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The Saline Baptists resumed regu lar services Sunday. C. K. Cobb has left Dexfcer to ac cepl. a place in Corunna. Presbyterian ladies of Milao fleared S43.ll by the bazar thej had. TheU" new flag was dedicated by the school chlldren at Manchester las Frlday. Slabtowu, in Augusta, has a new resident. He is a Corkins, haiüng from Owosso. Smith & Hateey of Milan, have dis solved partnership and the firm is now F. G. Halsey. There will be only one weck's vaca tion in the Dexter schools- this week - for the holidays. Each room of the Dexter schools has a flag of our country, as a part o their decorations. Good. The M. E. church at Milan is to hold an oldfashioned watch night ser vice on the evening of Dec. .'51st. Tlie ladiee of the Congregational church of Dexter, raised $190 an( paid for a new heating apparatus A.. A. Wood. of Ixdi, has been attending the sheep breeders' associa tion at Lanslng during the past week. Dan Hitchingham has returned to AA'hittaker from Virginia, and is pleased to get back ta a températe climate- Fred Widmayer has been elected councilmnn of Manchester in place of TVm. Relifuss who has removed to Ann Arbor. Ninety-three per cent. of the pupils in one department at Milan neither absent or tardy daring the month. How's that ? George Bryant who slashed Tim Johnson- both colored- with an axe, down in Augusta a while ago, has been admitted to $500 bail. Beginning with the "Week of Prayer, Jan. öth, special revival services wiU be held in the M. E. church every evenng at 7:30.- Milan Leader. Owen Gallagher, an old pioneer of Hamburg township died on Sunday laet, aged 72 years. was well khown to many in this county. The school year at Dexter is divideo into two terms of sixteen weeks each, and one of eiglit weeks. The spring vacation coming the last of April hereafter. "Wiü tlie coming woman liave whiskers and grow & mustache ? This is of capiüary importance, and wlU le anxiously discussed at tho next national barbers' unión.- Adrián Prese. 1Tm Presbytereian Sunday School wUl have a "Chimney, Fire-place and Santa Claus" entertaininent Chrlstmas eve. There wiü be lots of solid i'iijoyment for the UtUe lolks.- Milan Leader. j ' The firm of Birkett, Francisco & Iiobbms, of Dexter, has been dissolved and Ernest Elsasser and A iiobbins have leased the mili from Mr. Birkett, anti will run it under the name of Dexter Milling Co. The Kecord reeen tly et ated that the Globe Co. had Becured an $1,800 job oí school seating in the New Orleans school, s. It should have been a job oí 1,800 seatlnge whlch would probably amount to $4,000.- Xorthvil'e Kecord. The Buit of Franklin Hinckloy, guardián of the Holstrom minors, against the FideÜty Mutual Insurance Company, has been settled by payment of $400. The policy avus for $2,000.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. Query ! Why not have a full ieldged Young Men's Christian Association in tiiis town and rooms fort laeir use ?- NorthviUe Kecord. If you have ■not one already, you wUl iind such a thing the best paying investment the fathere of NorthTille ever made ior their boys. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Phelps arrivod home last evenlng {rom their wedding trip. They were tendered a very happy reception by Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Cook at their home, the gucsts being relatives and immediate friends. The occasion was a very pleasant oue.- Dexter Leader. The question of microbe germs or of bacteria in water does not worry Monroe people. The last census shows only four persons who use it as a beverage in that city, and t ivo of these were strangers. - Adrián (Press. Miss Fin!ey has a story club at Ann Ar'bor. If Ez. Norris, Jo. Jacobs, Geo. Wahr or S. Beakes are membere in good standing, they'U never carry off the booby prize. If any one can teil a bigger story or more of 'em, he ought to file a caveat at once.- Adrián Press. ! A typewriter agent in Ypsilanti, to show off the alignment of iiia maohine wrote tliis sentence, which contains every letter of the alphabet : 'Pack my box with five dozen liquor ugs." Bad as it was, a worse sentence could follow towit :- $10.25 fine and costs, or 30 days in JalL The Ann Arbor Courier suggests that tlie new "R. C." club at Milan stands lor "Belief Oorps," and not 'Kat Catchers" or "Bepublican Club." The Monro;; Democrat probably makes a close guess when it suggests "Ilingtailed Coon."'- Milan Leader. The Leader is off on our guess. ilegular Oorkers, how's that ? Many farniei-s are putting oil heaters in their watSer tanks. The pense is not heavy, and the advantagc of keeping the tank clear oï ice can only be fully understood by those who have chopped holes through a íoot or more of ice 'and watched the animale Bhiver as they drank the cold water, - Jonesville Independent. Goo. J. Nissly wound up the xeason of live poultry shipping with a big carload from Bridgewater last Thureday. ïhis niakes nine carloads aggregating 12,000 lbs he lias sslnpped during the past three months. Irving Ooi-bett piloted seven oí them to their destination. New York, and traveled about twelve thousand miles in doing t.- Saline Observer. The southerstern 'Washtenaw farmers' mutual iire insurance co. has had another favorable year- lucky, the officers cali it, but we are wiiling to say that it is mostly on account of good management. The officere lave always been particular in takng risks, and again, the south-western portion oï the county is made up of intelligent and industrious ers who liave great regard for their ïeighbors as well as vheir own welavo and believe that nones ty is the Lest policy.- Manchester Enterprise. The social eustom of New Year's day, wherby the ladies keep open house and entertain their gentlemen riendB, will be revereed on the lst oí January next. iThe year 18i)ü i.s leap rear and the young women oï Coldvat-er propO6e to claim the jnivileges granted 'by such dispensation 'by calling on the young men. The young men are expected to keep open house and will '.lispluy gallantry in pouring eoííee, disseminating bon bons and iurnishing small talk for the edilication of their gue.-il.s M.ay the day prove to be a 'Happy New Year" to every one of them.-


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