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Keep that boy or girl of school age in school, and you will not be so apt t ohave a loafer and a ne'er-do-wel] on your hands in later years. The crabbed old bachelor says, the man who hasn't sand enough to refuse a leap year proposal, deserves the kind of a wife he will surely get. A daughter was bom last Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donegan, of Ann Arbor. It is said that Jim Is wondering if ib will ever be Donegan. - Chelsea Standard. Sunday and Monday were ïegul r Manitoba winter days. Tlie tb rmometer went down to aboiit 5 degroes belov zero during the oar y Uiours of lionday morning, and it had very hard work to get above zero durimg the entire day. The -paper was late, and the makeup was dumping matter in the forme at the rate of a column a minute. Result : The first part of aii obituary was dumped into the form, and the nest handful oí type came off a gally deserlbing a recent lire. It reads like this in the newspaper : The pallbearers lowered the body into the grave, and it was consigned to the roaring ilames. There were very few if any regrets, lor the old wreek had been an eyesore to the town for years. Th loss was fully covered by insuranoe. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Steel rails of the latest design are being put down on the Ann Arbor E'y track "betweeu this place and Dundee, at a cast of nearly $200,000. It is not at all a surprising fact that two-thirds of the failures in this country are of business houses whieh never advertise. Nothing el-e could be expected. Some people must like to be swindlod, they are so ready to advance money to traveling. agents, expectI iio gooils to be delivered later n, but which never come. They, i ever, require home merchants to e iheir goods before they will pay, f hen sometimes, they don't pay. W. K. Pyane, formerly of this city, sou lof Ohancellor W. H. Payne, of the Xashville University, has been elected a director oft he City Savings Bank of Nahvsille, Tenn. Resides doing a general banking business the bank advevtises -t o act "as trustee, executor, administrator, guardián." A new feature as far as this section is cour cerned. ; The TVashlenaw School Teachers will take advantage of the day which only comes once in four years, F eb. 29, and hold a Teacher's Association meeting at High School Hall in Saline. A íine porgram has been arranged and all the teachers of the county are urged to be present. Superintendent W. A. Whltney of Ypsilantl is to be one of tlhe speakers. Fifty (50)1 awyers attended the recent "Washtenaw bar banquet at Ann Arbor. It seems that the tramp nuisance is y et in f uil flower at Ann Arbor. Let the marshal make a "brief" "record" of it. Some of the gang are said to be like necessity - they Unow no law.- Inter-Lake Item. If the Democrat man makes out many such "cases" we shall have a bilí of "Interpleader" "filed." Take a long, narrow strip of paper and draw a lin-e with a pen or pencil along the whole length of lts center. Turn one of the ends round eo as to give it a twist and then giiiu the ends together. Kow take a pair of ecissors and cut tlhe circle of paper right round along the line and you will have- 'two clrcles, dld you say ? Try and see. This is a puzzle and has inever toeen explained satisfactorlly 'by either sclentlst or mathematician. A petition was filed in the circuit court last Saturday ty R. W. Hemphill, a trustee of the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti St. R'y Co. for the appointment of a receiver, the income of the road not being Bufficient to pay the interest of the tbonds of the company, and the running expenses. Consequently Judge Kinne appointed, as requested, Wm. F. Parker such Receiver, and fixed ttie bond to be given at $10,000, which was at once made out, with Dantel Quirk and H. P. Glover, both of Ypsdlanti, as sureties. The fact that this road has not been able to enter this city and leave its passengers at some convenient place, has been a great draw back to its success. ■'Dien live the Klng! xhout.oue and all ! Long live the King of the Ciirnival! Groet him witli ahoutand song, All liail tbe Klng and his merrv Court! For oh ! Llfe's Carnivul is shot t. It's Leuten season Ion;;. The Dexter Germán church is bcing nicely fresoced foy Vm. Herz of this city. Telephomes Jiave been pul in liy Sctuaetder Bros., J. M. Wagner uu Wlm. Salyer. Slowly the woman's gymnasium funtl grows. Won't somc one please start a boom ? Social of Oteinengo lodge I. O. O. F. to-aiight at the residence of Herman W. Reyer, Pittsiield. The next lecture in the St. Thomas' course wül be gives to-morrow, Thursday eveuing, att he church. The Political Equality Club have engaged Rev. Anna Shaw íor a lecture on Saturday evening Feb. 29. 'o ádmlsstan ifee. II tlie weather of the first of the week was eaused by Dr. Nansen findlng the Nort hPole, it is hoped he will let it alome hereafter. Botfh the Junior Hops, the one ol the Palladium fraternities at Toledo, a ml the one given by the teeceders at the 'gymnasium, were a success. Iïequiescat en pace. A fine program will be given tomorrow evening, which has been arranged "by Hrs. F. E. Mills, at te monthly tea social of Arbor Hive L. O. T. M., in their rooms overt he P. O. Augusta, wiíe of Michael Schaner oi No. 35 Pirst st., died Friday last. She leaves a husba-nd and four children. (Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from Bethlehem cluircli. ■ Thursday night the brakes on an electrlc car refused to work while coming down Williams st. and the car attempted to keep right on down TVilliam et. The attempt was not a success, although a telephone pole was knocked into smitliereens by it. The 62 niembers oí iloslem Temple Aneient Order Noibles of tlie Mystic Shrine Oasis of Detroit Desert of Michigan, residing in Ann Arbor, have been ao lulled to meet at the Temple on Friday, Feb, 21st 1896, at G p. m., to start on a pilgrimage to Mecca, etc. Converse G. Cook has been granted a pension of '$8 per month, whioh was secured through the agency of W. ÏC Childs. Mr. Cook was one of the liret in tlie city to shoulder a musket when the reebellion broke out, and Went with the three month's men, taking part in the first battle of Buil Hun. Dr. Fred. F. Scott, of N. Main st., accidently put lüs knee out of joint while at Toledo Friday evening. "Witli grit characteristic of him, he got some one rto help him and put it back in place iigain beiore any inflammation could set in, and so prevented a period of crutdhes whicli he had undergone once before by a similar accident. Grenville P. Kleiser, the impersonator, who is to gire an evening's entertainment at the Pifsbyterian church next week Thursday, in the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum course, is one of the best known men in his specialty in 'the the country. He is a merry host and those who go to hear him will rejoice over the i v good fortune. We learn through the Dexter Iyeader that Alfred R. Beal, who has been a resident of Dexter for nearly 40 years, lias closed out all of his real estáte ta that village and invested the proceeds in Detroit property and will soon move to the city of th Straits tor permanent residence. Mr. Beal was Sor a number of years in ttie oounting vRoom of the Courier oifice as manager of tihe Dr. Chase Keceipt Eook department. In leaving Dexter that village loses a good citizen, een, and one whose family will te missed. There are many people here as well as in Dexter, who will wish him prosperity and happlness in his new home. The Presbyterian church was crowded last Thursday evening to listen to tiie Royal Hand Bell Ringers, who appeared in the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum oourse. And those present were not di9appointed, for it was one of the most cJiarming enteretainments given iim this city this season, for the general public. The music of the bells ■was grateful to t(he ear ; soft and low and sweet, a mellow melody that s not obtained from any other musical Instruments. Many of the pieces were encored trat only twice did the players respond, once when the new musical instrument called the dulciphonium was played, the encoré being a sufficient testimonial oí its merite, aiad agaln ' when the chimes of Westmimster iwere imitated. Thie is t'he fireb time In many years that tbe city has been vislted by !a troupe of thte kind, and the music was a Qovelty to many people, and was enloyed l)y all. a m a.


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Ann Arbor Courier