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REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Michigan Furniture Co, OF ANN ARBOK, MICH.. On JAISTUARY 1. 1896. MADK AS REQUIRED Bï LAW. RESOURCES. Merchandise, Lumber, flnished and unfinished work on hand as per Inventory ?ÍX ñ Real Estáte l;M0 00 Machlnery andTools 3,000 00 Book Accounts 2fi,320 86 Cash on hand 1.0UJM $70,738 33 LIABILITIES. Capi tal Stock Í60 000 00 Surplus Fund 3.888 93 Bills Payable 3,249 40 Dividends 3,600 00 $70,738 33 We do hereby certlfy that the above statement is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. e.TbIIÜ0"1 J & Subscrlbed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1896. Michael .T. Fritz, Notary Public. At the last regular meeting of the Directors of this Company, a dividend of six per cent. was declared, payable: three per cent. on January 10, and three per cent. on July 10, ', at the office of the Ann Arbor Savines Bank. CHARLES E. H1SCOCK, Secretary. TO FARMERS The Ypsilanti Robe and Tanning Co., feeling certain that they can make it an object to you, invite yon to cali at 25 South Huron St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to Tan Furs and Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens, or we will pay Cash for Hides. CUSTOM WORK. We will do Custom Work, tanning hides for owuers at reasonable figures. Farmers can tlms secure firstclass Robes at nominal prices. We make a specialty of MOTH-PROOF ROBES from hides of cattle, which to be appreciated must be seen. Cali and see us. YPSILANTI ROfiE &TANNING Co. 25 South Huron St., YPSILANTI, - MICHIGAN. MEL.GILLESPIE TEACHER OF BANJO, GUITAR AND MANDOLÍN. ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC. OFFICE, A.n-n Arbor Organ Co. Closing Out SALE OF (keest CHINA A RARE CHANCE AT COST. H. RANDALL Washington Block - Ann Arbor ELEGTRIGp ö G L i T""f8 Mark-Dr. A. Owen FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and only Bcientifie and practical Electric Belt made, íor general use, produeinfr agenuine current oi Electrieity, for the cure of disease, that can be readily feit and regulated both in quantity and power, and applied io any part of the body . it can be worn at any time during working hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE JJJfmWBWKBHHfc LU UI BA GO BiïSmF ttjjgGENERAI, DEBILITY "Ji SKXUAL WEAKNESS Ce inpoTENcv KIONEY SISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electrlcity properly applied, Is fast taking the place of druge for alt Nervous, Rheumatic, Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and will effect cures in Beemingly hopeless cases whereevery other known means hasfailed. Any Blugglsh, weak or dieeased organ may by this means be roused to healthy activity before it is too late. Leading medical men use and recommend the Owen Belt in their practice. OUR URGE ILLUSTRA7ED CATALOGUE Containsfullest Information regarding the cure of acute, chronicand nervous diseanes, prices, and how to order, in Englieh, Germán, Swedish and Norwegian languages, will bemailed, upon application, to any address for 6 cents poetage. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Go. MAIX OFPICB AND ONLY FACTORT, The Owen Electric Belt Dldg., 201 to 211 Stale Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The Urgest Electric Geit Establishment in the World ADIRONDA na ■ TRADB MARK mi Wtieeler'synj POSITIVELY UUKES HE&BT DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessuess and all aerangement oi the Nervous System. Utiexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses. 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich".) Savings Bank, saya he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by AVheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, - Druggist. BAUM6ARDNERS ANN ARBOR ELECTRIC CRANITE WORKS, Manufacturar of and dealer in - Artistic Karbls aad Granits Xemoriali ! Having on hand a large quantity of Rough Granite, and full equipped machinery for Granite Work, we are prepared to execute Fine MonumentalWork on short notice. OFFICE, No. 6 Detroit St., ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. PChlchestcr'g EncHh Diamond Branrf. ENNYROYAL PÍLLS mS"". Orlplnl and Only Genuine. A. Li{ Sï DrilggUt for ChicheaUra Emjlish Ma-SK L&i&S&iMÈ&mimd Brand in Ked and Gold meulllcj7 fe _ Tmiïjboxes, sí-aled with blue ribbon. Take Yy 71 %i t3n other. Refuse dangerous J" ƒ - ffPtionsand imitationa. At Drugist s, or aend4c. I W Jf in stampt for particular! , testimoníala and V J0 "Relief for Ladien," in letter, by return _J Ff Muil. 10.O0O Tistimmiinls. Xamc Paper. v f ChlolieterChemleult-o.,Ma(llnn(qaie, ■old bj all Local Druggiats. l'li iiuila-, Pa. $1000 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY AS PRIZES. For the Best Pictures Taken. IFOn November löth, 1895, we shall give away One Thousand Dollars in gold for the best pictures taken by the La Crosse Camera. The prizes will be awarded as follows : $200 in gold will'be given for the best picture taken by this camjra; $100 for thp second best; $50 for thp tbird best ; f525 for the fourth best; 515 for the fif tb best; 310 for the sixtli best, and for the next 40 best $5 each will be giyen ; for the next 80 best $2.50 each will be given and for the next 200 best pictures taken by the La Crosse Camera $1 each will be given, making in all $1000 given away. We shall do this for two reasons, viz : The first to introduce the La Crosse Camera for 1895 ; the second, to edúcate the amateuers in photogrhphy. - This contest closes on November lst,1895. .This camera can be used by any one and is sold under a positive written guarantee to do the work or money refunded. Sent by express with full instructions and rules governing this contest upon receipt of express money order for $1.75. Remember, A Written Guarantee Goes With Every Camera. Address, La Crosse Specialty Co., La Crosse, Wis. Nov 1 I Will Save You From $10 to $30 on a Sewing Machine. CET_THE BEST When you are abouttobuy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by allurifiK advertí sementfl and be led to think you. can gut the best made, finest ñni&hcd and Most Popular sk for a mere song See to it that r-4 you tmy from reliable manuJOr'- ïacturers that have gained a iñrMSTÍiír reputationbyhonestandsquare MlWBTraííra dealing, you will then get a 4o&5Bkb Sewing Machine that is noted jrtlpSra the world over for its duraorago-ÍS bility You want the one that iNíwHP1 is easiest to manage and is Light Running __JSj?P' There is none in the world that lkSgw can equal in mechanical con1 ISH3S struction, durability of working vülK9ka " parts, fineness of finish, beauty jfTffia ín appearance, or has as many flgcM improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tensión, Doublé Feed, alike on both sides of needie (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patentea), dnving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOSS CIRCULARS. THE KEW HOMS SETOG MACHINE CO. Oeanob, Mass. Boston, Mass. 23 Union Square, N. T Chicago, Iix. St. Loris, Mo. Dallas, Texas. fc}j_M FliANtl ÏÖO, f 'AL. ATLANTA, Gi. FOR SALE BY j. f. schltth:, At from $15 to $30 will furnish you any machine made, and warrant them for ten years. Do not be deceived by agents ; get my prices before you buy. J. F. SCHUH, 31 Main St. Arm Arbor. MEN WANTED To tak e orders. Instruction and outfit freo Salary or cornmisslon as preferred. Splendid chance lor reliable men. Experlence not necessary. Write for terms and tall partlculars. The R. G. CHASE COMPANY, Nurserymen. Geneva, N. Y. MEN AND WOMEN SBS ing the Conirexville Mfg. Co., Mantilli, R. I., mfgrs. of Normandle Plushes. Send 12 cents for samples, particular, and secure agency. Mention this paper. Hutzel's Water Back! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulmion. After years of ex e rience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Plumbers and Steamfitten. ANK AR BOB, - - MICH. W. F. MOORE, DBITTIST. Work done In all forms of modern dentlstrv; crown and bridge work a speclalty Gradúate of the U. of M. Office, 27 S. Main 8t. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1 y The On!y Direct Route t Fraai All Polnu In ï MICHIGAN AND CANADA TO? f Modern SlecpIngCarsj SIKIE f onNightTralns. LllwitfB DAYTON, f iiniuinuL otzi Jl For rates and full inforroation, address K D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agrt., 9 sön Sl Woodward Avcè., Detroit, Mlch. -.T1 # JOHM BAPTABLE, District Posenffer Afrt. fjí Bri . -■■:.., Voï. ! . jhio 5, D.r. EDWABDS, General Passenger Agern, Í i,.:rew 1,1-iJ.iding, Ciucinuati, Ohio. ;?:,"■-" ' ':. ■":.': ■-■'%Vív-.5AVCvr THIS YEAR THE BOYS WILL WANT TO economize, but you can't afford to always walkwhen POLHEMUS has addedalot of new stylish rlgs, before hard times were upon us, and now is determined to make the prices bo low, that it will be a pleasure to spend a dollar now and then. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. I am prepared to answer all calis for Hacks with the fiuest turnouts in the city. Cali up POLHEMUS by 'Phone, or order at barn, corner Main and Catherine streets. Cars lrom University stop at our office. 83yr Sept. 27. 13943 It Cures Cold, Coughs, Sora Throat, Croup, Inflaenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Tse at once. You will see the excellent effect after takinf the first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Larjp bottles 60 certa and $1.00. ASTHiA soNN GWED. but ThO PEERLESÍÍ ASTH?.1A REMEDYwill (t-ve instant r -lioL. icanci COc Wtimple mart f ree At draggints v maiiedon rei"i}ir. nf pne ■jV - ,_ p.rl -.,s;i CÍO... TGhJ&VÜ2h Mi -


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