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The Comers And Goers

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M:ss Genevieve Dufíy Is spemling tlie bolidays in Chicago. Dr. W. H. Dorrance spent Chrlstmas -n-itli relatlves In Rlves. Mra. Zenas Sweet has gone to Belort, Wis., to visit friends. Misa Xellie Mingay is ependlng the, holitiny vacatlon in Plint. Dr. Jolin B. Dowdigaii of Owosso, Cliristmassed in Ann Arlior. Prof. A. C. Tagge, of Monros, is visiting lus sistr Mrs. Wlll MÜIer. Claude J. Price took his Christmaa turkey "vitli friends in Kalamazoo. Mrs. Ann Walker and son Henry, spent Christmas with Chelsea relatives. Supt. Perry atteiuled the State Teachers' Aüsociation at Lansing last week. Mrs. W. G. Cooper of Jackson, spent Ohristmas with R. C. McAllastcr and family. Mrs. Ir. Heartley has gone to Milwaukee, Wis., to visit her daughterMrs. KiUi'ea. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. CSarkson went to Manchester, 10 visit Mrs. C's parents during the week. Ij. E. Canfield. of tlie Courier lorce, spent Oiristmas at the home o!' h:s parents in Portland. Mrs. Eug-ene Oeeterlin, Sr., has been entertaining lier sister, Miss Wise, of Jackson, for a time. Almeron Crandall, oí Chicago, lias been the guest ol his brother on S. TweUth st., íor a few days. Julios V. Seyler oí Detroit, has been spending tlie holiday Beaeon with his mother. on E. Iiberty st. Robert an;l Mrs. Ohristian Eayer. o: Port'and, Oregon, are eu sts of friends liere for the holidays. Mr. J. J. Reed and son, of Chicago, are guests of Mrs. R's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hiscock of X. Main st. Miss Fannie Louise G-winner of Grine'.l, Iowa, is spending the holiday? vacation with her parents in this city. John Feiner and J. J. Ferguson are to1 attend the dep art ment council of the Patr!a:-ch's MÜ n.nt at Detroit to-morrow. Titus Hutzel and wi;e liad the finest Christmas present received any one in Ann Arbor. It was a little daughter. Edward G. Mingay of Toronto, Ontario, is in the city for a few day's Btay, 'looking as if the world was treating him well. Mrs. Dr. Uren, óf Hurley, Wis., who had been the guest of Ann Arbor friends for several days, returned to her home Thursday. Eugene K. Frveiu " v' ths Owosso Argns, was In tlv city Christmas and the day foCowlng, shakiKg liands with old iriends. Prof. Harry Randall, of the Sagióaw Schools, has been spending the holidays with his parents, Proseeuting Attorney Seth C. Randall and wiïe. Jas. E. Duffy of Bay City, Edward' F. Duffy of Chicago, a.nd Miss Mary E. Duffy of Marquette have been the guests of their father Edward Duffy, during the week. Jacob Boihnet, who has been away from Ann Arbor for a long time, and at one time was thought to be dead, is now visiting his old home here. He uves at Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kearns of Detroit and Dr. "Wni. Kenrns of Pittsburg Pa., have been guests during the week of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jas. Kearns of Thompson st. Henry J. Kyer and wife, who have' been guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Kyer, of N. Main st., for some days, le:t Thursday evening for their home in Seattle, "Washington, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Martin entertainel a number of frIends on Tuesday evening last and again on Thursday evening another party of them, both of which occasions were exceedingly enjoyable. Prof Andrew C. McLaiigiilln is in Washington, I. ('. Mrs. Nelson Freer of Lima, spent iir week ín Ajin Arbor. Ktirl E. Harriman was up from Töovcr Sumlay and Monday. M;bs Addie Tice has been visiting frinda in Jaclcson during Uie week. Mr. and Mrs. EM. Bacon went 1o ('hii'sea to speud their Clirlstmas. Dr. and Mrs. B. I'. Copeland spent Christmas wlth relativo-; in Chelsea. Miss Cora CrandaU lias retnrned home from Watervleit for the winter. iti.s Jji'a and Master Jay Bartlett of Plint, are visiting friends In the city. Gtfbert Rhodes and wKe aro entertaünlng Miss Hattie Haviland oí West Day City. Pro'. J. A. C. HiUtaier and Family are spendng the hoHdays. with his párente in Detroit. Alfred Meyer was up frota Detroit to spend Christmas wlth his parents, on S. Ttii st. Dr. Austln McGuire of Detroit, has been tlve guest of his parents here during the week. Mistes lioso and Xessa Demmon have been spending ili: vacation wlth friends in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Woods and famlly have been spending the holidajs with Chelsea friends. AViil s. Cheever, of AVist, Bay City has -been vislthlg his parents here daring the week past. Miss Myra B. Lewls of Metamora, has been the (guest of Ann Arbor (rienda tor a daya Mt. and Mrs. John Muehlig entertainod tlieir friend Miss Emma Vo!z of Detroit, for Christma-s. Dr. P. W. Palnier has been visiting friends in Sitaron and Bridgewater during the past week. Eev. C. G. Sbanger, who had been visiting his parents here, returned home to Detroit Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Sharpe. nee Ottley, oí Cassopolis, ha-s been visiting her fornier home here during the week. Earl Ganser and Henry Ridley of Cleveland, O., have been visiting o!d friends here for a few, days. Jacob Scliumacher and family oí Chelsea, have been guesfcs of Ann Arbor relatives during the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hendricks of Lansing, have been guests of Ann Arbor friends during the week. Misses Huida and Ida Maier, of Grand .Ledge, have been guests of Eugene Mutschel during the week. Oounty Treasurer Eehiuss and litt Ie daughter have been visiting Manchester friends for a few days. Miss Nelia Kittredge of N. Main st. is spending the holidays with her siste:-, Mrs. Muir, In Grand Raplds. Pro;1. T. C. Trueb'.ood and family have been vieittag friends at Bloomington, Ind., during the vacation. D. J. Malloy of E. Ann st., has been entert aining his sister Miss Maggie Malloy of Chicago, during the week. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Tibbals of Detroit, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Babcock during the week. Oscar Sehmidt, of Jackson, ate Christmas dinner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schniid, of this city. M,rB. 'B. St. James has been entertaiuing .her parents, Capt. C. A. Peties and wüe of Detroit, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Key, of this city, attended the McFarlaneWorden wedding at Y'psilanti Christmas eva. MrB. Cbas. LeSuer, of Toledo, returned home Monday after a few days' with her sister Mrs. C. B. Davison. Kev. and Mrs. T. V. Young left Monday for Louis ville, Ky., and Covünsrton. Temí., to be absent a couple of weeks. Mrs. Henry Barringer and son, of Panther, W. Va., have been guests of the Misses Maan, oí S. Main st., during rthe week. Mail Carrier Chris. Donnelly rejoices over a boy at his house. He came Thursday, so near Christmas that he takes it as a Cliristmas present, all right enough. J'iof and Mrs. D. VV. Springer Jiave irfcen in Chicaigo for heveral days, where Mr. S. has been engaged in atattending the meeting of the Western Penman's Association. He's a Darling ! Who's a Darling? Why, that new boy up at Dr. Darling's. How could he help but be one under the circumstances ? His father is a Darling, you, see. Frank M. Sessions Ut. '88, of Columbus, O., and Prof. Seymour, of St. Louis, Mo., have been guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions, of E. AVilliam st. Mrs. George E. Bliss and Miss Ida Blies have gone to New, York for an extended stay with friends. Miss BHss expects to attend the famous junior promenade at Y'ale, on Jan 31. D. A. Tftiker and fnniily Chrlstmased in Jackson. Jamos 8. Handy te Ín Chicago for the 'holiday ees Miss Anna Harria spenda iho vacatton willi [rienda Ín Indiana. f. W. Mlngay editor of the Daily Times, sprnt Sunday in FUnt. County School Commlssioner Wedemeyer is at Kalamazoo agaln. JTiss Katc Campion is home írom Jackson for a few day'a visit. Mrs. Jacob Dengler, of Owosso, is risiting George Dengler and -,vi"e. A. í Freeman of Manchester, was in the city on legal business Monday. Wat. F. Plscher of Battle Creek, visited hls párente here over Sunday. ífi-ss. Fred. Tinker has ix-cn spending hoüdays at her former home in Jackon. John C. Browne, of Thompson ui., lias gane to Chicago to rentaln permanently. Dr. D. A. McXachlan of York, sreetod liis oounty seat friends here last Wednesday. 8ÍT. and Mrs. -lame-! I'olcy o! ï.ans'ng are guests oí Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Maynard. Dr. Walter Booth of Grand Raplds, faas been visitlng o'd friends here ior a few dnys. D. A. Hammond is ín üansing, attendlnu: a meeting of the stat:1 board of education. Dan F. Zimmornian and 0. B. Tilton Jiave been at Fort "Wayuo, Lul., for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Krause are entertiimVng Mre. Hirtli and Miss Millie Hirtii. of Toledo. Henry H. Walker, who is etttdying at Amliei-st Theolog'cal School, has been home for the holidays. Miss Mabelle Ha'leck !ia been visiting Dr. X. A. McLachlan and famlly at Detroit, for the week. Mrs. Xe'son and son Raleigh. of Chicago, have been the guests of Ann Arbor tfriends for the holidays. tiss M. Eve'yn TV'aples. of Clncinnatl is the guest of her parents Judge and iirs. Eufus Waples of S. Thayer st. Mrs. X. W. Hadley and children, of of Monroe-st., and Miss Wines, have been visiting HoiveU friends during the week. Pro'. James R. Angeli of Chicago, Vniversity. has been visiting hla parents, President Angelí and wi!e during the week.


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Ann Arbor Courier