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"When a person begins to grow thin there is somethlng ■wrong. The waste is greater than the supply and it is only a question of time when the end must come. In nine cases out of ten the trouble Is with the digestive organs. If you can restore them to a healthy conditton you will stop the waste, !put on new flesh and cause them to feel better in every way. Tlie food they eat wil Ibe digested and appropriated to the needs of the system, and a normal appetite will appear. Consumption frequently íoüows a wastlng of bodily tissues becausa nearly all consumptives have indigestión. The Shaker Digestive Cordial will restore the stomach to a healthy conditkm in a vast majority of cases. Get one of their books from your druggist and lèarn about this new and yaluabie remedy. When the chiïdren need Castor Oil give them Laxol- it is palatable. In the Beginning Of a new year -when the winter seasen of close confinement is only half gone, many find that their health begins to break down, that the least exposure threatens sickness. It ia then as well as at aíl other times, and -with people even in good health, that the foUowing facts should be remembered. namely : that Hood's Sarsaparilla leads every thing in 1he way of medicines ; that ifc accomplislie1 the gre-itest cures in the world; lias the largest sale in the world. and nnd requires the largest building in the world devoted exclusively to the prepararon of the proprietary medicine. Itoes nofc this conclusively prove, if you are sick, that Hood's Sai-saparilla i sthe medicine for you to take ? Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world lor Outs, Brutees, Bore, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever Pores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, nhllblalns. Corns, and all kin Eruptlons. and positlvely care Ptle or no pay requlrfwl. Tt Is sruaranteerf to e-tv pOrfert sat1=fact1on or money refomiftd. Priop 25 cents per box For alo by The Eberbaoh Drng & Oh mie al To.. and Geo. J. HeaiMslor Manhflt4vr meansthe prevention of scores of cases of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonía, and consumption. Wet feet do not directly make the germs of consumption appear in the lungs; but they do cause coughs and colds and inflammation of the throat and lungs ; weaken the whole system. In this condition the germs of consumption find just the soil in which to work. Scott's Emulsión of Codliver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is a most valuable remedy for restoring the system to health before these germs get the upper hand. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN has been endorsed by the medical profession for twenty years. (Ask your doctor.} Thia is because it is ahvays $a!atable-ávizy& uniform- always contains the purest Norwcgian Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphitts. Put up m 50 cent and $1.00 sizes. The sraall Eize may be enough to euro your cough or help your baby. MEL GILLESPIE TEACHER OP BANJO, GUITAR AND MANDOLÍN. ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC OFFICE, Ann Akiïor Co.


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Ann Arbor Courier