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Things Worth Remembering

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üe oro cooking primes, soalt Hiein for Iwelve hours in cóld water enough to cover 'them. Put them to o ook over a slow lire in t&is water, addii S n aittie sgar, if necessary. 'J-t Uien-. Bixcuaer dtowly til soit. Bruises máy be kopt frora üiscolóring by applying at once and eonstantv o'otlis squèzed from very hot water. Do not nllow a chiUl to continue 10 scream because oí a biirap or a Bcratch.; Insist that you cannot attendtfl it white the noise lasts. Very sconit wlU learn self-control. To cook sauer krant put it to Iioil witli e piece of salt pork about two hours ibefore, Inner time. There slioukl 'be just sufficient water 1o cool. away ; II it be Bimmered slowly, as i( .shoiiM be, enough water to easily cover it wil] be sufiieient. When iï is almost done grate Mime raw ]otat-C and stir ín to thicken it sli;htoulfl have a i 'i1 o underwear ; the very 'imu or autumn and spring, and 1 e:)'.'-. . with a proportion oí wool, tJier. lS 1 8 it ie rwrorn ; flannel ui won; loose enough to circulation of air between the skin and tlie garment. Ah authjority warng wonien who would preserve or enhance the ) eauty of their complexión - aurt wliai foman Avoulil nol ?- to u 'icver possiWe lor washing the fint'. Wüten this is not procurab'e, boi t'ae water before using ii. Wi li thte good soap should be usi d, or the 'baste n' all beauty is celanlinc-s. It is a mistake to fancy that oils end ungenls wlll cleanse and beauti[y tlie kin. A. few women wlll ding to Ihis most mistaken idea, and tliere never was a gre.ater delusion. Turo rain water i.s the best oï oll cosmei ie Good cake makers know by taking strokes with an old fashioned egg whip they can beat whites to a eoarse, moderately stift froth, such as makea dldcate, tender cake. With nomo oí (lie new patent beaters thty can produce a fine froth, stiï'f and touglt enough lo bend when cut, but such ti froth -vill produce :i tough, thougli a fine grained cake. Iï the flour is folded in carefully, insteud of taklng circular Btirrlng strokes, tlie eake will be feathery light. There is no bet.ter way oi' cooking a young chickeu th'an thLs : Open down tlio back ; lay, open side down, in ti clean dripping pan add a litt'e coki water, turn another pan ovei lt and set on the stove or in a niod erately qúick oven. IÍ it couks dry add a üttle more cold Avater and ■vhen neurly done let it brownslightlj-, watchlag careiully iliat it lio.'s not burn. Season with salt and a sprinkle of red pepper and a vefy Httle butter, then pour on and around It eome rk-h cream and let it boíl a few minutes. There are no scorcbed or dried np wings and tegs as when !t i.-; bolled, but every part is tender oiiü nvii'l as a nut. Did yu ever have rheumatisni ? Teiiiaps bo. No lun in it was there? And no lun In the remedies of whica yon -heard of eeveral i lirough tri n 8. far and near. Tried them all most llkely. A mast mysterloais diease, indeed. But yon fotind perhapa fhai llu mata thing for a cure is to get your ibowe's in good order, ior Ihe diseasf often is brought on througb a, BluggiBh action of these organs. And llio skin must lie made to act its part well, ateo the kldneye. In oiher words, (He dteease is caused iy a poison in the blood, which aan l:e 2-ot rid of by restoring activity to the eliminating organs. Drink freely oí a 1 1 rom: ';(■ liol . Uiflneys, liyer and toro few e m, and avoiü mr anfl medicine : nd do i: meáis, nor ■ cake tor many for euppi


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Ann Arbor Courier