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Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.

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DEATH WAS NIGH HOW A KENDALL, N. Y., MAN FACED DEATH. Glvcn up to Die by His Physicians but Received a New Lease of Life- The Story in His Own Words. Jtvm iStAlbUm,ir. Y., iVew. Th newipaprs have priated a great many itatemenu laUly rtguMag wonderful cures, great so-called miraclci, etc., claimed to be the reult oí Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. Som of these stories seemed almost incredible as many of them happened at som distance, but now we have a case in our own inidst, right here in Orleans County. Heanng such reports and desiring to verify the remarkable Btate ments, a representan ve of the Weekly jVew drove to Kendall last Wednesday and callee upon Mr. Absalam Haradine, who is a well to-do farmer residing about a mile north o: West Kendall in this county. Your reporter found Mr. Haradine sitting in an easy chair looking first-rate and ready to give the public his remarkable eiperience He said: "I have always been a hard working man and when I bought this farm about ten years ago I could do as big a day's work as the nex man. In 1883 I was first taken sick, I felt tired but kept at work more or less for two or three years but gradually grew worse till I was confined to my house. " I called in Dr. O'Brien, who treated me for dyspepsia. Getting no relief I called Dr. Douglass who said I had tape worm and treated me for that. After consulting several physiciaus it was finally decided that I had none other"than the dreaded disease known as locomotor ataxia. Growing worse continually I in turn engaged the services of Drs. Bamber, Little, Gülett, Gleason, Holeman, Carpenter, Lewis and Cook. I paid out over $500 to these doctors who all finally agreed there was no hope for me. Medicine seemed to have no effect on me whatever. My blood seemed to all turn to water and I suffered great pain continually. I was unable to leave the house for three years, and for over a year I was almost helpless, could not sleep, night or day, and required help to turn over in bed or make the slightest movement, until I was afflicted with great bed sores and life seemed unbearable. "The doctors at one time said I had better send for my friends as I eould live but a day or two at most. They told me to take morphine to ease the pain and make the best of it for the remaining few days. "I lingered along till March 11, 1892, when my wife saw an article in the Albion Weekly Newt describing the wonderful cures of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, and a case very much like mine, and on April 11, 1892, 1 began taking the pills. I at once began to improve and in four weeks I was out doors. " My appetite returned and I soon enjoyed sleep at night and I continually grew better. In December, 1892, I suöered an operation for fravel which again reduced my strength. but continued the Pink Pills until June 5, 1893 I took a trip to Parma, about twenty miles from here, visited all my old friends, traveling about every day for two or three weeks. " I am getting better right along, my appetite is good, I sleep well, and although I am yet unable to go about mueh, yet if I am finally fully restored to health it will be scarcely more of a miracle than it is in bringing me to where I am now. " I at first received the pills direct from flm Sehenectady. Ñ. ï., later at Albion, N. Y., but now they are on sale here at West Kendall, by D. J. Root." The News repiesentative, in talking Tritb teveral neighbors, referred to the case, and they confirmed all Mr. Haradine had said and expressed themselves enthusiastieally regardIng the wonderfiil results in this case. A. HAPPY.VKTKRAH. From Vu Ithaca, V. Y., Democrai. The Democrat reporter took an early opportunity to hunt up Mr. H. T. Freese, who lire on a small fkrm about one mile from Varna, f whom much had been said. When found he told the following story : " Before the war I waa a well man. It wai at the battle of Gettysburg that I received an injury to my back. I was a member of the 76th Regiment, N. Y. S.V. I never reeoyered from the injiiry, and, in fact, continued to grow worse. I beeame affected with numbness which began in one of my toe and slowly extended above my bips. I had a dull pain at the base of my neck, my eyes were considerably affected and I had doublé visión. I also had a severe pain in my side that made it difficult to draw a long breath. About twel ve years ago my condition became such that I was unable to work. I tried the best physicians. They gave up my case. One said : " There is no hope for you," and still another said: "There is no use to take medicine." Getting no help from physicians, I began taking various medicines recomroended for such ills as mine. I expended a freat deal of money but received little or no enefit. Then, for a long time, I used an electric battery and also an electric belt, paying, I think, íor the latter, $30, and yet there was no improvement. At last I could not walk except by holding on to a fence or some support, and hardly beíng able to lift my feet. About this time I heard of a friend who had been greatly benefited by the use of Dr. WilliamsrPink Pilis for Palé People. Isentto him for six boxes, and much to my surprise and joy I began to grow better. I sent for more and I noticed that I gradually grew stronger both in mind and body. Before that my mind was often in a confused state, but it now became clearer ; my eyesight grew better, the pain at the base of my neck returned less frequently and was less severe ; the neuralgia that had made life a burden began to disappear, and the attacks which used to last six weeks were soon of short duration ; the numbness in my back decreased gradually, and to-day I can walk a number of miles witli no support but my cane, and I get up and down stairs with ease." The reporter, although impressed with the truthfulness of Mr. Freese's statements, ased hirn f he was willing to make oath to their correctness, and he most emphatically said "Yes," and subsequently did so before ilrSamuel S. Gress, a Notary Public. The foregoing are but two of many wonderful cures tnat have been credited to Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People. Diseases which heretofore have been supposed to be incurable, such as locomotor ataxia and paralysis succumb to this wonderful medicine as readily as the most triflingailments. In many ?ases the reported cures have been investigated jy the leading newspapers and verified in every possible manner and in no case has the least semblance of fraud been discovered. Their ame has spread to the far ends of civilization and there is hardly a drug 6tore in this country or abroad where they cannot be found. Dr.Williams' Pink Pilis contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore hattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia. partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache,the ifter effect of la grippe, palpitation of the leart, pale and sallow complexions, all formg f weakness either in male or female. Pink ?ills are sold by all dealers, or wil] be sent post paid on receipt of price, (60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50- they are never sold in bulk or by The 100) by addressing Dr. Williamd' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.Y.


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Ann Arbor Courier