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The new engine has been put in the Dexter Mills. H. W. Newkirk has bought M. E. Sill's reesidence on B street, Dexter. There is? to be a W. C. T. U. coumty conventdon held in Milan March 11 and 12. The Plymourh Fair flnde itself $75 in the hole. T hat's not much for a fa!ir rto be behind. The Valentine Social given by the Eastern Stars of Manchester, was at tended 'by 170 persons. The Enterprise suggests that there are children in Manchester who need the attention of the truant officer. Ttoe Local claims that there are 108 teachers teaching in varióle places who were educated in Clinton. Tbe Balirne Observer frantically observes : "W!hy don't gome one get married ?" No one has asked her - or him - probably. Miss Etta Wheeloek, who has been ill of consumptioTi for a long time, died at her home in Pittsiield last AYednesday, aged 36 years. D. L. Rofoinson, of Howell, who hae been east for aweek's vleit, is of the opinión that Michigan is still the bes place for a workingman.- Pinckni y Dispatch. The home of J. Gridley is blessed with a boy 17 months old who, when full dresvsed weighs jnst 12 pounds. Sir Isaac Newton weighed three Ibs. when he was bom and presumably dld not exceed Gridley at liis age. - Ypsilantian. TVm. O'Brien, the M. C. R. R, brakemaa who was injured a short time ago, diod last Monday. The funeral was held "Wednesday at 9 o'clock Mr. O'Biicn a member of the Red Cross society, in which he was insured for $2,-000.- Ypsilantian. The Ñprthville Record i-: Jingling over tlve Bact ihat the American Bell "Foundry of that place lias reeeived an order from Iuoknow, India, for a lx 11, to be placed in the Girl's College. There are belles there now, bnt tlic one from Northville will have the rigbt riu'-i'. A lady teacher to oaie of our public ecfhools, iu trying to explain the word "slowly." illustrated it liy walking acrass tlie Hoor. When slie asked the classto teil how she walked, she nearly fainted when a boy at the ifoot of the class shouted, "liowlegged, ma'am !"- Grand Lodge üepub. lican. Evidently s!he was a new woraan.- Northville Record. What ia more probable, ilic boy had a cathode ray with him. The Clinton Ijocal claims the fotlowlng as among the noted citizene ihat havo been ra.ised edticated in Clinton: The late Gen. Clinton I!. . -o;' Si. Louis, Mo.. Senator Chus, Felton, the California njHHonaire.; . Josèph Estalïrook ; Prof Elbert Bradnr, ECprberl Snow, lawyer, Minpolis ; Wirt Dexter ol Chi and a long list oí otlter nota wliat our little nci'hlior up the Hutoii, whcre "Wirt was bom uid il, amd grew to young tnanhood, in wliose honor the village of Dexter was namod, will tiat ? An otxserving farmer lias been talkedltor f na exchange at flic shriakage oí guain. He says : I -Jiave i'otmd that wheat will nhrink itwo quarts to the bushei from ordtoary threehing ander the most [avorable circumstancee, hruce it foliows Bhai ll iM-nts the tirst of August when threehed, te the same as 80 cents ölx months later- money wortii 7 .per cent. One liundred bnshels of oom .as it comes from the husk in November will measure only eighty when seasoned ; thus 80 cents in Xoveanber ás tlie wune as 40 centK ill March, barrlng the loss from vermis 25 cents from 'the field is better than 40 in March. AttWhltmore Lake the ice Is reported .to be about 15 inches thick. Fred Kensler hae bought an Interest in the store of hls brother John, at 'Manchester, and the new iirm ís Kensler Bros. The papers in the covinty are i-.omplalning that there ie a general lack of enthusiasm over the coming village charter elections. The 3d degree was conferred liy Manchester lodge F. & A. M., last Friday afternoon, for the benefit of the older members who could not get out In the eVenlng. Banquet followed. The Milan Leader Is bright and snappy and Just fourteen years old. The editor says : "As we failed to arrange a hirthday party, we're not looking for many presente ;" nevertheless the Democrat presents its compliments to one of its most valued exchanges.- Monroe iDemocrat. Ditto. The IJake Shore peoplo are nope.'ul of making Columbia lake bridge a thing of the past, this month. It lias taken nearly 6,000 car loads of flirt and eeveral car loads of timber to flll the hole, the bridge having sunk nearly ,100 feet. This lias been an enormous expense to the company, the average expense per day belng $100.- Iiridtieu ;i 1 i-r :■. Enterprise. An Ypsilnnti liill ooilector went to Ann Arhor fco collect a bilí of a barbei'. The barber Kaid he eouldn't rais'er, fout offered to shave t lie bilí. The collector sáid Hiere was not "soap" enough for that. 1 'his eet the barber's temper on edge, and he "lathered" the collector and Bmashed hls gob, and gave him many "cute" wliereupon arieeth a case of assault and battery. - Monroe Democrat. Cyrus jRaymond, of Sharon, who died recently aged 88 years, was a nativo oí New York, and carne to this cotmty in 183.",. eettling in Sh.-ivon and the year following built a log 'house in which lie lived until 1803. iFour children are living, and tliei-e are seven grand children. He was a man who was greatly respected toy neighbors, and had fllled severa! oí the township offices, including supervisor. It is eaid a railroad can aevèr te successful until it has paased througb the bande of a receiver, and the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Street Railway- more fainiliarly known as i lic motor line - is now In procese oí transíiguration. At leasi it lias never paid profits on lxth si ock and bonds and may possibly do better after itThas gone tíhrough the Courta, The original owners and stoolcholders oí tlie road hiive. as a ma I ter of self-p reservafian, commenced foreclosure proeeedInga againet the road, and Judge Kinne has appointed W. Parker, who has been its manager, receiver oí i he property. There is no more to ■i id, save ha i this actiou is the rèsult of consultntion among the hom bond aolders and apon legal advice.- Ypsilaoti Sentinel. Tecumseh loags another railróíwl and hopea the T.ima Nor: h has reached Wi : 'hio, may come that w ay, The S "It will i nad ithene cío Hudson, where ii will connect wiili the ('. J. & M., or to 5 and thenoe north to Adrián. Il' it comes to Adrián it is quite Ukely to come to Tecumseh and on to Detroit, makiag uso oí the roadbed oí the Adrián and Saline road, wliich was graded and ready for the iron some :: years aj,o, l)Ut was never conipleted. This road is to be a part of the Brice system, ot which the C. J. & M. road forma a. part. The new road taps the Jacbson Hill coal mines and, ive onderstand, wants an outlet such as would be afforded at Detroit. Furthermore it is asserted that df tlie road goes to that city it will form a throtigli line ïroni Detroit to Clncinnati, the new road beIng a continuation of the Ohio Southern." Prof. .7. II. Ilopkijis ol Berea, OWo, nn educator of note, and at one time superintendent i schools al ïpéiiantl, was sent to the Lnsane asylum recuilly. He is alout (j. yeara o; age. A: : recent íarmers' instituto a paper w.-is read in whtcb tlie author elalmed i'h;u poiatoes could be raisand -sold at a at ten cents a buskei. He '■■■ui ligure than Washtenaw county farmers want to. 'llu l'nadilla society are eomewhat elated over the fact tliat tiiey capturad lianner at the C. E. o.onventioa, rhich was lield recent ly at GregorJ. li reporte are true we would like to nkow which gpciety luis the larger per cent. of attendanee. Unadllla with tour miles to go and 4-2 5 the present, or I'inckney wih eSght miles to go and 22-23ds prcsniï - Pinckney Dispateh. Mrs. Bebecca Stanton died at her home in DexLer village on the lOth Inst., aged 82 years 5 mos. and S days. S'he was a native of New York, married John Stanton, in that state in 1834, coming soon after to this cou-nty, settling in Webster. Her husband died in 1847, leaving her wlth eix small children. By grit and industry slie carried on the farm, supported and brought up the children, and about 12 years after lier husband's death, built the house that her husband had planned at the time of hls death. She was a Quaker by birth and kept that iaith until death. For the past 12 years she had resided with her daughter Mrs. Helen Penis, in Dexter.


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Ann Arbor Courier