cheever, in the probate court, was continued Monday for two weeks. The Lyra concert Thanksgiving evening, was a great success. After the concert those present indulged in a dance. Hon. E. P. Allen is to address the St Clair County Sunday School Association at its meeting in St. Clair on the 14th of Dec. Martin Haller has recently furnished the rooms of Otsinengo lodge, I. O. O. F., with ten handsome new upholstered settees. The store windows are extremely attractive these days. Itis worth a trip up and down the business streets to look at them. Edgar B. Jewett, mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., was bom in Aim Arbor, Mich., in 1843. Ann Arbor men are are coming to the front everywhere. . The collection atSt. Andrew's Church Thanksgiving Day, was $20.50, which was turned into tlie treasury of the Ladie's Charitable Union. Ann Arbor has organized a "Whiskers' Club." Xo gentlemen, either, as only those are eligible who can raise the old hairy. - Adrián Press. On account of illness the next lecture before the Foley Guild to have been deHveredby Rev. A. Morrisey, of Notre Dame, bas been postponed. Got your pocket book ready ? If not you better make a hustle for it. Taxes are due and each one in the family are expecting a Christmas present. A liveryman of this city bought a 750 pound horse for 1,500 cents the otlier day. So said. ïhe old complaint about tliings being taken from the cloak room of the high school is once more being made. The Ann Arbor High School team was beaten by the Kalamazoo team, in that city, on Thanksgiving Day, by a score of 8 to 0. A bursted gas pipe at the corner of State and Monroe sts., last night, caused some inconvenience among ga& consuméis in that locality. In the circuit court at Detroit last Tuesday, Sarah E. Sheehanwas granted a divorce frem Michael Sheehan. This is all of the record that was published. Harry S. Coleman, last year ïnanaging editor of the U. of M. Daily, is now the solé editor and proprietor of the Oakland Counly Post, published at Pontiac. John Keppler, treasurer of Ann Arbor town, will receive taxes every Friday and Saturday during December, at the county treasurer's office in the court house. According to a very glowing letter in the Daily Times from one of the prisoners, Sheriff Judson gave the boys in jail arightgood set up on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Ella Drake, aged 41 years, died at the home of her sister, J. A. Marshall, of Lodi, on Sunday, Dec. Ist, of cáncer. Funeral services heli day from the resi dance. The annual election of officers for Welch Post, G. A. E. for the ensuing year will be held at the regular meeting, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, in the Post room. The winning of the Chicago gatne last Thursday by our boys in a score of 12 to 0 was a fitting close for the season, and proves the U. of M. to be the champions of the west. At the Union Thanksgiving service at the Congregational Church, a collection was taken up amounting to $32.25, which has been given to the Charitable Union. It is really a feast to the eyes to look in at Wahr's and view the fine display of calendars. Every design that could be concieved, al most, is these, and many of them are perfect gerns. The service in all the Episcopal churches of the United States will either be a little longer, or the sermons a little shorter now. Congress is in session, and another prayer to be said. Herman Armbruster has received the handsonie $50 gold medal offered by the Detroit Free Press at a recent contest given ty the Schutzenbund of that city, and which he won by good marksmanship. At the High School chapel, on the evening of Dec. 13, an entertainment to be called "Christmas in Fairyland," is to be given under the superintendence of Miss McMonegal, for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Charlotte A. Hewett died at the home of her sister Mrs. John Koss, No. 6 E. Jefferson st., Saturday, aged 57 years, 7 months, of Bright's disease. The remains were taken to her former houae, Jackson, for burial, on Monday. Robert B. McKnight, of Saginaw, law '79, for a term of years judge of the Saginaw circuit, died on shipboard, while returning home from England on the City of New York, on Nov. 28. He had been to Europe in quest of better liealth. Bishop Gailor, of Temiessee, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church next Sunday morning, and in the evening he will deliver bis first lecture before the Hobart Guild, on "The Life." Bishop Gailor is oue of the most eloquent men in the Episcopal church. The seventh anniversary of the Schwabian Aid Society, held in in A. O. U. W. hall, on Thanksgiving evenïng, was a very pleasant affair. The society has 95 members, and only two ïave died since its inception. A pretty ïealthy record. Louis J. Liesemer de. ivered the "Rede" fest" in a ready and 'estive manner. It hasjnst leaked out over here, how Kentucky happened to go republican. Captain Allen was engaged to make speeches a little south of the middle of Ohio, and Kentucky heard him. The captain is an effective speaker. - Monroe Democrat. It seemed very natural and very good to see the little ones gathered again last Saturday to take part in the useful instructions given at the Sewing School. This was the first meeting of this school for a long time, and it was enjoyed by the little ones. The Adrián Press remarks : "The Ann Arbor Democrat says "Winter is here." Probably that's because Mrs. Snow filed a bilí for divorce there last week frotn Wm. Snow, for drunkenness. She tried to prevent a Snow fall in November, and couldn't. Winter is there." The examination of C. P. McKinstry, charged with embezzlement, is set for Dec. 16, before Justic Childs, of Ypsilanti. The Ypsilautian states that Mr. McKinstry will be defended by the somewhat notorious Thos. Nayin, of Detroit, and City Attorney Chas. Kline, of Ann Arbor. It is but just to the correspondent of the Detroit Free Pree to state that the dispatch that appeared in Sunday's issue of that paper was not as sent by him, and that he disclaims sending any such "news." As accidents will occassionally liappen the Free Press will probably haye to be excused this time. The meeting of the Schoolmaster's Club last Friday and Saturday was one full of interest to the masters, and the discussions were in earnest, showiug how the participants were intheir work. Time and space both forbid such a report as the meeting deserves. A proper impression eau not be given of the meetin a brief synopsis. An incipient fire was discovered just in time by Patrolman Campion, in the basement of Wadhams, Eyan & Reule's store Sunday night. It was caused by some defect in the furnace, and the floor underneath the store had already caught fire. In about five or ten minutes more it would have done many hundreds of dollars damage. The fire bo3's were there on time. The old boys of the Piesbyterian church are to give the social Thursday evening. Sid Clarkson is chairman of the committee ; Jimmie Babcock is general superintendent; Willie Stimson and Charlie Maynard look after the eatables ; Georgië Moore and Freddie Gage take care of setting the tables and decorating the rooms, while Ralphie McAllaster takes care of the cash. On Monday afternoon at the probate office, Judge Babbitt issued au order committing to the Pontiac asylum Mrs. Minnie Collier, of this city. The case is a very sad one. Mrs. George Kauschenburger, of Whitmore Lake is a daughter, and quite well known to our young people. Enima Otto, a niece, will move here froin East Saginavv, and take charge of the household. The lecture of Miss Mary T. Wadsworfch, of Boston, Mass., at the Unilaiian church last evening was excellent. Her subject was Thackery and Bhe was evidently in love with ter subject. She pictured Thackery, oud many oí his characters, in glowinjr colors, but not more so, perhaps, i har. those who have read the works of thifc great noveüst would consider det-ervmg. For the American public are rapidly coming to place this mau wherë he belongs, at the head of Englfeh writers of fiction. Miss Wadsworth is not young and gushing I u'. middte-aged and sensible. She haa a keen intellect and a bright eye through whicli it shines. The Unity Club was fortúnate in securing her for it& course. She would be welfomeí again. L'niversity HaU was crowded Mondaj evening to listen to the second concert in the Choral Union Series. It was a song recital by Madame Clemeutine DeVáre-Sapio, assisted by Miss Charlotte Jaffe pianist, and Mr. Hermaii Zeitz, violin. Madame De-Vere íapiD was pleasing and disappointiiiL both. She has a phenomenal voice in some respects. It is olear ano oí great range, and highly cultiVated ; perhaps too much ho. A düierent selectiou might have produceil a dilïereut result, but she did not tuif herseli into the public heart, lor sonio reason. Mr. Zeitz carne the neaiest to making a hit in his seIcctiou irom Wieniawski, of the XegeLde, and the Mazourka f rom Zarzjcki. There was a melody about tlieni that was very sweet, and he difeplayed much skill as an artist in theii rendition.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier