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Nerve JW Bloocf tg Mm ]EnM[jFfir spndfc Jr mpT JK&rBLJv iecripuve 1t'o&W MEDICINE CO s pr j schenectadv. N.Y. WANTED Men toworkforuswhodexlre Ion. - money this fall and winter durinü glacfe times. Excellent chance, l-.ileral pay. If you have pare time, ouof work, or lopking for a payinn lui ness wrlte me át once. Pred. B. Young, Nurserymiii ROCHESTER N. T. ünlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Otiier Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.Bto&Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which ia abaolutely pur and soluble. It has more ihan three times the itrength. of Cocoa mV;ed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and ia far more economioal, (osting less than one e ent a cup. It U delicious, nouriïhing, and iaiily DIGBSTED. Sold by Crocers everywhre. W. Baker & Co.. Dorchester.Mass. pSTHMA? IsGHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure ■ Never fails to give instant relief in the worst ■ miei, and effect cures whcre othcr taü. I Trlsl Paekg FKEE of Dmgilrt or ij IL ■ AddretR. B. BOHIFFMAIm. St. !l'"'S CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT Í Fop prompt answer and an honest opinión, wrtte to MUNN & CO., who have had nearly flftj years Sipericncilnthè patent business. CommunlcatlOM strictly confldenttal. A Handbook ot toíafnTLOmS.ni1tecSta9lo special notloeinthe Scientiflc Amencnnand thus are brought wldely beiore the publlo withat oost to tfie Inventor. Thij splendid Dper. issued weeltly. eleftantlyillustrsted.hMbTferthe laruest circulation of ny soientiflo worj m tne world. 3 a year. Specfmencopie ent ftw Building Edltion.monthly, f2.60 s Tar. Slngl copies, 'SS cents, fevery number contaln beaotU&lpLtea. in oolors, and photographs Of new houses. wltn plans, enablrngiiuilders to show tbe latest deslens and secure contracts. AaOress 1ÍUNN & CO., NEW YOKK, 361 BBOADWAT. DEÜL DtEFFENBACH'S tstSP PR0TA60N CAPSULES, &.2"""V'Er Sure Onn for Wuk Men, M tfJB Vin provedbyreporuof leading phy0K-3= i3Biclan8. State age in orderinc Kif! iTlce.l. C'stBlocuc Fr. PK ,R Ib R cure for Sleet. IJ I ;UUH Strleture and all y unoatural dlicbarjtei. PriceS. nREEKSPECIFICiuiü " Mand Skin DlMSiti, Hcrof. nlon ore. andBy philitio Affeetlona, wltl out mercurr. Prlce, . Order from THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL CO. J2. II WiMontia Street, HXLWAUnl, WO itHYOHÊMTjafflil { At the expense of little rier j $ mono and nis spare QSwSvjT 5 time obtíin a fair work- B Istijdy at homeI TMBOUOM TUI J SPRAQUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONOENCE INSTRUCT1ON, f ComptUngthellagcreipolldicchoolilntwotld. á SUBJECTS TAUGHT. ! I IUI The School of LawptMjanapupiU for nlmiMloB { RW to the br, by an extended, thorough coure. Hasj } ■"'' „rei i,fco itudents In ereiy part of the country. J f IflIinillllPII This school teachet joumalistic f JOURNAllSm -fi - - - j ftnnU 1rrniUO Th ichool is conctucted by ' KlIllK-Krrrlllll om of theableteacheo { ÍDUUfV fLLI II1U bookjeping „ America. nimnT Illiin Thi school teachessliort.handby 'NHIln I HANll e beytem, and 60.1,11 be. ', t WIIUIII linill ginni„g to the be expert work. f nnrrll AMJ I ftTIU Th is school teadtes t t llKrrK anti IA 1 11! ''""■ composUion and t UIlLLIl Bim LWI 111 hlitory, bom tht { J tí on to the most advanccd worlc ia the classics. i The abOTe schools tech bj the 3 J enee method onljr, nd reeognlze no rlyal Ib j { tbelr Mipectlre flelds. j m Address, stating in J ni f. Mr" . which school you are ? ÊÊ% Jjmjta - Cm interested, and J y-_.% H W stamps for catalogue. J S ffW1affB BBTOBSt Each school bas sep 5 JulJLbl arate catalogue. l-ÍMÜiinil'll " "'"■■: '■"■'-' .ii. . ■ J Relief in Six Hours. DlstreMlng Kldney and Bladder dleaaea relieved la lx houx by the "New Great South American Kldney Cure." Tlila new reomedy la a groat surprise on account of lim exceedlng promptnesfl in pain In VttB bladder, kidney, twick and Tery part of the uriaary p&asage In male ov {male. It relieves the retentloo o( water and pain In passing lt almotrt lmmedlately. If yom want qulck relief and cure thta la your remedy. SoM by H. J. Bwrwn, druggtet, Asa. Axbop, Mlcïu


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