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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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gSlNfUL tf ABIIS N YOUTHi 7 LATER EXCESSES IN MAMHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN K & ■ al tfTUC DCCIIITof ignorance and f olly in youth, overexertion of mind and body i?duc-ff K I H t H LO U I ed by lust and exposure are constanüy wreckmír the Uves and fntuiefl Hhappinessoftbousandsof promisingyoimgmen. 8omo fade and wither at an early age" Bat the blossom of raanhood, while others are forccd to drag out a weary, irmtlesa and. Dmelancholj existence. Othors roach matrimony bnt find no solace or comfort there. i noy R"victims are foand in all stations of liLc:-The farm, the oftic;-, the v.orkehop, the pulpit,-, the trades and the professions. . . t RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. Wm. A. WALKEB. Wm. A. WALKER. MES. CHAS. FEEKY, CHAFEREY. Kbefore teeatmbnt afteb tbeatment Divorced but nnited again VL m-UO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT." K - - Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says:-"I hafe snfferedj ML VPHII IS nntold asronies f or my "gay life." I wasindiscreetwhenjfc n girniLlO young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" l contractedj B# PMIQQIOIM Byphilis and other Private diseases. I had nlcera in theM ■I EITIIöOlvrlw month and throat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples on" ES QTRIfTllRF face, finger nails carne off, emissions, became thin andas j-j o 1 in y I umi. despondent. Beven doctors treated me with Mercnry,i P IRCfl Potash, etc. ïhey helped me but coald not cure me.H '■ ■''- '- Finallv afriendinduced metotry Urs.Kennedy t Kergan.B ■HTheir New Method Treatment cnred me in a few weeks. Their treatment is KYon feel yourself gaining every day. I havo never heard of their failing to cure m asingle Kcase." CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED II Capt. Chas. Ferry says:- "I owe my life tp Drs. K. & K. ianf--k-T-i-M- M IKAtUIlearnedabadhabit. At 21 1 had all the symptoms M POTEN CY IlL'if Seminal Woabness and Sperm.atori Ucea, Emissions ,,._,- nAr, ,- W IjTwere draimng and weakening my vitahty. 1 marned at VARICUCELu. ,i a#24 under advice of my family doctor, bnt it was a r-ioi"MHO K tïlsad expori-ncp In eightetn months w ■ ■■ divorced. I ElVllSSIOiVb ü lïithen consnlted Drs. K. cfcK.,who restomd : o to manhood "" 'V ,n-n "" tLby their A'rw Method Treatment. IfeltanawT' ■ Umll through CURED H Ilmy nerves. Wewere united again and nre hn-;py. Thiswas - Kaf 'six years ago. Drs. K. & K. are scientiñ-: Bfx oialista and I heartily recommend them." n J2 KS" treat and cure Varicocclc, iítnUsions, Nervous Debility, Seminal V&Weakness, Ghet, Stricture, Syphüis, Unnctural Discharges, Self Abuse j Kidney and Bladder Diseases. L K 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK ISOrnnCD I Areyouavictim? Haveyoulost hope? Areyou contemplating mar-J gintnULri ! riage? Has your Blood been diseased? Haveyou any weakness? Onrf IK New Method Treatment will cure von. Whatit has dono for others it will do for you J EmCONSULTATION FRÉE No matter who has treated you, write foran honest opinión Freean fcof Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE- "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), onl IJDiBeasesof Men. lnclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. U K NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-D llfvATE No medicine sent C. O. D. Nonames on boxes or envel-ï Koóes Everythingconfldential. Questlon list and cost of Treat-C SmentFRËE NO.I48SHELBYST.B DETROST, IVUCHeg gffrsQRg KftK=PR5 'H8.K5PR5 frC8rK


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