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THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC Celebrated "Sunset Limited" Transcontinental train service BETWEEN NEW ORLEANS LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO Is Unsurpassed Ami the new eqnipment of these miurniflcent trains excels m elegance and comfort the superb service of the past season. fQliours Xcw Oileans t l'n Angeles tChours New Orleuns to San Francisco. Direct connfction from all points in Michigan is made by leaving Chicago Saturday au Tuesday nights (or Wednesday at S a. m.) im through sleepejs with Sunset Limited Trains Comprising: Composite cars- Iueluding bathroom, barber shop, cafe, library aud smoking-room : Sleepers: Donble drawiug-room and 10 sections.also combined apartmentaud Ladies' Parlor Car. rivnliug in perfection ot detail all former achievemeuts of cur buiMingou the Continent- especially designed for ladf travelers: Diners: Mertls served a la carte The entir train illuminated with Piutsch Gas. Leaving New Orleans Weekly. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. THE SUNSET ROUTE Is the first line in the United States to recogntze tluit heretofore uccomodations for lady travelers have been inadequate to the reqnirements. The ladies are more especially takea care of than in auy cars heretofore bnilt. Instead of being compelled to sit up all day in the 'cubby" seat ot a sleeper, wiiile tbr llega lords may perambulate the train, and gather in a special comparnment to talk, smoke, eto., one end of the budoir and dr;twing-room car accompanying each train is t" have a special room fitted up for the ladies witu libiary, the latest magazines and periodicals, reclining couciies and other needed comforts. These cars are sixty-nine feet in length and have 8eveu budo'r sleeping comparlmeuts, each with separate entrance and capnble of being thrown en suite. Each compartment has tw sleeping berths, a wash-staud and the uecesary lavatorv fiUiugs, and opens onto a hall oa one side of the car. A ladies' maid accompanies each train for the accomodation of ladf passenger, more particularly for tbise traveling without escort. The train Is filso accorapanied through from starting poini to destinatioD by aup exerienced and courteous represen tative of the Passenger Department, who acts as a personal escort. For Information coneeruing California time tables, rates of passage and any particularsregarding the journey to California, address W, G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agt. .Sou. Pac Co:, S. F. B. MORSE, 230 Clark St., Chicago. G. P. & T. A. Sou. Pac. Co., New Orleans, La. Apr. 1. Mexiean International Railroad. XSagle Pass Route STANDARD GüAGE STEEL RAILS.J THESHORT and DIRECT LINE KROM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POINTS to all Points in the Interior of the MEX1CAN REPÜBLIC, and to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attractions to the Sightseer, Tourist, or Traveller than any other Rouie. Traversing a country unrivaled ia Seenery- ripe wilh Ancient History-to the land of the Montezumas aud Aztecs. EQU1PMENT ÜNSUBPASSED. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct connections at San Antonio with all lines from the North aud Kast. For Information coneeruing Mexico, Tickete, Time Tables and Particular, and the journey to Mexico or intermedíate points, cali upon or address, W. G. X KIM VER, Gen. Western Agent. Mex. Int. R. R. 20 Clark Street, Chicago. C. K. IHJNLAP, G. P. & T A , Mex. Int. R. R. Kagle Pass, Texas. Oct. 1. SELL W$IC and make money. Agenta can make a handsome salary taking subscriptions and selling single copies of our musical monthly EV'RY MOlNlThJ. the handsomest musical magazine ia the world. KNOWLEDGE OF MUSIC is NOT NECESSARY. Each number has $2.00 worth of the latest popular copyright music, besides being richly illustratedwith elegant half tone engravings of famous persons and paintings, the latest Parisian fashions, and other useful household literature. WE PAY AGENTS the LARGEST C0MMI3SIONS ever paid. Sample copy, with terms to agents, will be mailed postpaid on receipt of 10 cents, stamps or silver. Howley, Havilaid Co., Publishers EVE7 MOMTH, 4 East 20th Street, New York. Repekence: ANT MUSIC HOUSE IN THE U. S. OR CANADA, WANTED :- Several trustwortny gentlemen or ladies to travel in Michigan for established reliable house. Salury $780 and expenses. Stfady position. BoblOse reference and self-addressed s'amped envelope. The Dominion Company, Third Kloor, Omaha Bldg.. Chicago, 111. Sales-Agents Wanted for Made to Mea and Itcndj Hade Clothing liy Sample. The very lowest prices for best elothing. Liheral commissions are poid. and energetic soliciting agents cn make from one to three thousand dollars yearly. Btorekeepers can supply themaelvea without carrying stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, PUILAÜKLI'HIA.


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