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The Late Alexander Dumas Ordered

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in his wlll that all lüs unpublished manuscripts shouUl be destroyed, including two completed comedies. It seems hard until one recalls Ft-oude on Carlyle and many similar Iterary outrages. AH the countries of "Surope denied that the Declaration of Independence was good International law. But a Httlo colony of three million people proved to thera that it wasi Xow fhey deny t hat the "Monroe doctrine is good international au', but they wffl find that it is. England's swagger was oonspicuously absent when Russia in 1870 tore up the treaty of Paris of 1856, dictated by England, and moved lier fleet iiito the Black sea. IE Russia had been a weak natiion like Venezuela or Nicaragua, Britisb. vengeance would have been switt and relentlesa. The populatiou of England is 27,483 dáO, of Wales 1,519,035, of Scot!and 4,025,647, and of the i.slands 147,842, a total of 33,170,014. In case oí war between Great BrLtain and the United States that 4,704,750 inhabitants oï Ireland will also have to be reckoned witli. The question is whether Ireland will be a recruiting ground for England or for tlie United States. England forgets tJie strcotli oí the l'nlicsi States in Canada.. Supp tor iustaiiL-ü, ihai In caso oí a, (leclarut-ion of war, the congress ol this country was to enact a law granting amnesty to all the fugitives f rom just-ice wlio are hiding iii the dominion on condition that they shouldturn in and help to annex. Canada, what would then become of the .jueen's beautiíul colonial dependency ?- Cleveland Leader. Pres. Lewia McLoutb, of the Souih Bakota Agricultural college is prominently spoken for the presidency of the Michigan Agricultural collage at Laneüig. His frlends in Washington who have knoivn of his good work in the Normal School and when he AvaB formerly professor at Lanshig, would be pleased to see him' get the place, for they feel that he is bo well equipped for it that he would fill it with the abüity to make that college what it ought to be. ' I! England, in case oí war, proposes to devaste all of our eoast cities, what, do }T)u suppose, we will be doing all tlie time ? It was in the year 1777 that John Paul Jones, commanding a snip of eighteen guns, appeared on the British coast and made a raid on the town of Whitehaven The Beclaration of Independence was then but little more than a year old If (England is counting on immunity trom attack at her own doors in case of war with this country she has iorgotten the grit and euterprise o American sailors. "When the people oí the state be come posted on tJie work oí the pur lood commissioners they will see tha they are doing a valuable work. Th report ior November, which i.s jus at hand, gives numerous instance of eeizure and exainination oi variou kinds of food and most every cas shows fraud. It has come to sucli a a pass that people actually know nothing about what kind of food they eat. Vtü beüeve that a large peí eentage of diseases are caused by eai ing impure and poisonous loods am we are heartily glad that the commis Bion bas been estabüshed and hop for its oontinuance in the good wor done.- Manchester Enterprise. The St. Ixniis Globe-Democrat gives he ooal o;l eo'.lege this : "Chicago's niversity la rolling In millions. bujt te output of tearnlng thus tar may Ie eckomed in ha'ponnios. Chicago hould look into a dlctionary to see vhat a university is for.'' At last Ex-Attörney General Elïs has concHided to yicld bi opiniön asgainst tïiat of the state supreme ourt, and he has paid into the treasury of the state $5,218.0S, the amount paid him under the fraudulently declared salaries amendment act. _ Senator Reutoen Kempf, president oí the FaVmers' & Mechanics' Bank, lia announcéd liimselï as a candidate lor delégate from this congiessional district to the next repubücan national convention. It is altogether probable that he will not be alone in that very laudable ambition. The dynamite shells experimented wilbh i'or naval defense at San Franisco are found to be entirely effectve -wlthln a distance oL three miles. Iliks 1t--lru'tive agent is a yet an mknowu quantity in warfare, bat here is an inereasing dvead of it among tlie Spanish troops in Cuba. There is to lx; a good time In store iv those (ïuill drivers who can takc n it. The oftioera of the Michigan ress association are making arrangemeiits .(■■ lic mcmli n-s oï that asosiation to take a trip to Mexico in Eebruary. It is expected that they vill vlsit New Orleans eol route, to ee the Manli Gras carniva'. Xt is si-gnificant, that with one ór wo exceptions, the professors of inOrnational law in a!l American univereities and colleges, declare pointdly against the correctness of the lonroe doctrine as applying to Souih America and comdemn Cleveland's anïounceintMit as untenab'e, both legaly and morally.- Adrián Press". It is also significant that the same lot of heorists are rampant free traders. They ahvays have, and probably alwaye wjll favor England in everytliing.


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