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The Work Of The Hospitals

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Nouday's Times gave the following statistics which will be read with much interest by a portion of our readers, at least : The University hospital, regular, lia been flguring np its business tor tli year, up to date. The hospital V; cloeed during the suminer and wa opened for the reception of patiënt Sept. 10. Since that date patiënt have coiiie in a steady stmun, flllin Uu' building t overtiowing, and 'mat] ering in great mimbers about in th neighborliood. Every cllnSe has iv erowded and mauy extra clínica iiav been necesaary 10 take care of tlie work. The whole number of patients enrolled bet ween Sept. IC and Dec. 20, was 554. Of these 2S5 were cared for in tlie. building the remainder sleepáng outside. Tlie average number of path'uts remalning over night in tlie hospital, figures out 70, the maximum betng 79 and the minimum 54. The capaötty of the hospital is supposed to be 00, 24 in each of two wards, and 12 private rooms. From this it appears that the hospital eustomarily entortalns 10 people more than it is presumed to have space for, and sornetimes increases its lead to 10. Extra beds are put in the wnrds till the space between is suiiiaient for the attendants to squeeze through. Siuce October 1, -vhen the surgical elinics began, there hlave been 21 operations performed upon the abdominal eavity. 6 for appendic-itis all of Which were successl'ul. 2ö cal.n-.uis were removed, there were 5 anaueleatious and 1 hip' joint anipulation. Tln total of surgical cases amounts to 1 05. not counting, eye or ear caaes. The number of medical cases lias been larger than ever bef ore. Dr. Doek hns been making a special effort to strengthen tlïis portion of the hospital ivork. Tliere have been three cases of typhoid f ever, all suecessfully treated. Out of these öö-l patients only seven have died. Two died within 36 hours Kier arrival at the hospital being too far gone before reaching here for thing to be done to save them. Two Vin-e consumption cases, and two dded. subsequent to au operatkui. Of these last one died within two days and the 't kt lingered 20 days. The seventh lath was a case of chrouic nervous trouble. Business has been crowding during the past week, there Imving been five surgiaal clinics, one held ae ah' as 10 o'clock p. m. The hip joint amputation was perfoi-raed two weeks aso on a man lamed Baasett, from Petoskey. and lp to the present time has been emnently successful, the appearng to progresa witli gneat rapidity and vitlumt any formation of pus. The great benefit of ttiis work to studente at this institution lies in the lolicy of the medical departmer.t, in )utting, patients directly in charge of the students tor care and treatmnt, vith comietent supenion and sistance. Every senior medie has ai trood many patiënte that he bias doctored clear thnough. to cornfortable c-onvalescence as coinpletely if not as independently as he ever will in actual pi-actice. There is no other institution in the country tbat gives its students i inneli practical experience with vhat they must afterwnrd encouuter n their profession.


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