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Your Boy Won't Live a Month. So Mr. Gilman Brown, of 34 Mili Kt., ■South Gardner, Mass., was told by tlie doctors. His son had Lang trouble following Typhoid Malaria, and he pent tJiree Imndred and sevenfy-iive dollars vith doctors, who finally gave liim up, saying : "Your boy won't live a mowth." He tried Ir. King's Xew Disco very .and a few bot t les restored him to liealth and enabled liim to go to work a perfectly well man. lio eaye lie owea his presnet gord health to use of Dr. King's New Dlseovery. and knows it to be the best in the world for Lung trouble. Trial Rottles Free at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's drug; store and O. J. Haues-ler. Sftncïiester. It -vill not cure everything. Ir is not elaimeil that !+' 1! care 'lint one one complaint, tliat is dyspepsla. AYe eannot eay that it wlll cure every care of dyspepsia. Imt it wlll cure a large n!,-i.:oiiiy of them. Such cases as are adapted to lts use wlll derive iinmediate hsneflt. One small bottle will bc Bufflclent to test it. i The Shaker DIgestlve Cordial is especially adapted for emaciated or elderly people whoee iood does them but little or bo good becaue it is not dlgested. The Cordial contatos an artiflcially-digested food and is a digester of food liappily comblned. Eead ■one of the little books which your druggist is now giving away and learn of tliis -n-onderful remedy. A really palatable Castor Oil can now be had under the name oí Laxol. TXTANTED-Several trustworthy rentle ï"??. Sr 'ai"es to travel in Michigan for established, reliable house. Salary $780 and expsense. Steady politlón. Endose refereuce and self addressed stamped enven'm t, '"■.''onüornpany.Third Floor, Omaha Bldg., Chicago, III. XoTICE TO CrEDITORS. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Noticeisherebygiven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washte?SiVl ?lade on the Kto dy of Jamiarv A. V. 18%. six months from that date ere állowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Lucy A. Nowlaud late of said County, deceased, aud that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims tosaid Probate Court, at the Probate pmceinthecityof Aun Arbor, for examiuation and allowance, on or before the 27th dav of July next, and that such claims will bê heard before said Court, on the 27th day of APnl and on .the 27th day of July next at ten o clock in the forenoon ■ of e'ach uf said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, January 27, A D 1896 J. VVILLARD BABBITT. Judge of Probate Mortgage Sale. Default havingbeen made in thecouditions of; payment ofaoertaln mortgage made the tlurtieth day of Maren, A. D., 1893 by George S. .Nixon to George M. Ularken to secure Day. inent ofa part of the purchase price of the IttDds and tenements therein and herein 'Jn1!llneA wl?ereby the power of sale therein ontalned hasbecome operativa, which mortgaga was recorded I n the Office of the Register ol Deer s lor the County of Washtenaw, on the thirtteth day 01 Maroh aforesaid in Liber81 of MorteaBes,onpageie8,and whtch mortgage was duly assigned by the mortgagee to thenadenignedby deed ofaasignment dated the lourteentb dayofjaly, A. D.. 1893, which deed ofasBignment was recorded in the Office ofthe Heitister ol Deeds aforesaid on the seventh day of November, 1895 in Llber 12of asslsnment ot mortgages of page 25, on which toortgage there is olaimetf to bedueatthe dateol this notice the sum of flve hundred Mili tvionti'.tii-n ,i,,n..... s . uuuicu ,uj .weiu.y-i.wo uouars, and no procedimos at lawor .lii equity havlng been instituí,' lu ?hrÍenfthxrS?d s-l"",ot money or nypart theieof. Notiee is therefore hereby Wven tliat on thcl.Jthdayof February, A. Di896 atelevenoclock in the forenoon of sak! dnv at the south front door of the Court House , In' theoltyofAnn Arbor, State of: Michigan the sald mortgage wil] be foreclosed and n s and tenements by the sald mortgage convoved wlll be sold at pnblic auction or vendue o the highest bulder to satlsfy the principal and interest seeured thereby and thecotand expenses of these proceedings, irfcludlnearea sonab e attorne'ys fee provided for there ñ The lands tenements and premises in the sald mortgage mentionedand then aud the e to be sold are described as follows: thilifv'íf Aertali1 Parcel ofland'sitnatedin tlie city of Ann Arbor, being a nart of tlip lorh-east quarter of section No thirtv in rmvn Two. south of range six east state of Michigan, Begin mng on the south line of Hurou Street lti point twenty rods westerly of the éaft lne ofsaid section, which pcínt is a!so tife Z'Á hevaSTterlJ',?Orner f lands formlrly occupied by Ira Alien, and running thence sontli tion, Uvelve rods; Thence easterly paralell with Huron street, Thence nórH erly parallel with' the east íie of sa"d seetion, twel ve rods to Huron Thenpe bStnniyngalOnS HUrU 'Street to th #% üated, Ann Arbor, Mloh., Nov. 19 1895 v; N0RRISAss gnee of Uorteaeee Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. S


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