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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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ISINFÜL HABSTS SN YOÜTH LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN b. - ■ STUC B E C S!i T c ignóranos and folly in youth, overexertion of mmd and body indn-( K I H t H tú U I ed by lust and exposure ara constantly wreckme the lives and futuren El a ppin "9 of tbousandí ofprSne young men. Home fade and wither at an early age Ski the blossom of manhoog whileothers are forced to drag out a weary truitles andQmelancholy existence. Othera reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. lne Kvictime are fonnrt in all stations of life-.-The farm, tlie othco, the workshop, the puipi, Bthe trades and the professions. - tl S RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K . & K. i Wai. A. WALKEK. Wm. A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS. FEERY, CHKET. Ibefoee tbeatment afteb TEEATiiKNT Divorced bnt nnited again E3-NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.- ij ■ Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says:- "I have snfferedg CVPi-ill IQ xmtold afionies for my -'gay life." I wasindiscreetwhenE öirniLIO ng ad ignorant. A8"OneoftheBoy8"Icontractedg CMSQQIOiMQ Syphilis and other Private dieeases. I had ulcera m theK CIYIIOOIVSIIO mouth and tliroat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples on QTDirTIIRF face, fineer nails carne off, emissions, became thm andg; O I ni I Unt despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercury.W il IR PD Potanh, etc. They lielped me but coald not cure me.i VUrCL Finallvafriendinducedmetotry Drs.Kennedy&Kergan.e ' "heir New Method Treatment cured me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderful.J You feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their faihng to cure in a siner'e Wcase" t-cURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED (Capt. Chas. Ferry says:- "Iowomy life tp Drs. $. & K. DnT ■ n-ij f AtUIlearnedabadhabit. At 21 1 had all the symptpms IMPOTENCY f Beminal Weakness and Spormatorrhcea, Emissions rior#iri 17 G c rainmg and weakenins iriy vitahty. I mamed at VAKIoUUtLt Y #21 under advice of my family doctor, but ït waa a riülOOIAMO t ksad expericnce In etehtetn rapntha we were divoroed. I ttVilbölUIVo ÍS - then consulted Drs. K. & K., wli. -tored me to manhood Aimrn " Sbïtheir New MethodTrmtoimt. ■- lta new lif o thnll through UUtltU f Imy nérvea. We were united ag= : and are happy. This was - k 'sis years ago. Drs. IC. i K. ccientdfic speciahsta and I heartily recommend them. i 1 &BWe treat and cure Vaiicocc'c, Emissiont, Nervotts Debüity, Setninalk Weakness, Gl-et, Strictüre, Sypkihs, Unnatural Discharges, SeifAbuseW Kidney and Bladder Viseases. mg [ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK tnrAnFD 1 AreyouaTictím? Have you lost liope? Are yon contemplating mar-S KrltrtUIiri I ria"e? Has your Blood been diseased!1 Have yon any weakness? Ouim New Mothod Treatment will cure -vou. Whatit has done fpr othera it will do for you.g ■upfíwsill TfiTlílN FREE Ko matter vrho has treateri you, wnte for an honest opinión 1 ree ËJof 'Chira ? Chare-Í rcasonablo. BC0K5 FREE-"Tlie Golden Monitor" (illuatrated), onj lilUiseaseBofilen. laclóse postage. 2 cents. Sealed. feS ISf rr-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-B iRvATENo medicine sent C. O. D. Nonames on boxes or envel-g SSooes Evrything conf identlal. Question Üst and cost of Treat- Bme'nt,FREE. ■ . __ f No.l48SHELBYST.fc DETROIT, M!CHO


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