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The Ypsilaoti repuWicans will hold their city convention on Thursday, to-morrow, evening.' 0 The Lodi republicano will hold their eaucus at the town hall, on Friday Maren 27, at 1:30 p. m. TliO Stockbridge Sun publlshes the proceedings of the Sunday School convöntion under tlie head of "Drift Wood." Charles Baldwin, of Chelsea, aged 29 years, died on Thursday, March 19, after a brief illness. He leavès a wife. Mrs. Mary E. Day, who has resided in Ypailanti for 58 years, is to remove to South Haven next week. Pebor Grutner and family also go there. Prof. Albert Miller. teacher of German in the Detroit High School, who died last Thursday. was a professor in the Normal at Ypsilanti from 1854 to 1886. As the spring caucuses draw near one can see a marked difference in the makeup of those who are willing to eacrifice themeelves ior the good of their town. The stock of the canning lactory at Dundee has 'been bought up by H. C. Spaulding, for 10 cents on t(he $1, wno will pay all defots, and agrees to run the factory for three years. The electric road through Dearborn township stipulates that the partiee must produce some evidence, within 30 days, that their way is clear to complete the road. - "Wayne Keview. Over at Clinton the free silverites are to hold a caucue and nomínate men for township offlcers men who believe in the free coinage of silver. Now tihe question is : What effect will that have on congress ? Prof. Wm. A. Sprout has had charge of the schools in Pinckney since 1865 with the exception of two years, says the Dispatch. A grand record. Seldom equalled. He ought to be retired on a pension. He has surely earned it. The G. A. E. aijp arranging to present "The Union Spy" by local talent at Arbeiter hall on April 9, 10 and 11. Several years ago the same play was presented by the G. A. R. and was very popular.- Manchetser Enterprise. A ÜSTorthville man has invented a perpetual calendar that the Record thinks will prove a bonanza. The man who will invent a perpetual income, that will increase as the (Iemands inerease, Will be a very popular sort oí an inventor. At the township eaucus held in Pittsfield last Friday, the following delegates were named to attend the county convention : S. E. Crittenden, M. F. Case, Andrew Campbell, Thos. Smirthwait and Henry D. Platt. A straw vote for president resulted : McKinley 12, Reed 3, Allison 1. An Ypsilanti democrat, being asked if he wanted a "Pingree button," answered, "He is my man," and was then led to the rear of a grocery store and presented with an enormous potato. When last noticed he was gliding back and fortlh, between the slats of a picket fence, and doing it easily. - Monroe Democrat. The election of officers of the Farmers' Vigilance Association was held March 14, in L'nited Workmen's Hall, Ypsilanti. Following is a list of the new officers : Pres., L,. A. "Vilcox ; vice president, Jesee llewens ; sec., J. C. Bemis ; treas., C. H. Roberts. An executive committee is composed of two members from each township : Augusta, Bert Daiiing, Elmer Sanderson ; Ypeilanti, B. ]}. Kelly, J. L. Hnmter; Pittsfield, Fred Hutzel, Milton Begole ; York, G. F. Eichards, A. "W. Dexter. An exchange tells us that an old custom in Austria has been for the school children to kiss their teacher on coming and going. The imperial board of education has just issued an order forbidding the practice, on the ground of a decisión of the sanitary council that kissing is dangerous to health, andt herefore not to he permitted except when absolutely necessary. How fortúnate that it does not apply to this country, and that it does not extend outside the ranks of school marms and school children. The people of Northville are becoming spiritually minded. One would hardly believe it, by reading the Eecord, but nevertheless it is eaid to be absolutely true. They have discovered that the old town clock ran down and etopped at 5:42 last Friday morning and that John Gardner, who gave the clock to the village, died at about the eame time. Henee the problem of spirits passing from the old clock to the sick room of Mr. Gardner, is the subject of inveetigation by the theologians of prosperous Northville.- Pontlac Gazette. To-vv-n meetin' Monday, April fl. Maple silgare oason ts fast getting here. Manchester hopes to helio over a metallic circuit soon. M. E. Keeler of Siharou, has been feeding 80 pigs this winter. Wages tor help on the farm ranges froin $10 to $17 per month, ihis season. Henry Renau, of Sharon, will set out 12 acres to peach trees this spring. Truant officers in many towns art making it hot for truant children and their párente. Chelsea and Ann Arbor are to have Pingree clubs.- Dexter Leader. How about Dexter ? The Manchester democrats will caucus at the town clerk's office on Saturday at 3 p. in. Next Sunday upwards of 20 children will be confirined at Emanuel's ehurch, Manchester. A new steel bridge has been put in by ttie Ann Arbor R'y over the Macon river, north of DuRdee. The democrats of Saline will noniinate township officers nest Saturday at. 2 p. m.. at the engine house. Grass Lake is a wide awake town ! Just t%ink of it once ! At its recent municipal election 16 votes were cast all told ! The prospecta for electric lights at Dexter begin to look brighter. Good for the lights ! Good for the electricity ! Good for Dexter ! The republicana of Scio will hold their caucus at the office of George G. Page, in Dexter village, on Monday, March 30, at 3 o'clock p. in. They propose to raise the minister's salary at Hambui-g to-morrow evenIng, by giving a concert. In other words they will sing for hls salaxy. On Friday evening the Y. P. S. C E., of "Webster, will hold a C sociaj at the "home of Supervisor Edwin Ball. Good music and a good time ensured. The Ypsilanti Sentinel brings out the name of Aid. John Terns of that city, for the nomination of treasuier on the county democratie ticket this fall. The Standard, of Chelsea, has had its standard erected for seven years. And it lias gxown brighter, stronger and more interesting as the years liave passed. George "W. Teeple is trotted out ly the Pinckney Dispatch as the proper man for senator froni the 13th district, which includes Livingston and Genesee counties. According to the Sentinel's table one whist club in the Interstate contest played 8 games and won 9. That's a pretty fair record. The Ypsilanti club played 22 and won 12 1-2. Agente for all kinds of goods are OTer-running the country, and people should beware of mo6t of them. You ca-n buy better goods and at lower prices from our home merchants.- Enterprise. The Salvation Army is bombardIng the enemy at Dexter, but as yet no impression has been made on the line of defense .It can't be that Satan has made impregnable fortifications there. No. TVe prefer to believe that the artillery brought to bear is of too light calibre for such a place. How's that ? A Chelsea man has shipped 20,000 bushels of onions this winter. He sent a couple of bushels, at the request of ex-congressman Gorman, to tic eland but the president declined them because they were all oí the silver skin variety. The rest were shipped to McKinley, to add strength to hls push for delegates. - Adrián Press. Don't you be alarmed about MeKinley. He is strong eoough without any artiiicial aid. He lives right down in the hearts of the people, and Bro. Stearns will yet acknowledge that he made one of the most sensible and wise chief executives the country ever had.


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Ann Arbor Courier