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Dr. Green's Nervura

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Gured Gen. Buzzell, Department Gommander of New Hampsbire G. 1. R. The Famous Commander Writes to the People to Use Dr. Greene's Nervura. It Oured Him. It Will Gure You, GEN. CHARLES E. BUZZELL. Gen. Charles E. Buzzell, of Lakeport N. H., Department Commander of Xen Hampshire G. A. R., has sqmething o interest to say to the people in regard to the rernarkable curatïve powers of Dr Greene's Nervura blood and nerve rem edy. Few men are more wictely knowi than Gen. Buzzell, who is Street Commisüioner of Lakeport, and the most prominent builder and contractor in the State. The General says : - "I was terribly run down in health and as a result of over-work, becami nervous, weak, tired and without my old-time energy and ambition. I grew so fearfulty nervous that I could not rest nor sleep nights, but would be oblisred to get up and walk about severa! times each niglit. I would get tired and nervous so easily and quickly that it becanie almost impossible for me to attend to my business. At the same time I had most severe and distressing backache. "I took Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy and it helped me right away. My nerves were so strengthened and invigorated that the nervousness left me, and I could again sleep soundly nights, and wake morninga refreshed and feeling strong and vigoroua. The backache is completely cured. I am now perfectly well and better able than ever to attend to my business. 1 have recommended this wonderful remedy to several others and it has cured them all. I urge people to use it because I know it will make them well." Gen. Buzzell's case was like thousands of others. People from overwork strain upon brain and nerve or other cause, break down in liealth, feel that they are physcally weak and that their nerve Btrength, energy and power are greatly diminished. Just so sure as night follows day will prostration and debility, the wreek of nerves, brain and body, follow if a cure is not immediately SOUgllt. Xeglect is the fatal thing. Never allow the first symptoms- tíiat tired feeling, the weakened nerves, the loss of power of endurance, the lack of snap and energy- to drift you into total loss of liealth. ïake Dr. Grene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy now, and it will 3ure 3'ou as it cured Gen. Buzzell, as it :ias cured thousands upon thousands of )thers. It is the great curer of disease, the great strengthener of nerves, the great builder up of blood, the great invigorator of brain and body. It will make you well. Do not class this most valuable remedy with patent medicines. It is a physician'8 prescription, and its discoverer, i)r. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New York City, has the largest and most successful practice in the world in ïervous and chronic diseases, and can )e consulted free of charge, personally or by letter.


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