Some Time
Last night, nay darliug, as yon slept, I thought I lieard you siglt, And to your little crib I crept And watched a spnce thereby : And then I stooped and kissed your brow And oh ! I lovc you so - You are too yotin? to know it now, But some time you shall know ! Some time when in a darkened place, Where others come to weep, Your eyes shall look upon a face Calm in eterna! sleep; The voiceless Hps. the wrinkled brow, Tlie patiënt sinile shall shovv - You are too youug to know it now, But some time you tnay know ! Look backivurd, then.into the years And ee me here to-uighfc- See. 0 my darlingi iiow my teará Are falliii; as I write : And fee] once more upon your brow Thekissof long ago - You are too young to kuow H now. But some time you shall know.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier