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Mrs. Oharlo-tte Baxter and John Cal houm, of York, have exchanged farms. Wrill Ringle Is flxlng up ttoe old Le,d yard house at Salem, and wlll live in it. The Enterprise advises the boys o Manchester in a ve'-y fatherly way to keep off the Bidewalks. A lodge of Mie Daughters of Eebekah has been instituted at Moore ville with 15 charter members. Myron F. Bailey is the new super visor of Salem, and L. B. llanniny town elerk. Bofh repttblicans. The next meeting Df the NorvelTs Farmers' Club will be with C. J Harper, on April 25, at 1 p. m. Thie Junior Endeavorers at Xorth ville make a fealmaguindi of "music recitations and hot nyrup." i)} my! yum, yum ! Tlie Maccabees of Mooreville gave Rir KnlgJi-t Ira Biddle a fine K. O T. M. pin on his removal from that place recently. Saline wlll have one or more base ball clubs tfais summer, and arrange ments for groumde, etc, ahve been already perfected. The Junior Exlubition of the Saline High School, will be held next Friday, April 10, íor vliich a fine program has been arranged. George TVhitaker has moved back to Sylavn from Sandstone, and is living on the Lett's farm. Mr. Pottinger wlio had been working that farm has gane to Detroit to live. Chas. Horton has returnedto Moore ville from a trip to Florida, and is very much delighted with that state. He thinks that a farmer can make two dollars there to one here. The business men of Plymouth have all signed a contract to give no more prizes to Induce trade. That's right. Wnat thO people want is goods of the lowest figure, and they can purchase their own prizes. John Heatey, 12 J-ears old, of Jer8ey City, who has been making his home with an uncle in Detroit, was picked up here last Wednesday morning, in company witfa severa! tramps by Deputy Sheriff Staffan. His uncle was notified and the boy was returned to bis home.- Chelsea Herald. Porty republicans and one democrat attended a -ward cauus at Ypeilanti last wee-k and the democrat didu't stand any more show of getting anything than he does under Cleveland's admlnistration. He just sat round with hls hands in his pockete, and tried -to be Bociable.- Adrián ress. Spring lias really come. The merry bull-frogs held their opening concert Sunday evening, and their meodious croak is now heard uightly. The birds, bicycles and bloomers also loudly attest tihat joyous Spring is lere.- Wayne Review. Just think of t ! At thls writing tlie thermometer stands at zero, or plaguey near it Tlie Cook Book issued by the King's Daughters of Northville is a publicatioin of a great deal of merit, and Is selling well tjoo, as we judge by ïis trom tlie Record of that village: 'And still the 'orders for the KHig's Daugtiter's cook books continuo to pour in. The ladies have a few books left yet and are busily supplyfng tlhe demand as fast as possible." Lillian the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck McCullough, of Jackson, died Tuesday of lock Jaw. Th remains will ibe brought to Ypsilanti, the former home of t he öereaved parents, Thui-sday afternoon, lor interment. It is thught ihe little tle gicl'st rouble was from a sliver driven into her hand a week before, but which had tbeen removed and was supposed notto havo injured tlie member. Mr. and Mrs. McCullougli have the deep sympathy of the community.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. Mis. E. N. Law is to speak at 111 Ian April 11 and 12. On Thursday evning April 16, T5ev Dan R. Shier, now of Marine City, is to speak at Milan at the Hunday School rally. The snow and 'blow storm of last Thursday and Frlday, April 2 and 3, has not been exceeded in rigor this past -winter. Farmers in some localities have found pofatoes buried in pits consideratly injured when they opened tfrem - the pits. IJhe electora of "Webster have not bad two tickets in the field before tor many years. The republicana have afways had itt heir own way. Many counties tlwoughout the etate are taking action in respect to gool roads. "Will "Washtenaw be behind in this commendable movement? Hope not. "Tlie noblest study of mankind, is man." - Ypsilantian. No. sir, it's a Monroe Democrat. Wrong again. AVith Darwin it is the origin of species. Mr. Florence S. Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, ovillo carne within a few votes of being made president of the W. B. C. of the state as its session in Saginaw last week, was made chaplain af thiat organization. "Variety is the spice of life."' People began to shed their winter underclothing on Wednesday, and on Xhursday the teniperature dropped about 50 degrees.- Plymouth Mail. He who -would-slied them is not wise. Mrs. Wie. Thompson, aged 71 years, died at her homo in Pinckney last Thursday. Site had been married 51 years, and was 'thè mother of live dhildren, ome of whom is Mrs. D. P. Markey of Port Hurón, formerly oí Aun Arbor. Geo. R. Barker of the Ann Arbor Axgus and the üniverslty "tickler" called the "Vt'rinkle, stands indicted as one of the proprietors of a comic publication to be started in Lanslng. He denies it, but not nnder oatih. Since the suspension of Tlie Legislative Journal of the last matchless aggregatian of state house oddities, Lamsing bas been -without a liumoroiis publication and feels the need af one. - Monroe Democrat. Tlie Observer reads the riot act to some of Fowlerville's rooks in this way : "Those boys who were running about town last Fridny evening aJid peeping iuto peoprle's Windows deserve a good torse whipping. Tliey scared several persons nearly out of txeir -wits from ljeing peeped at in tfoelr night garmnts. The next t ime anytüiing of this nature comes to us as straight as this does and from as reliable a source "we sliall publish the name of every oy who is implicated. Bear this in mind boys, for i f yoii have not tlie first principies of manhood the public should learn wlio you are."


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Ann Arbor Courier