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The Courier has been rïelayed this ■week by the non-arrival of paper. The paper milis are making a combine to boost pricee, and are veiy careful about reducing their stock until the arrangement are eomp!eted. The (lee And Banjo Clubs made a hir. at Tpel. Wednesday evening last. When a man skips out öwlng you money, it is difficult to believe that distance lends enchantment to the view. It is known that a firm in HoweU tost the sale oï a large bill of goods Wicause they did not advertise in their home papers. Albert Collier is at the hospital in Am. Aibor to test Prof Vaughan's uudein treatment for diseases of the Inngs.-Pinckney Dispatch. Among the eight postu'nnts who took the veil at St. Mary'a convent at Monroe last Thureday, was Mies Lizzie Clark, of Aun Arbor. Edwin I{. Stanton, editor of the Stantpn Herald wlio died on the 5th tost., aged 76 years, published the Ani! Arbor Argus ivay back in 1843. Oíd "Cris" -svho has drawn one o the American Express Co's carta heré for the past ten yeare,, has been ieplaced by a new and younger horse. Corneli University has done a very comniendable act in donating 00 voluiues, to ttae library of the University ol Virginia, wfalch was destroyed fcy ffrc reeently. Germán M. E. ehurch society ■n ÍK ho-Id their nnnual Christmas festiva! on the eveniug of Christmas Day, Dcc 25, in the hall over "W. F. StimBOn'8 store on E. Ann st. ITie tivo Wue lodges o! the Masonic fraternity Ciave decided not to have any (public installation this year, we are finíormed. The money íhat sucia an tifiair would cost is to be turned into the charitable fund. Inquiry is made concerning the best method of destroying t.yphoid germs in drinking water. Answer :- li in Ann Ai-bor, boil it ; if in Adrián, inke it.- Monroe Democrat. And U Moiiroe, fry it, of course. Itev. 0. M. Ctobem, of Ann Arbor, wel] known as an explorer of the pyraniids, ivas last week suddenly aioused from cryptological interpretations and Ramessic reveries, by the firsl huaza of li is la test son, who wil] undertake to teach liim that there is a.D active traneitive present as well as a mummyfied past. The Untvepslty closes to -day for the Holiday vacation. Until after Christmas all stores in the city wild le open eveningsi A musicale to-night at the Baptist church by a number of our local artlsts. An informal meeting of the Xyra Singing Society thls evening, at its rooms. There will be a special meeting of Fiaternity Lodge F. & A. M. Friday evening. Louis J. Liesemer has been appointed guardián of James AVatson, a Salino minor. Faculty concert at 8 o'clock Thurgday evening, Dec. 19, in Frieze Memorial Hall. The Michigan Federation of "Woman's Clubs proposes to put its shoulder to the wheel and help secure a Woman's building here on the campus. P.O.'. E. D. Walker, lit '91, who wem to Dubuque, Iowa, last fall to assume charge of the schools there, ia reported as "meeting with great success. If you want what you want for diristmas, you better get a uiove on and secure it before it is everlastingly too late - the choice things are going quick. Many a man, in his prayers on Sabbath, tells the Lord what a wicked man he k, and then Uves the balauce of the week in such a way as to prove the aseertions made in his prayers. Ambrose 13., the eleven years oíd sou of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Clark, of Miller ave., died Thursday evening last, of fever. Funeral services were huid Sunday afiernoon, Eev. T. W. Young conducting them. Arthur, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gerstner ,of W. Huron st., died on 'J'hursday evening last, with whooping1 cough, aged 7 years. Funeral was held Sunday. Intheir affliction tlie.-e kind parents have great sympathy. Eev. Lawrence Oo!e, of this city wiU conduct the services 'at St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, until the new rector Bev. "Wm. Gardam, oí Faribault, M inn., arrivés, whicñ, it is expected wil' be about the middle( oï January. The superintendent of the poor at Jackson continúes his kind attentions to Ann Arbor by paying the transportación of poor people to this place. Perhapa this account will be "evened up" witli our western ueighbor one of these days. It' people wh-o write communicatiors for papers would sign their ons uames they vo,uld save numberlets wild surmises, and oïtentimes give thfl opiuious expressed more lorce. Tlieu again it is not fair to make an editor essume the responisibiaty lor other's opinione. Many people here ün Ann Arbor would 'bejileased to have the presidency oï the State Agricultural College go to Prof. McLouth, if they feit any assurance that the composición of the controLloing board was such as to make an appointment pleasant and permanent. Eniil Hoppe, who has been with John W. Maynard, in the groeery trade for a number of years, was married on Wednesday evening ast, at the home of the bride's párente, on TV. Third st., to Miss Carrie Erdman. Kev. John Keumann performed the ceremouy, after which a wedding suppor was served. The couple received many beautiful and useful presenta. To show what effec tthe quarrel in ■nhicii our city authorities have indulged has had on outsiders, we quote from the last Pinckney Dispatch : "Is Aun Arbor bankrupt ? Fifty ivorkmen who are engaged in digging sewers cannot get their money. ■J'lu; council wrestled with the question one evening, but Hke Jacob of old. were emote on the thigh, and fiom appearances must have become paralyzed." We can stand the hnrseless carriage - Thlnk itjustasflnenssilk, But we kick hard, harder, hardest, When they mpntfonless cowless milk. -West Union, (Ia.) Gazette. A concert by professionals, is aunounced for the Baptist church tonight. The horse races on N. Ingalls st. Friday attracted quite a crowd of equi-ne lovers. The -ladfes of the 2d Baptist ehurcli give 'o, chicken pie social to-night at their church. Company A hears the war news with calm composure. The boys are all ready to go. The Webster Society celebrates lts birthday to-night in the law lectur room. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger are to give their annual holiday dancing party on Friday eveningj Dec. 27. The Ann Arbor R. E. runs a special to-morrow, at 3 o'clock, to accommodate Ktudents going home for the Holidays. _ Here i an idea for our street railwáy. It might boom business In Mexico, it is said, they have female street car coonductors. The Loyal Temperance Legión for children will meet every Satur'day ai 2 o'clock, in tlie hall over Calkins' diug store on State st. The Chrlstmas number of The "Wïinkle is very good, and will iill the long felh want of something to laugh at in tho circle In which it circulates. The letters which have reeently appeared in the Times relative to supt. Berry, voice the general sentiment of the people who patronize the road. He has been a very competent man. Ann Arbor's tax ráte is $16.95 per thousand. Here it is $22. It don't muc hof a town to lay over Ann Arbor, any way. - Adrián Pres?. Aln ays thought Adrián was stuck up. Il the many times with which ihe trees have been loaded with "c;o'd frost and snoiv" this winter, mdicates a plentiful fruit erop next fail, everyon(! will desire to have the saying prove itself true. M. J. Lehman, of Aun Arbor, H. B. Adama and E. H. Hinckley, oí thú city, intend soon to lorm a copartnership in the I-aw business, and an office wiü bo opened in Detroit.- Tpsilanti Sentinel. The Ann Arbor Courier spells iate four. waya and don't come within fonr feet of getting ifc right after all. -Adrián Press. Great tïcott, man! you ouglit to be ablei to distinguish tho difference between fate and feet by this time. Your fate is indeed sad Eemarked by the Adrián Press : "Jo Blackburn, an Ann Arbor catcher tmpöunded 3r dogs in 30 days. Most of the K9's are givento medical (leut.s ulio make a cursory investlgation of dog anatomy. Blackburn has been known to try and se'.l their bark for fue'. No dog has ever lived lo return home and teil liis tail. ít's a dog gone business t-Jiat Jo eonducts." Is this item irom the Ypsilanti entine! a slander on some of our p(Ople who go out of town !to trade : 'Au Ypsilanti merchant is studying the percentage of profit in credit custom irom Ann Arbor. One ilay last ■week he made a motor trip to that city to collect some accounts. Kesults - notliing in cash, except the cost of bed and breakfast, íor he missed 1 he motor and liad to stay all night.'1 It is naturally to be supposed thnt citizens of Ann Arbor are weli posted owing to the location of the medical college there and that they should not be afraid of their shadows, but when au expert witness on a recent trialfestilied that he had attended a small pox patiënt the day before niany of the spectators grabbed their H.its and bolted tor the door.- Detroit Freo Press. The above is a slander, sure. Richard Pierson, aged 57 years, difcd at hfs home, corner of Monroe and Packard sts., on Thursday last, with ürighfs disetfSe. The deceased was au old soldier, having served in the HOth Ohi'o volunteer infantry, and had 'been wounded three times -vhile in service. The rematas were takeu to his former home, Van Wert, Ohio, for burial. Services were held at the residence Friday evening, conducted by Rev. Dr. Cobern. - _a.


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Ann Arbor Courier