Real Estate Transfers
The followhiíí is a list of the Real Estáte transfers recorded during the week ending Saturday, Nov. SOth, 1895, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract Co., office in the Lawrence Building, cor. N. Fourth avenue and E. Ain st. John M. Zalm to W. J. Beuerle, Freeclom Sie2.-0O Edward L. Hegus to Standard Oil Co., Cnelsea J25 qq H. M. Wiieeler to John BurgBaline. 300 00 ETbor"' Z' KetU l M" l" Kent' Ann JoeT. Jacobs to W. J. Straitli. Putsnem j M. Naylor to C. Naylor, Salem 1 00 Roswell Goodale to Fred Standisli. Ann Arbor . 160 00 Roswell Qoodale to Úrsula Eouse, Ann Arbor ' 2oo 00 Warren Babcook, by sheriff, "toTl" Kearney, Mllan Vlllage _' 2 201 2; Regina Beek to Germán M. K. church Ann Arbor m w ■
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Washtenaw Abstract Co.
Standard Oil Co.
First German Methodist Episcopal Church
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
John M. Zahn
W. J. Beuerle
Edward L. Hegus
H. M. Wheeler
John Burg
E. Kent
L. Z. Kent
M. L. Kent
Joe T. Jacobs
W. J. Straith
M. Naylor
C. Naylor
Roswell Goodale
Fred Standish
Ursula Rouse
Warren Babcock
M. Kearney
Regina Beck