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" Where are you going. iny pretty maid?" "To ray Chrietmas shopping, pa," sliesaid. ra drew a check and wiped lus eye And thought of the eorniriï buy and buy. -New Vork Herald. The street ears have not made very gooO time to-day. Tlie Sophoinores are to give a hop at, Granger's to-night. Choral Union rehearsal :it 7 doek shavp, Friday evening. Bol; üurdette at the Presbyterian oliurcli Thursday evening Dec. 19. Eev. Walter Taylor of Jackson f i 1el tho Unitarian pulpit Sunday. Br. Gibbes luis opened an office down town over Schleicher's store. Tlie first Hobart Guüd reception of ihe season occurs on Thursday evening One whole week, and not a ïnarriage license issued from the c.ounty elerk's office. The regular animal e!ection of offieers of the "Wolverine Cycle OMib occurs next Tuesday. The case of Lyraan Norria, -it Uow11, has been dismissed. tlie aceuser SMearing liim free. Martin Haller has an order tor a cliair ftnd writing desk to je shippert -to Cape Town, Airica. C A. Gale has been appointed postmaster at Pittsfield, in place of W. Woh-erton, resigncd. Beputy Sheriff Canfield look Herbert Walsh to Jackson Monday, to commencè his sentence of two years. The first of the Inland League entertainments will be given to-morrow rening, at the Church of Clirist, Speaking frora experience we should say that in this world of ours, few people are great, but many grate. Wonder how Sup't Pattenarill's plan of local spelling contesta is working ? Haven't heard of any here ? Members of Comp&ny A, would te ploased to have all the residents of Ann Arb'or visit armory to-night. Westbound trains on the M. C. E. !■ are all snowed in somewhere down ast. .Jïot one through this forenoon. Mrs. Mary E. Johnson of the northsIc. wldow of John Johnson, has secured a pension through W. K. Pliild's agency. Tlie tramp nuisance Is gatherlng itieugth instead of abating any, so our officials hwo have thafc élass to deal with think. Bishop Foley bas wrttten to ï'athw Kelley that he Avill meet the Guild f St. Thomas' church named in his honor, on Friday evening. Kotwithstanding the financial dif"culties, Contractor Collins ñas a Sang of some tihirty. men at work finiilüng iip the Hill st sewer. Now come tnose sad forebodingsl To disturb that small boy's dream, Who livfis lemotefrom chimneys, In a flat that'a warrned by steam. - Washington Star. And now the fad of the day is skating. Get on your skates. The Pullman Car Oo. is sonstructing 800 nex box freight cars ior the Anii Arbor Kai'lway Co. He who does not look well to his heelb these days is liable to ïind lümseli without understanding. The University Glee Club gave its fii-st concert at Ypsilanti last evening, iiml have a holiday trip all mapped out Deputy Postmaster Watts picked up a roll of bilis recently which he claims nevei feil through a hole in bis own pocket. A week's entertainment is to te glTöE by Company A during February, the Rink having been rented. for that purpose. Geo. Frohn of the American house reeeived a telegram Monday, announcing the death oí a brother in Colorado. Jíembers of Oriental lodge of Arbor Tent K. O. T. M., avUI notice that the anaal election of officers takes place fto-night. Miss Flora C. Finley, of this city, hut; been giving some very successiui talkfc for young people in Detroit homes, of late. During the past five years over one hundred cases of need have been ïelieved by Fraternity Lodge F. & A. M. of this city. Th faext regular meeting of the ffoman's Christian ïemperance Union will 'be held to-morrow at 3 o'clock, in the P. O. block. The Y. W. C. A. are to give a ïine entertainment at the high school chapel, on Friday evening. It wüi be worth attending. Fifty-six couple attended the social party giren by the lit class oi '90 at Granger's Friday evening, and they 'had a happy time. The birthday of Benjamin Franklin wili be celebrated by the Ann Arbor Typographical Union with a grand social hop at the Armory. A marriage Hcense, the only one w ithin the week, was issued yesteröay to Frank Fullerton 24, Augusta, Lucy Fullerton 23, Ypsilanti. tor, there would be a monkey and parrot time constantly. Give the loca' paper as much credit :is it deserves.- Fowlerville Observer. On April 11 the üniversity base ball c'ufo will play the Detroit "Western League Club at Detroit, which will be the first game of the season. The old year oï '95, is now alive, bul won't be three weeks from now. He will be as dead as Hiram King of Tyre, or Hiram Atiiïf, either one. From 7:30 to 8:30, at the M'. E. church this evening, Rev. C. M. ('obern Tvill conduct a prayer service. Special thoughts from Genesis 36-48. "Wm. Clancy, Sr., died at his home en Fourth ave., Thursday, Dec. 5., aged GG years, of paralysis. The decoased leaves a son and daughter. The local sports went a few miles out into Ixdi Monday night and held 1he and cock fight postponed last week on account of official interference ; F. H. Ticknor, treasurer of IMttsfielö will be in Ypsilanti on Dec. 21st, in Ann Arbor Dec. 28 and Jan. 4, and in Saline on Janl 7, to receive taxes. During the month of November the sale of stamps at the Ann Arbor postpffice increased $557 over the correspondlng month of 1894. The remittances for the past two months to the U. S. Treasury have been greatBr than for any two months in the nistory of the office. ril be a sister, sir, to yon." Quoth he: " At once, tben Iet's begín Pray lend to me your Woomers new; 1 want thein to play fooiball In." -Washington Star. President Wm. H. Oawford of Alleghifny Ooilege, is to lecture in the M. E. chuvch on Saturday evening, Dec. 21st, íiaving for his subject ''Savonarola." This evening, at 7:30 o'clock the Ladies' Auxiüary to the Christian "nomen's Coard of Missions, wlU ho'd au teducational service, at the Chuich of -Christ. Prof. Spalding is to read a paper or "Experimental Evolution of Plante" -before the Gradúate Club at President Angeli's next Tuesday cvening. Mis, Magdaleine Schneider, wlfe of Michael Schneider aged 50 years, died on Tuesday evening of last week, of dropsy. She teaves a husband and ïoui children. The'Uidies of Bethleliem cliurcli -vlio gave 'the Deestrickt Skule entertainment laat Friday evening can congratúlate themselves upon an immense 'succoss The footbaU team c'eared $1,819 off the Chicago game on Thanksgiving Day. A nice little sum but not equal to the eastern returns by a long distance. Mr. J. X. Krolick, of Detroit, sang a solo in a delightful manner, befcre the Young Mens' Sunday SvenJnji Club at the Congregational éhurcn last Sunday evening. President Boone, of the State Norma! School, at Ypsilanti, is to speak bei'ore the Student's Cliristian Assoelatlon at Newberry Hall, Sunday aflernoon, at 3 o'clock. Under the state law which takes efreci Jan. lst next, all street cars, electric or horse power, must be vestibuled, or the company running them bc subjected to heavy fine or imprisonment. The next repubücan national convention wiU be held at St. "Louis. Thit, is in recognition, no doubt, of the grand effort of the border state republicans, and their victories at the polls. The iovers of rapid go ing equines ■ lU enjoy a racing matinee on IS'. Ingalls st., Friday afternoon. There is to be three contests, and nags ïrom Dexter, Chelsea, Ypsilanti, etc, are expected. Commencing wftíi last Monday a. ni., the train on tba Aun Arbor ITy leaves íiere i'or Toledo at 7:40 instead oï 7:10, giving our south bound people a half hour more to get ready in. Messr,. Colvan and Soper have been east and bpught the machiuery ior the new underw'are factory to 'ue esUiblished here soon. It is expected that the factory will start up in áLout six weeks. Kemarked by the Momoe Democrat : ' Ihe i-epeated ro-ws in the Agricultura! college have at least rendered thii intestine war in the 'little pül' dcpartment oí the University, cntirely respectable." Dr. Gibbes, by reason of increased practiee fhas opened an oïiice and laboratory over Schleicher's store on'S. Main ut. He does a general practico giving special attention to conBumption and cáncer. It is not necessary to go outside Anu Arbor to secure your Christmas presents or Hoüday giits of any kind. Cur merchants can fit you out witn almost anything that can be desired or thought of. Christmas is near at hand, only two weeks from to-day. Pater families hears the jingle already. And lie ivho lias no siilyer or gold to jing'e is not as happy as tradition ivould try to prove to you he ought to l;e at this particular season. TKeT board of directors of the Athletic Association held a meeting last night, chose J. D. Richards, it. "98, manager of the foot baü team, and H. M. Senter, medie '98, captain. The 11 easurer's report showed a balance on hand of about $500. A praise meeting at the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening, gave great pleasure to an appreciative audience. Tlie quartette and solo renderings were very excellent. The pastor gave some instructivo Eible reading-s and explanations.


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