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I can not siug the old songs, And lust 'twixt me and you I'm told by muiiy persons, Tlnit 1 can not sing the uew. Chas. Meyere held the lucky number, 65, that drew the imperial editicra of Shakespeare last Wednesday even ing. The congregation of Trinity L,utheran occupied thO auditorium of their leautiful new dhurch for the fii-st time laat Súnday mornlng, and they eaijoyed thO evemt. The policy of $1,000 'held i.y Mrs. Ohas. Grossman, who commiti ed nuicdei some weeks ago by jumping imo the cifltern with her little child, in the Onited Friends order, has been paid tx her helre. A sneak thief entered the apartmenta of Dr. and Mts. Tyler over the P. O. last Friday, during their absence, and stole a gold watch, chdin and diamond cross pendant, the property of Mrs. Ifler. The will of the late Dr. Anna E. P. Eastman-Marsh, of Greeley, Col., as told about Bome three weeks ago, turna out to 'be quite valuable for the University. The aniount eecured to tüie instltutlon will 'be about $10,000 and the money is to be used to estaiblish a scholarship for higher eduGation, to bO kno'wii as the "Dr. Anna Bastmam Seholarship." Dr. Marsa ís allowed to occupy the homestead conveyed by the -will during liis lifetime. The act oí Mrs. Marsh was a nolle oue. At the prohibition oounty convention held at tle caurt house last Thursday afternoon, there was a very small attenüance. The follo.wing delegates were elected to the 6tate convention to be held at Lansing May 15 and 16 : N. "W. Oheever, H. T. field, Jcrtiin Bosworth, Ttlrs. Dr. Garwood, Jas. Doaine, C. Jï. Smart, B. J. Conrad, Ohas Boylan. H. Markham, O. E. L. Crozier, Geo. HathaWay, Prof. G. TV. Bailey, G. W. Merrill, AV, A. Andersom, Prof. J. B. Steere, Arfchur Fullmgton and X D. Carr. Henry G. Wanty, -nho lias lxen nominated by the democrats o tnayor o' Muskogon, is a tonner An . rhoi toy, and one nvlio is Jield in kind remembrance. He is the editor ia chief of the IXaily Morning News of Muskegon, and it is the belief of his old friends here in An nArbor, tliat he wóuld make that city an awful good mayor, even if he does belong to the wrong politlcal party. He ia brofher of Geo. P. AVanty, of Grand Kapide, -wlio la president of the state bar association.. The booms that flow'r in the spring, trala, Somesliglit dlsappointment may oost ; For the bmls that too hastily spring, tra la. Are the oues that take chances on liO3t. Mrs. Catharine Wrlgttt of tliis city lias bcon granted a pen-sion. H. F. Frost, the Ann st. procer i.s ffoing to put in a bakory it is rumored. : Kext Sumday is Easter. Tlie new bonnts are expected that day if it sliould bo pleasant. The fignïes of City Kngineer Key for the cost of the TVilliam st. lateral Söwer, are $15,611.60. It is understood that there will be a number of prosecutions soon for selling liquor to minors. Quite right. This being the iirst Wednesday In the month, the O. E. S. will ineet In regular eesslon to-niglit at Masonic Temple. The monthly tea eocial will be given at t!he !M. E. church parlors on Thursday evonlng. Tea served at 6:30 p. m. The U. oí IS. Daily appears as a womaï's souvenir edition to-day - 12 pages. Buy ome iaad help along the gymnasium. The annual meeting oí the congregation of St. 'Andrew's parisli will be held om Tuesay, April "th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Next Monday will be town meeting. Here in the city where there will be oaly ward offlcera to elect, polltical affaire are very qulet. Every citizen wlio believes in paying a man what he earns, shoulil vote for the raise o fthe treasurer's salary from $100 to $600. üp to the present time about 30 U. S. A. offiecrs have accepted the invitation to be present at the armory dedicatkra of Company on April 8th. Married, atthO M. E. parsonage, by , Itev. E. W. Kyan, Miss Anna Cromie and Mr. George KuBter, on Wednesday afteraoön. Mr. and Mre. Kuster will make tlhieir home in Ann Arbor. - Ypsilantlan. Tlie latest weather indication scheme of the government is to hare the forecast etamped on letters with tho postmark, from all big city offices. This looks more like a fad than anything practical. Gov. Eicn has given official notice by proclamation, that ThuTsday, May lst, will be observed as Arbor Day, when each man, woman and child in the etabe can do a noWe deed by planting a tree. There cmght to be millions of them Bet out on that day. The sewing school of which Miss M. S. Erown is the superintendent and main stay, wlll commence its weekly sessions again next Saturday, a room in t'he Oourier block having been set apart for its use. Teachers andv scholars will please# be on hand next Saturday, April 4. Mrs. Catharine Rhoöes died at her home in Concord last Friday, a?ed 73 years. The deceased vas the wife oí a brother of George H. Rhodes, of ■the Northside, who went to Ooncord on that day. She, with her husband Cyrus, occupied the first dwelling ever erected In that place. This is the first death in the family for 42 years. At a meeting of the lyceum ctturse committee of the T. M. C. A. lest Thursday evening, R. C, McAllaster was ctiosen chairman, with power to oOTrespood wlth and Befcure entertainmente, Nathan Stenger was chosen treasiwer, and Oeo. H. Pond secretary. A course ■was proposed of six enter tainments, the same uumber as giren 'tJhe past year, and a first class line of attraetians only will be considered. Mr. McAllaster was appointed a committee to secure a placa in which to hold the course. "We understand that Pack, Everett & Co. have been Buccesaful in securing franchises ■ for the electric road tln-ottgh all towñships but Cantón. Au attorney in Ann Arbor is seeking a frantíhise in Ihat township and the authorities are vascllatmg in the matter. The affalr will be made an issue in the coming election. We hope the people will 6ee ifc to their advant age to grant tino franchise to those áble and willing to speedily push the project to completlon, and not to one whose purpose must be delay.- Wayne Review. John E. Miner has been elected president of the Board of Public Works. Mr. Miner is one of tihe sort wtoo usually knows his business and attends to it, and wiiat is more he knows wlien buBiness is done right. It is lioped now that the everlasting Jangle ti-etween tlhe Board and theCouncü will cease. If it does not, then the fact will be plainly süioTvn that it is uiseless to attempt to have such a Board in this city, for the man or body of men wlio can not get along peaceably and act in harmony with Mr. Miner is or are impossible to do business with at 11. Oíd Sol gets up betimes these days, Nor goes so soon to rest ; To Imítate bis spring time rays He really does hls best. The Underwear Co. have commeneed the erection of 'au addition to their block at the interseetion of Detroit and N. Fourth ave. A small, unoccupied house on N. Fourth ave., was bumed Monday a. ra., at 2 ö'clock. The iive department boys were promptly on time. Quite a large oumber of Ann Arbor people went to Detroit last week during Henry Irving anti Ellen Terry's engagement tiere. Tliey expressed tliemselves as delighted. There Is a eity ordinance which says ttiat all awnings must be at lfeast seven feet aboye the sidewalk. Tliero aro few instances, however, ■where the law is strictly eomplied witfh. The Ieap Year party of the Order of the Bastern Star will be a very popular affair, if eme can judge by the applicatioa for invitations. The ladies propose to makë it the rand party of the eeasotn. The repTlicans of this city will take iLOtice that there 4a a cajl for the republican city caucuses to elect delegates to tlio county conyention to be held on the 20th. These caucuses wlll be held Monday ;eyening, April 13th. , Dr. JjiW". Martom and brother Will H. Mortxn, hare purchased the store of O. M. Martin on E. Washingtont. formerly occupled ás an undertaking establishment. Aiter some repairs and thorough renovation and refitting, Mts "W. H. Morton will occupy the lovrer floor with her jnillinery estaWisüitnant, while the Doctor will have íor himself a fine suite of oífices on the second floor. Congratulations all aroupd.


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Ann Arbor Courier