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The Record Of A Year

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Th efoHolwng is the annual sermón Oí Eev. Henry Tatlock, delivered last Sunday, Tvhich contains many items of interest to the general reader : It is my cnstom, on the first Snnday in Advent, to present to the congregation a review of the provious year. I choose this day for making that review becanse the first Snnday in Advent is the beginuing of a newyearof onr joint labor in the parish. The year which closed yesterday, like thoso before it, brought ns many and sore losses at the hand of death. On the 24th of Jannary, we were called to give up onr senior warden, Mr. Edward Treadwell. Mr. Treadwell had been a member of this congre gation for thirty years, had served on the vestry for sixteen years, and had held the office of treasurer of the parish for fourteen years. Mr. Treadwell was a faitbful communicaut of the chnroh and a generous contributor toward the support of the parish; while in the dis charge of his duties as vestryman aud treasurer, he gave without stint of his time, and served the pairsh with fidelity and ability, in conntless labors, for which'he shonld be held in undying gratitude hy thisccmgregation. Nor in his life time alone did he pnrpose to serve the parisJi, but left behind him a legacy of $1,000 towarris its endowment. In the death of Mrs. Amanda Butts, on the lOth of Marcb, we lost from onr midst a saintly woman. She had been a member of this congregation for twenty years; and during all that time was an active worker for the church and for the welfare of the community. Hers was a beautiful character, strong yetgentle; steadfast for the right, yet richly endowed with the gift of charity. Ou the 19th of Marcb. Mrs. Julia A. Clark, a veteran soldier of the cross, exchanged the labors of earth for the rest of heaven. She had been a member of this congregaiton for forty-two years. She was a gentle Christian woman and had the esteem of all who knew her. In the death of Mrs. Georiga B. Hess, on the 24th of April, a bright young life was brought to an early close. Mrs. Hess was a young woman of stroug and lovely character, was a faithfnl member of the chnrch, and her loss is sorely mourned. Mr. John W. Johnston died, away from home, on the 7th of May. He had been a member of this oougregation for uearly twenty years. For some time he had served on the vestry aud for many years he had been an efficiënt worker in the Sunday School and MisBions of the Parish. He was a good man, faithfnl to every trust, and he has goue to the reward that remainefch for the people of God. In the death of Mrs. Matie Parsons, on the 19th of May, another yoang life went out of the world. She was agentle spirit, kind and trustful, and she Was a prayerf ui Christian woman. On the29th of Spetembar.yet another young soldier of the cross, Miss Lncy M. Seyler, was called from the vioissitndes of earth tothe triuinph of heaven. Miss Seyler was a lovely girl, a joy in her home, and a delight arnong her friends. She was a devout communicant of the ohurch, and we orely mourn her loss. On the 20fch of Ootober, Mrs. Catheriae Hangsterfer departed this life in the calm faith of a Christian. Mrs. Hangsterfer hai been a membfir of this congrogatiou and a loyal supporter of the Parish for upwards of twenty years. She was a woman of strnng charaeter, and she liad the esteem and regard of all who knew her. in the death of Mrs. Harriet E. Terry, on the lOth of November, thechurch lost a faithful meniber, vvho had been a communicant in thisparish for thirtyflve years. She fought a good fight uuder the banuer of Christ and she has gone to her reward. On the 12th of November.anhonored member of this congregation and a prominent citizeu of our state, Mr. James Ciernen ts,departed this life. Mr. Clements had been a devout worshipper in this church and a liberal supporter of this parish for thirty-five years. During the most of that time he had Berved on the vestry of the parish. He ■was one of those who co-operated in the building of this church edifice, and contributed generously to that objeot. He was widely known and universally esteemed as a man of business, and in Mm this parish and our whole oommunity have lost a jnostjvalued member. Let us who remain heed the soleinn warning which this record must bring to our minds, "Be ye also ready ; for ye know not when the time is." The following is the annual report of the parieh made to the diocesean convention last June : Baptisms during the year- Iufants 18 Adults 12 Total 30 Conflrmed during the year 45 Corumunicants - Last report 810 Present members 845 Marriages 7 Burials - 2z Public Services- Sundays 156 Holy Uays 48 Otlierdays 110 Total 314 Celebrations of the Holy Communion- Sundays - ' Holy Öays 28 Iu private 1:. Total 92 Congregation - Number of Families 40f Toial number of Souls 160!) Sunday Schools and Bible Classes- Teachers and Ollicers 33 Scholars 260 FINANCIAL REPORT. RECEIPÏS. Balance on hand as by last Report .-.$ 66 f2 l'civ Kent 3,164 80 Special Contributlon SKI UU Interest from Investment 'rñ 00 Offertory at Holy Communiou 157 !Ï9 at al 1 other Services 772 69 Through Envelopes (two weeks) 371 211 Süüday School Offennfrs 00 (X) Subscriptions for Missions 649 3U Bequestfor Parioh Endowment 480 00 By Woman's Auxiliary lta 25 By Junior Auxiliary 13 SB liy iUiniétering-Chiidren's League 18 63 By Bables' liriinch _ 4 70 UyLadies' Aid Society 381 28 Total $6,587 37 DISBUKSEMENTS. ■I'nmrliial Objcüs. Current Expenses of the Parlsh $4,235 59 Malntalnlug öunday School 117 0 Commnnion alms 157 39 Ineoine ol Wlieeler Kund for Poor of Parish 60 CO Parish Endowment, Investment 50U 00 Ladics Aid Society 298 28 MIssions aml Cliarities Kiiiul, Expenses 17 20 Mlnlsterlng C n 1 1 u r e n's League, Expenses 3 57 Total for Parochial Objects $J.389 C3 Objects Outside the Parish. Piocesan Assessment $75 Í0 Diocesan Mlssions(including Mlssion Wurk in Washtenaweounty 397 37 Diocesan Fund for Aged ;nid Infirm ('lergy 30 00 Domestic Missions 238 50 Forelgn Missious 116 45 Mibsions Amongthe Jews 5 00 Missious Among the Colorod People 25 00 Missions Among Deaf Mutes 11 50 Prayer Book Society 5 0(1 Rev. Mr. Yen, China 10 00 Bishop Barker, Olympia- 1U 00 Total for Objects Outside of Parisli s 924 32 Total disbursements (,313 '.5 Balance on hand in varlous treasuries 278 42 $6,587 37 The Endowment Fuuds of the Parish now amouiit to $5,000. They are the following : The Seaman Fund, for maintainlng the Sunday School Llbrary SI. 000 00 The David Henning Fund, for the Sunday School and County House Christmas Festival __ 500 00 The John M. Wheeler Fund, for the Poor of the Parish ],000 00 The übambers Fund, for the suüDort of the Pnrlsh 500 00 Xlie Kebecca Henriques Fnud, for the support of theParisli 500 00 The Kezia A. Rogers Fund, lor the support of the Parish 500 00 The Treadwell Fund, for the support of the Parish 00 It will be observed that tbree of these furuls, amounting together to $2,500, are devoted to special objects, while the rest, amounting also to $2,500, are to be applied towards the maintenance of the Parish. (Of course, it will be onderstood by everyone that only the incorne of these funds may be used.) The wisdom of the fouiulers of these various funds cannot be too highly praised. The objects selected by the founders of the special funda could not have been better chosen, while the funds which are applicable to the general support of the Farish constitute the nucleus of an endowment which it is most desirable to increase, and I hope that many of the friends of the church wiü inake provisión for legacies to the Parish, so that as time goes on this general endowment may steadily grow. What more fitting thing eau we do, if we be able, than to make provisión so tliat a part of our money, when we are done with it, shall be used for maintaining the work of the church which we love ! What more beautiful thought than that of being an instrument to carry on and perpetúate the influeuce of the church which has been a blessing to us, so that it shall continue to be a blessing to generation after generation in all the years to come. The following are the various departmeuts of effort and organizations for work withiu the Parish : I. For Religious Instruotion and Worship. 1. The Parish Sunday School 2. The Parish Bi ble Classes. S. The Geddes Mission Sunday School. 4. The Foster's Mission Sunday School. 5. The Missiou at the Countv House. II. For Moral and Spiritual Work. 1. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew for Work AmonR Young Men. ' 2. ïhe Society of Woman Wurkere, for Work Among Women. 3. The Girls' Friendly Society, for for Work Among Girls. III. For Practical Work in the Conduct of the Parish. 1. The Ladies' Aid Society, having the two-fold purpose ofbringing the CoDgregation together socially and of raising funda for Parochial purposes. 2. The Chancel Society, whose object is to care for the altar, for the vestnients of the clergy and choir, and for the floral" decoration of the chnrrh IV. For Missions. 1. The fund for Missions and Charities, having for its purpose the securing of systernatic offerings from the congregation to provide support for the following objects for the Parish Sunday School and the Parish Missions; for the Diocesan Assessment, Diocesan Missions, and for the Diocesan Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergy; for Domestie Missions Foreigu Missions, Mission ainong Coloree! People, ainon Deaf Mutes, and among th .leus; and for the Prayer Boo Society. 2. The W'oman's Anxiliary, and 3. The Junior Auxiliary, botli liav inji for tlieir purpose the ftidin of Uie jMissionary Board of the ehurch by raisiug money for Iissions and by sending boxes of clotliing to needy missionaries. 4. The Ministering Children's League, and 5. The Babies'Branchjboth having for their purpose the kindlinganc fosteringof interest in Christian ilissions in tlie minds and hearts of Children. V. The Hobart Guild, i society of tlie young men and young women of the congregarion (both studente and otliers) tlie objects of which are to bring its members into friendly acqnaintance with one another, to afford tlieni opportun. ity for social and iutellectual recreation, and to promote their moral and spiritual welfare by mutual encouragement in tlie performance of christian duties. These are tire various departments of activity organized within the Parisli. I liave named them for three purposes, first, tliat I might give the iuformation thus conveyed to tiiose in the congregation who liave recently come among us ; seeondly, that I might extend an invitation to 11 who are ñot now doiug what thev eau, or all that they can, to help on the work of the church, to offer themselves for work in some one or more of these departments, for we need the help of all who are willing to help ; and thirdly, that I might express my heartfelt grátitude to each and everyone of the officers and workers in all these various organizationa for their invaluable assistance in carryïng on and carrying forward the great work of this noble Parisli.


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