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For Good Roads

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Nearly 200 delegates attended the Good Eoads Conrention held at Lansing recently. Mueh interest was manifest in the meeting and it is earnestly hoped that the formation of this organization wlll be instrumental in bettering the condition of the highways of the state. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost each year by the farmers oí Michigan through the miserable roads and the present eystem of keepiag them is simply ■svorse than nothing. Tlie following persons were chosen as officers of the Michigan League of Good Roads as "the organization was named : President, William L. Webber, oí Saginaw ; Tice president William Appletoo of Lansing ; 6ecretary and treasurer E. M. Hopkins of Saginaw. One from Oach congressional district was chosen as an executive eommittee, Col. C. V. DeLand of Jackson, being the representativo for this district. "We publish the constitution adopted and hope to see the farmers of this county organiza a league and afterward each township take up the good work : Article 1.- The name of this organization shall be the Michigan llague of Good Eoads. Article 2.- The objects of the organization shall be to awakeu general interest in t%e improvement of public roads ; investígate the best methods of building and maintaining them; aid in socuring euch legislation as may be deemed necessary to cause to be published and circulated Kuch matter as may best promote tfoese objects. Axticle 3.- Any citizen of Michigan may beconie a naember oí tliis league by signing its constitution or giving liis authority to the eecretary to sign it for him. There sUall be no initiation fee, nor any membership duea. Eacli member shall keep the secretary advised of nis postoffice addrese. Axticle 4.- The officere of the league öhall consist of a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, who ehall eerve for one year or until their euccessors 6liall be elected and qualify. There ehall also be appointed by the president as soon as may be, a vice president for each oouoty in thO state where a county league does not exist, and where a oouinty league shall be organized the president thereof Bhall be vice president of the state league. Article 5. - There may be organized in each county within. this state county leagues to promote the same objects and to-operate with the state league. There may be organized iu each township a township league to promote the game objects. Such township leagues may act in eo-operation with the county or the state league. Article 6.- Ab tiiis league is formed for public purposes it will rely entirely upon voluntary cöntributions from members or others interested in the object for such Junds as may be necessary to pay for it publications and other neceseary expenses. Article 7. - The executive committee shall consist of the general executive officers and 12 other members, one from each congressional district, to be elected by the members of the league. The majority of the executive ofiieers and five o-ther members of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum to transact business. Article 8. - The executive committee shall have control of the affairs of the league when the general board is not in session, trat shall incur no debts, and there Ishall be no personal liability on the part of the officers or members of "the league for league debts. Article 9. - Meetings may be held at such pokrts in the state as may be named by the executive committee from time to time. Article 10. - This conetitution may be amended at any meeting of the leagne. At all meetings of the league 20 members shall constitüte a quorum for the transaction of business, and a vote of a majority of those present shall govera. By laws and-other rules may be adoptesl from time to time as foumd convenient.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier