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The Comers And Goers

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Ed. Schumaeher Sundayed in Chelsea Vïm. Burke was up from Detroit over Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Elmer E. lieal spenl Sunday with Dexter relatives. E. J. Ottaway of thO Detroit Free Press staff, spnt Sunday in the city. Miss Clida Randell has returncc lióme from a visit with Indiana friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Millcr of Tittsburg Pa., are guests oí Mr. and Mre. Fretl Besimer. M S. Cook and John V. X. Uregory, of Dexter, were Ann Arbor visttors yesterday. MtM Abbio A. Pond willi spend the hoUdays with relatives and iriends in Howell and Detroit. Dr. Bliza ÍS. Mosher of Brooklyn, N. Y., has been. the gaest ol Ann irbor friends during the week. Üobert J. Burdette will be ihe guest of one of the prominent X. M, C. A. wolkers while iai tlie eity. Jfr. and Mrs. F. A. Howlett, of E. Ann Bt., will visit relatives in i.yniloii du ring tlie holidays. Dr. and! Mrs. Hoy S. Copeland entertained Dr. and Mrs. O. R. i.orig, of Ionia, durlng the week. Mrs. Fred Schmld of E. Washington et., and sister Miss Schnelder, visitetl Detroit friends last week. Mrs. AValtcr Oeborne of E. Ann Bt., witli her son Gale, go to their old home at Ouosso lor the holidays. Miss Kale Smith, of tais ■ty, lias been visit ing at the home of C. P. Case, Deiter, the past week. George H. Barker, ol the Argus, went to Fllnt Saturday to attend the wedding of a friend on Monday. Pro'. Ixmis McLoutli, president of the South Dakota Agricultural College, has Tacen in the city during the a eek. Mr. and Mrs. B. St. Jamos Wr., have beer. entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ciutton, oí Cleveland, O., íor nevera! days. Trof. E. A. Burnett of the South Dakota AgrlcuHural College, at Brooklyn, has been in the city during the past week. H. T. Morton, better known as "Hud," has returned frora a, trip west where he went to altend to his landed intereste. Uottlob Luick presented hts sou Oscar wtth a fine gold wateh last Wedneeday, that belng the young man's 21st birthday. Mrs. .T. M. Liazell of A nu Arbor, tamo liere Tiieedny nigh o have a monumeni sel up on her lot in Oat tírove.- Manchester Ehiteipriae. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk H. J. Clark and son, leit Thursday last tor Portland, Ore., where they were called by the eerious ililnees of Mrs. Clark'g mother. Mrs. Kdwanl 'J'ay'or, nee Co wan, ■. Muskegon, is vlaltlng her old home for the holldays, tlie guesfc of hor sieter, Miss M. Coivan, of S. Main st. Eev. Dr. I!. B. Pope, of Steubenville, Ohio. stopped over in the city ore day last week, greeting old friends, while on liis awy between different poLnts on a lecturing tour. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stimson entertained a few of their friends in a very pleasant way iFriday ovening. Tliey were invited to meetl Mr. and Mts. Henry A. Kyer, of eatüe, Wash. Mrs. George Talbot and daughter Mary, vrlio have been guests of the fonner'a sister, Mrs. "W. O. Ioty ior several weeks, leave to-üay for their home in Denver, Colo. The many aoquaintances they have made since coming here regret thelr departure very much. Chlldreu all hate to take Castor Oil, but not Laxol, wbich la paJatable. Il took 600.000 bicyc'es to upp'y rho American in;i,rket the past year AVho says the people of this country haveu't wheels ? Frank P. Sad'er, of Grove City, II'. senior lit., wili deliver an oratioa at Chicago on the 22d of Feb. Th:6 te the appointment given to Schoo Coinmissiomer "VVedemeyer last year. Dr. McLaurin, who by reason o tin; death of his father in November wa unable to keep his engagement hei-e, will deliver his postponed lectuie on "Jerusaleni" at the Baptist churcb in January, , The fire alarm Baturday morning v a-s eaused by a blaze at the ïoute r.i Fhilip O'IIara, on Elizabeth st. Tho fire had worked considerable damage before it was put out by the Upartment lyoys. A recent rule passed Iby the western passenger aesociation eompels al' clergymen if they desire reduced rates to make appUcatlon tlierefor, and the proper officials are being deluged wili si.cii applicattoneThe manncr in whlch people watchod theii' feet in walking yesterday and day before dkl not arise from admii-alion of thelr pedal extremettes, but from a fond desire not to 'et those extremeties give them the slip I it true that a, well known Iexter man. at a recent, social gather-' Ing in Ann Arbor. was iined $6.75 lor beins; bald headed ?- Dexter Leader And wa.s the fine money uted tu add to the Bocla.bllity of the occasicm ? A note {rom Hugh I. Mars, fornierly of tliis office, States that lie is iwnv kocated at Los Angeles, and ihat the weather Hiere is surpassingly beautilul. Tlie weather is all right aere, but it Is Bpmewhat sharp, occasionally. Everett A: Barney cut a watermel01: yeeterday at thetr X. Main st. gi-CK-ery. It was one that liad got lik! away trom its mates in tlie cellar laet lall, and was overlooked. ]t had kepi in a perfect state to all appearances. There will be a meeting of th; AVíishtenaw ('onnty Masonic Mutua' Benefit Aociation to-inorrow, Thursday evening, to elect officeiB. Therc have been no deaths ín this society since its organization, and ionscquently no assessments. A oompany with one million dollars capital has been formed in Chicago to manufacture steel after the new procees invented by Mr. Hawkins ol YpBllanti, the fatlier-in-law of City Emgineer George F. Key, ;:ii(J in 'wliich he has an interest. The horse í 'iias. Dwyer ra.n away Mionday morning, clown N. Main st., a t a gait that proved liim a runner, and broke. the cutter and harnese. He gol scared at the anties oï another tliat had tijiped over a cutter in attempting to turn around on the si reet car tracks. Mts. Marshal Peíuse, oí Ypsilanti, wiL1 le a soloist in the oratorio oí Kljjali, lo Legiven ly the Choral Unioa ut University Hall on Jan. 17th. The membere oï llie chorus have been huvliig rehearsals this occasion, anü vic are given a quiet tip that the event wlli be the most pelasing of auy ever given by them. Neither the Damnation or the Redemption will üe in il. That is what au enthuslaet lia.s told as. The summer school of the University lias teen placed on a firmer ioundation Bhan ever. Tlie ditferences ihat ii-osc last summer in regard to insliuctors has been amicably settlcd uncí each instructor is to receive at least $100 for one month's vork. Otlier questions have been disponed of ii1 a satisfactory marnier, and the schooi dui'iaig the coming summer wM be better and more thorough than it cvei has been belore. A Detroit paper of recent date re'ers to t he great need of that city for more railroad connections with ühio ï'Iver points and the soutli by way oí Toledo, and suggests the Toledo & Ann Arbor road as one of the most tl es i ra ble Unes through which to make that connection. Such a connection w.ould make the relations of Detroit with OadUlac more direct, and that lii an advantage which Mr. Fingree's lown should appreciate. However as to that northern Michigan wou'd to pleased to have the Ann Arbor road run into Detroit. - Cadillac News & Express. ■ But it is not at all ilkely that it ever will. Bro. Stearns, of the Adrián Prees v lio has e vidently t raveled over Home of the ups and downs of a rough road, is responsible for this item: ■Charley B. Davison has completed 2'.) years of service as foreman of the Ann Arbor. Courier press room, and is not the owner of t'hat paper 'et. He is a íirst-class engineer, a íirstclaSH printer, a íirst-class master Masón, but . inclined to uphold secondclaat politics. He has for ihe past five years been maeter of tlie Masonic fratornity, during which time he has raised' 125 fellowcralts who had met au unexpected lay ut at different timos. is quite a record, and one t'hat few men can equal. He has frequently been known however, to skin a poor fellowcraft out of nis last nickel, before showing him how to wear nis cutaway coat as a master mason, In every other respect though. he is generous to a fault."


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Ann Arbor Courier