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Harper's Magazine In 1896. Itrisois. i íiew novel by Willam Black written wlth all the author's welt Jtuown cliarm of marmer, will begin In the December Number, 1895, and continue muil May. A new novel by Geokök m1 Mauriek, entitled Thp Martiiiii. will Hlso begin during the year. It is not too niuch to say tnai no novel has ever been awaited willi such great ex] tion as the successor to Trilliy. Tlic Personal Recolections of Joan of Are will continue and will relate the story oí the failure tml martyrdom ofthe Mald ofOrleans. Other important fletion of tne year will be novellette by Makk Twain, nnder Ihe litio. Toni Snivyer, Detectlre; a huriiorons three-part tale ealled Two Hormons froiii )iuilllft. bv LaNQDON Elwvx MlTCHELL;and short storles by ÜCTAVE Thanbt, Richard Hardinq J)wis mary VVii.kins, Jclian Ralph, Beadnek Matthews, Oivbs Wister, :u,ii other well known writers. Prof. Woodrow WiLsoiïwill oontrtbate 6 papers on Ueorge Washington and hls times, with Illustratlons by Howard l'vt.v:. PoulïBigeiow's liistorj ., he Germán Strngrie for Lihertj. illustrated by E Ca ion ooDvii.i.K, w i : 1 be eontiuned tlirougli the winter. Two papers on St. Clalr's defeat and Wad Anthony Vvayne's victory, by.TBEODORE HiiosiA elt. with graphic illustrationa will be printed during the ear) Anoteworlhy feature oi the MAGAZINE luring imii! will be e series of articles bj C s■ah w. Whitney, desertbing hts tripbf 2iiOU niles on snow-shoes and with don-sledge rainsinto ',he unexplored Barren Grounds Sritish North Amerita in purstilt of wood jison and inusk-oxeii. Mr. Whitnisy's seies vill have tbeadded nteresl ofbeinz edfrom photogra] ■■■ bimself. Tile Volumes g '.SE Ni:m fíurobers for June nd li eeinber of each year. When no time is mem tonal subscriiiimns will bogin witn theXunibei-eurrenl at tne time of receipt ór Bemittapcesshould be niixle l.v Post-oflSce Money Order or Draft, o afoid chance or loss Xewsj ,py i ■ wWw; HAKl'ER'S IMÍHlOIUCAf.S IIARPKKS MAGAZINK - Une Yeai' ■ ífl (►() HAEPER-S WEKKLÏ ■ . 4 00'S BAZAR -♦ .4 HAlU'Klfs BOVSD TUii,!; . 2 mi '■ ■III. Address HAIÍPER A BBOTHEBS, í'. (!. )!ox, :.) X. Y. (.y. Harper's Weekly In 1896. HARPEÊ'S WEEKLY is a Journal for the wtiole country, n deals with tho events o Hl,e wu ■ importanl to Americana. Incarrying out tliis 1895, Juli in KALPHvisiiedClilnaand Japan, and Journeyed tbroiigli the West; EUchakd Harding iiavis took a trin throusjii tbe Uarribean Sea; the evolotioi of the new qhvj were deseribed and iliügtrated by Rufub P. ZoqBaum ïkedekic Reminston presented studies o ArmyandFrontlerlife; Podltney iügelow attended tlie opening of the Kiel Uanal In I89bUke at ention will Le glven every happening. The eilief events in art, litera tare, and ranslc and the drama will be anistieally presented. W. D. Howf.lls, in the new depai tmenl, Life and Letters, will discuss mhiSiuteresUng way books and the social questtons of the tune. E. s Mabtin's sprlghilygossip of the !usy World will becotiUimed. Theprogl-ess of the Transportation Commisaion around the World will be lollowe d, ,aBd Caspae W. Whitkey will condüet 'hedepartmentof Ammtenr Sport. in im will ocenra presidential election. In lts editorials and throagh its political oarmièL f YEI'iKLY wl)1 continue tobean LndTomonf;.006 '" frOld vernment Btïnn.011?!1 Ü-u WEKLY will be espeelally vp,, P Ú "','" '1lbllsl1 theonly novel „f the yeai bj w. D. i owïtts, and serial short stories selected are of uuu-ual xeellPER'S WKEKL'S will maiutain its leadlng jlace in thfl Ulustrated journallsm of the Thé Volumes of the WEEKLY begin with the nrst Miniber for January of eSch ra When qo (me is meniioned, subscripUons Lu?franrrceffl apm ar, nol io copy thü advertisemenl without the cxprcss order of Harper & Brothers HABPKtt'S PDBIOUIGALjS HAKPEH-S JIAGAZIXK - o„o ïear - $4 00 HAKPEB'S WKKKI.ï . .. . 4 (!0 IIABPER'8 BAZAK . . 4 00 HABPER'S K0UXI5 TVüT.i: " . 2 00 Pontai.r Fren lo all subscribirá In the United "I Mexico. AdJress HAEPEBS i ROTHERS P. O. Box 59, N. ï. City. Harper's Bazar In 1896. Tlie twenty-nintli year of Hat?ijitr' BAZAR, beginning in Jammry ]8W fi.uUi Every week the BAZAR presen ts beautifu toiJets for vanous occasions, Sandoz Km and Chapuis, Ilústrate and engrave the ne Stf BlÜfn '''T eflnestmWu in Part anu lierlm. ew York Kashions pnitnmw current styles in New York " fonnfentív pattern sheet supplement with diag, rana nd directlous enables womemto cm and mikn llielr own gowng, and is of great vaine tothe professional modiste as weil ; lo the am i teurdressmaker.Children'sCIothingreceWei constant attention. Fashions for rn en are Uur Paris Letter, by Kathahink De Fokfst is a sprlghtly weefcly recital of feshion S sip, and social doings in Par s g iven ' tvl '.ver woman in an eutertaining way bërtiüihoi; 'alU"ra WU1 writtenby the receipt of orde? bei' CUrreUt at the tlrae of HAKPKB'S PEKIOltH VI.S KKSf : -!;% IAJttPER'8 BAZAB . .. , " HAEPEK'S BOCND TAI!I,K . J Ptwídffe íyje o a! 86sci-í6cm ,, the United States, Canada and Mexico Address HABPEB BEOTHKKS !' 0. Kox J.-,!i, x. ï. City Engli&ii Spavin Linünent removea au Hard, Soit op Calloused Lumpa and Blemfciliee Irom hora, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Spünts, Sweeney, RlngBone, stffles, Sprains, all Swollen Ttroats, Conghs, etc. Save $50 by use of oae bottle. Warranted tHe most woadertul Blemtóli Curo ever fcnown. Sold by H. J. Biwn, drugStst, Ajid Arbor, Mlcli, ADIRONBA mimi ii TRAOE MARK Whe eler's jTI HaLt f ff pp - and m SLs-Ja. VLs POSITIVELY (JÜEEK NEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessness and all aerangement ot the Norvous System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses. 50 cents. M. T. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (MichJ Savinga Bank, saya lio cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fullér Jledical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John MoorD, - öruggist. ÁNN ARBOR ELECTRIC GRANITE WORKS, Manufacturar of and dealer in- rtiitic Marble and Granits Memorial! ! Having oa hand a large quantity of Rougli Granite, and full equipped machinerj' for Granite Work, e are prepared to execute Fine Monumental Work on short notice. OFFICE, No. 6 Detroit St., ANN AEBOK, - MICHIGAN. GFJ Clilchcstor'K Enellah Diamond RrnnL fÉNNYROYAL FILLS -", Original and fnly enuine. A p,'i safe. u.. ,-...- r. :.a,!)le. ladíes ask fiL jLs -íjif.os. sealed wlthblae rilrhuri. Tukc T1 wSmooIHcp. lUfusp, dangerous v I fjf t'on.-i Kiid itmtations. Ai Dnunists, or send 4e. l wy 'o stampa for p íniípnialí and V J ' Kelief for I.aHJci," " letter, hv rt'turn -__A? Muil. 1,(O Ttiinoiiiais, Pa-. Sold bj aii Local Drtl;gists. Piulada." Pa! $1000 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY AS PRIZES. For the Best Pictures Taken. On November 15th, 1895, we sliall p'ive away One Thousand Dollars iu KolÖ for the best pictures taken by the a Crosse Camera. The prizes will be awat;ded as follows : $200 111 gold will be given for tlie best picture taken by this camsra ; $100 for ho seoond best; $50 for Hip thivd be't; ; $25 for tlip l'ouitli best; L15 fur thé fifthbeat; $10 for the sixüi best, and for the next 40 best 55 each will be given ; for the next 80 best $2.50 each will be given and for the next 200 best pictures taken by the La Crosse Camera $1 each will be given, making in all $1000 given away. We shall do this for two reasons, viz : The first to introduce the La Crosse Camera for 1895; the second, to edúcate the amateuers in photogrhphy. - This contest closes on November Ist,"l895. Tliis camera can be used by any one and is sold under a positive written ííuarantee to do the work or money refunded. Sent by express with full instructions and rules governing this contest upon receipt of express money order for $1.75. Remember, A Written Guarantee Goes With Eveiy Camera. Address, La Cuosse Specialty Co., La Crosse, Wis. Nov 1 I Will Save You From $10 to $30 on a Sewing Machine. GETTHE BEST toest InifhedÍñdk yU Can g6t tñe beSt made' Most Popular for a mere song See to it that . O?s you buy from reliable tnanuPT$?? facturers that have gained a ifi=r3SSö& rcputationbyhonestandsquare JIMVhI! dealing, you will then get a ÖTOHSffi11 Sewing Machine that is noted flSiRk the world over for its rüULrCl bility You want the one that rj&Hri ia easiest to manage and is ■"" #Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical construction, durability of -working parts, fineness of finish, beauty ín appearance, or has as many ímprovements as the New Home !t has Automatic Tensión, Doublé Peed, alike on both sides of needie (patented), no other has t ; New Stand (patented), dnving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to he minimum. WRITË FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEI EOMS SSWING MACHINE CO. Oeange, Mass. Boston, Mass. 28 Cnion Sopare. N. ï CHIOAOO, ILL. ST. LOUIS, Mo. DilLAS.tEXAS. San Fhancisoo, Cal. AtlaktA. Ga. FOK SALE BY J. F. SCHIJH, At from $15 to $30 will furnish you any machine made, and warrant them for ten years. Do not be deceived by agents; get my prices before you buy. J. F. SCHUH, 31 Main St. Ann Arbor. MEN WANTED To take orders. Instruction aud outfit free Salary or eommisslon as preferred. Splendld chance (or reliable men. Experience not neeessary. Wrtte for terms and full partloulars. The K. G. CHASE COMPANY, Nurseryruen. Geneva, N. Y. EU AUn lílílMTl! Can obtain pleas il uNU K Imrffi it and profitable II HnU HU II! Ml work by addressing the Co.n-ip.exville Mfg. Oo., Manville, R. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushea. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mentían tliis }nvr. Hntzefs lier Back! A very important invention vrhich will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After yaars of" ex e rience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and oiher sediments which accumulate in water backs, often . making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The oatlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household usirig a range can affbrd to be without it. No more trouble by csing city water for hot water circuiation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbers and Steam fitters. ANN ARBOB, - - MIOB. W. F. MOORE, DB1TTIST. Work done in all forms of modern dentIstry; crown and bridge work a speoialty Gradúate of the U. of M. Office, 27 S. Main st Ann Arbor, Mlch. j y f Ínianapous.(1o rfON !Üiol- ial # 1 The Oniy Direct Route % L Trama. All ïPolnis In Modern SleepIngCarsI 0 BSÍÍ? ■ $ f on NightTralns. LWIb # I-IWI RNBLÁY.I l BAYTOÜ, i GfKBIUTI ud 15! lllDMUFOLR. (oi?íi 5 For rates and fulHnformation, addre; X D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass iWt P f' son& Woodward Aves., Detroit.'Mich & # JOHN BASTABLE, District Passeneer A-t 5 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohiu ' "' K I. G EDWARDS, General Paaaengei Agent Carew Builuing, Cincinnaii, Ohio. IHIS YEAR THE BOYS WILL WANT TO . economizt, but you can't afford to always walk when POLHEMUS has added a lot of new stylish ngs, before hard times were upon us, and now is determined to make the prices só low, that ït will beapleasure to spenda dollar now and then. Saddle Horses ior Ladies and Gentlemen. I am prepared to answer all calis for Hacks wlth the finest turnouts In the city. Cali up POLHEMUS by Phone, or order at barn, corner Main and Catherine streets. Cars lrom.Umverslty stop at our office. 83yr Sept. 27, 1394 ït Cures Colds, Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Aathm. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a. ure relief in advanced stages. TJse at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the flrst dose. Sold by dealers every where. Lugt bottles 60 ce-.ts and $1.00. ASTHHA 'sorTEN OÜRED,


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Ann Arbor Courier