PROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Sealed proposals for about 10O cords oL hatd wood, foiir feet long, sawed ends, vouug, bodv of straight hickory, hard ïnaple, ánd second growth white or yellow „Piand oák, iq quaatities of not less than ten cords, 'and4 about twonty-flve cords of bass wood, good quality, ïïil i received by the uudersigned until thé 16th day of December, 1895, inclusive. The wood tobe dehvered within the next thlrty days after awardiug the contract, nt the school housesr, in such quantlties as directed. The rlght to reject any and all offers is reserved- J. R. MINER, Secret nry. Hamilton Block.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier