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90 DOLLARS ■V PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare honrs. Any mas, woman, boy, orgirl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unuecessary. Nothing like it for moneymaking ever offerecl before. Our workers ahvays prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first Iiour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, ftirnish everything needed to carry on the busi ness successfully, and guarantee you ajrainst failure i f you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in necd of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. 15i A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advocating " Protection to American Labor and Industry" as explainsd by its constitution, as follows : "Theotyect of this League shall be to protect American labor by a tartff on importa, which shall adequatdly secure American industrial producto gai nst the competition of foreign labor. " There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organization and itissustained by niemberships, contributions and the distribution of ts publications. FIRST: Correspondence 8 solicitad regarding ' Member8hip " and " Official Correspondent." SECON D: We need and welcomö oontributions, whether small or large, to our cause. THIRD: We publish a large line of document oovering all phases of the Tariff question. Conv plete set will be mat led to any address for 50 cents. FOURTH: Send postal oard request for fr sample copy of the "American Economist." Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General Secrttvy, 136 West 23d Strwt, New York. TRÜCKandSTORAGE Storage of Househofd Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS! CAEEPULLY MOVED All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK. PARCEL JELIVERY. C E. GODFREY. Phone 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. HAVE IT IN YOUR KOI. "We are pleased to announce to our readers that we have purehased from the publishers, 50 SUBSCRIPTIONS to American Homes Monthly Magazine and that we want as many of our subscribers as possible to take adrantage of this Great Opportunity which is limited in numbers and for a short time only. American Homes is the handsomest and most beautifully illustrated monthly in this country ; it is filled with Designs and Plans for Homes of all kinds ; Arrangement of Grounds ; Decorations; Ideas and Receipté; Furniture ; Drapery ; Plants and Flowers, etc., etc., by common sense pkactical writers. In making this offer, we know that we are giving our readers one of the most acceptable presents wecould make. This is the way Fto get this magnificent present ABSOLÜTELY FREE. TD Anyone who may be among the flr8t 50 to pay us an annual Jj subscription to THE COURIER, Eshall have one annual paid up subscription to AMERICAN HOMES FREE, I Scientific American I M'LMTRIi0E hark, ËLg DESION PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, Qtc For Information and free Handbook wrlte to MUNN & CO., 361 Bboadwat. NEW York. Oldest bureau ror eecttrlng patenta In America, Erery patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice glven frue oí cliarge ia the f tkuïïüt mtxian Largest clrculation of any ecientiflc pappr ïn tha world. Splendldly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without it. Weekly. $3.O0a year; 1JO slxmonths. Addiww, MUliNT ft CO., FCBLisiiEBS, 361 Broadway, New York City. THE Anican house Cor. Washington and Ashlcy ir, Refitted and equipped with all modern im. provements, First Class Tabj.e. RATES, S2.OO TO $3.OO. lyr. d M, STAEBLER, Prop. ADIRONDA ■■ ■ TRADH MARK tWheeler'syn Nerve JTmm' POSITIVELY CURES HE&RT DISEASE. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessness and all aerangement ot the Nervous Svstem. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses. 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich'.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, Druggist. B&UMG&RDNER'S ANN ARBOR ELECTRIC CRANITE WORKS, Manufacturar or and dealer in - ■ Artistic Hartle and Sranite üsnomls ! Having on hand a large quantity of Rough Granite, and full equipped machinery for Granite Work, we are prepared to execute Fine Monumental Work on short notice. OFFICE, No. 6 Detroit SI., AXN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. PChlchMter's Encllsh Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PILLS Kv Original and Only Cenulne. A TR-!' A. AFE always fllable. laoies aak fc L 4 Oy-uV Dmgglst for 'Chichesters Enylish J?fff-jffV O f _ ijiir , I Brand n Ked an.l Gntri meillicgr Vv-fl9boxe3. aealed with blue ribbon. Take W W S&Snoother. Jïefute dangcrous substitw V I 'f Artionsand imitations. At Dragists, orseod4e. 1 ( JJ} (n ítarapi for particulars, ti-nimonials and C & "Kelïef for I-artle." m Ie8T, bj return _i fr Mui!. 10,000 Testimonial. Xamc Paper. -" ChlcheiterCUemifiil ('o.,MiHmhi Squat lold bj all Local Druggiats. i'hllutlu., Pft. THE OWEN tú ELBiïRICdK BUI T pr L, !■ I Trlde Mark-Dr. A. Owsn FOR MEN AND WOMEN Th? l&test and only scientific and practical Eieciriü Bcit made, lor general use. producing aeenuine current of Klectrlcity, for the cure of disease, that can be readily feit and regulated both In quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body . It can ba worn at any time during worting hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY OURE (-w-.f- RHEUMATISÍI .■k IX M BAGO raP(Fít#Wl6ENEBAl, DEBILITO Yg .Avfa-aJifc 3 MM E BACK ySÍSimNEBVOl!S DISEASES wijipE35re' VARICOCELE ' J% SEXUAL WE1KNESS IJIPOTEfiCÏ KIDNEY I11SEASE9 WITHOUT MEDICINE Electrlcity, properly applied, is fast taking the place of drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatic, Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and wlll effect curea in seemingly hopeless cases where every other kuown means has failed. Any slugglshi weak or dlseased organ may by this means be roused to healthy actlvity before it is too late. Leading medical men use and recommend the Owen Belt in their practica. OUR URGE ILLUSTRA7ED CATALOGUE Contalng f ullest Information regarding the cure of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices, and how to order, in English, Germán, Swedish and Morwegian languages, will be mailed, apon appllcation, to any addresa for 6 cents postage. Tbe Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. KAÏN 077ICE AND ONLT TACTORT, The Owen Electric Belt Dldg., 201 to 2t State Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The Larges! Electric Be EsUbliilmentin the World ÏO FARMERS, The Ypsilanti Robe and Tanuing Co., feeling certain that they can make it an object to you, invite you to cali at 25 South Huron St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to Jfi Tan Furs and Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens, or we will pay Cash for Hides. CUSTOM WORK. We will do Custom Work, tanning hides for owners at reasonable figures. Farmers can thus secure first. class Robes at nominal prices. We make a specialty of M0TH-PR00F ROBES from hides of cattle, which to be appreciated must be seen. Cali and see us. YPSILANTI RQBE&TANNINGCo. 25 South Hupon St., YPSILANTI, - MICHIGAN. MEN WANTED To take orders. Instruction and outfit freo Salary or comraisslon as preferred. SplendW chance for reliable men. Experlence not necessary. Write for terms and full partlccilars. The R. G. CHASE COMPANY. Nurserymen. Geneva,N. Y. MEN AND WOMEN SBS ing the Conirktville Mfg. Co., Mantill, R. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send U cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mentlon this paper. Hntzel's Water Back! A very important invention whics will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex e rience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO.. Plumbers and Steamfitterg. ANN ARBOR, - - M1CB. W. F. MOOREJ DBFTI SZT. Work done In all form3 of modern dentistry; crown and bridge work a special tv Gradúate of the ü. of M. Office, 27 S. Main sL. Ann Arbor. Mich. 1 T W föLi ■ Fel ! L The Only Direct Route Trina All Poiuis In ? MICHIGAN AMD CANADA TOj Modern Sleeping Cars I Afl JA K r on Night Trains. Lllfinl 2parlob"cars eiiim BkW t f onDayTralns. nNIfLAlyf DAYTON, ;{ iCINCINNiTlanillQrii INDIANAPOLiS. ÖES For rates and full infonnation, address J D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., Jeffer J w sou & Woodward Aves., Detroit. Micli. 9 m JOHNT BASTABLE, District Passenger A:t.. 0 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. D. O. E.'nïAliDS, fitni-ral Passenger Agent. S ' '. ::-.', Building', Ciiicinnati, Öhio. " P THIS YEAR THE BOYS WILL WANT TO economize, but you 3an't afford to always walk when POLHEMÜS has added a lot of new stylish rigs, before hard times were upon xa and now is determined to make the prices go low, that itwill beapleasure to spend a dollar now and then. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. I am prepared to answer all calla for Hacks with the flnest turnouts In the city. Cali up POLHEMÜS by 'Phone, or order at barn, corner Main and Catherine streeta. Cara lrom University stop at our office. 88yr Sept. 27, 1394 It Cunt Cold. Coughs, Sore Throat, Cronp, Inflnttlt, Whooping Couf h, Bronchiti and AlthnUk A eertain cure for Consumption ia fint itugtl. ani a lort relief in advanoea tge. XTse at once. Yon will aee the excellent effect after taking ttaa Int doe. Sold by dealers every where. Lug kottlea 60 certa and $1.00. ASTHMA soNN CURED. but The PEERLES8 ASTHMA REMEDY wiA Rive instant relief. 2SC and 50c stzes,. Kampte XQati"d f ree. At drugKtBor raailedon receLpt of priof


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