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Nerve VW Blood Ton ie iTOBuilder JT MCndtWjJm descriptivo T W%TBQB [W pampbiet prrboxC MEDICINE CO, 6P.r8J.50. schenectadv. K.Y. WANTED Men to work for ub whodesire to nrnKf money thls fall and winter durlug slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, oot of work, or looking for a paylng hnslness wrlte me at, once. Fred. B. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. (Inlike the Dutch Process ÉKo Alkalies Ottier Chemicals are used in the preparatton of W.Bito&Go.'s Breakfast Cocoa, which ia absolutely pur and soluble. It has more {hart three times the strtngth of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more economical, casting less ihan one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and iaíilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocera everywher. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester.Mass. pASTHSM? SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to give instant relief in the worst oases, and effect enres whete other fiill. Trini faekag i'ICEE of DruggUta or bj JIM1. Addra DR. B. SCHIFFHANN, St Fan!, Bünn. CAN T OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer aud an honest opinión, write to MUNN fc CO., who have had nearíynftyyears' experience (n the patent business. Communications strictly confidenttal. A Handbook of Information concemiuK Patenta and how to Ofctain them sent free. Alao a catalogue of meclianical and scientlflc books sent free. Patenta taken throuftli Munn & Co. receive special noticeintbe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely beforethe public without coat to the inventor. This splendid paper, iusued weekly, elepantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulatinn of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, !i5 cent. Ï3very number contains beauttrul plates, in colore, and photographs of new houees. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest desiems and secure contracta. Address MUNN & CO., NEW YORK, 361 BkoadwAY QE3L DIEFFEB AC H'S t{3. PROTAGON CAPSULES, ivV Sure Cure ÍOT 'W'k Men, at ?f __MA provedby reportsof leadinf?phy' isfr11 CT sician. State sge in ordering. MHAl'l'nce,Sl. Catalogue Free. f JK ■ o A O ft ■ aafe lulci speedï HáaÉ!' Il M li cure for Oleet, UoK L Strlcturesiid all QB U annatural discharges. FriceSSS. WÊW fiREEKSPECIFÍCMÜ ■IW wand Skin Dlseases, SeroftHons Sores andSyphtlltic AnVctlons, witliOutmercury. Price, 92. Order trom THE PERÚ DRUG CHEMICAL CO. $5. 18 Wieonsin Street, M1LWAÏÏKEE, WI8. ! At the expense of little ST0y Í i moi.y and his spare JjjuSÊ3r3 Í t time obtain a fair work-K fcjjtkJI WP I'STUDYATHOMEJ THROUCH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, J i Comprising the leadingconespondence schools n theworld. $ SU8JECTS TAUGHT. I I III The School of Law prepares pupils for admisslon LA II to the bar, byan extended, thorough course. Has f 5 ii over i,fioo students in every part of the country. ' 0 iniinillllCM This school t caches journalist ie i { JUUHNALloffl adnate;apry work from the j ionnl VCCDIUP This school isconductedby BuuK-KbcnWti esüsgzxss?, 'PUflDT Ullin This school teachesshon-handby t t Alllln I 1AII thc bestsystem, and from the A 1 Ullwl" linilM Kinning to thc tes, expert wort. j i nnrrl ..J I ITIU ThU school t GREEK and LATÍN bmb3 i ti on to the most advanced work in the classics, 1 The abore schools teach by the ence raethod oiily, and recogntze no rival íd $ j thelr respective flelds. JBkk sí'1 QÍ"! j& which school you are J f Fy[ .iSÊÊnÈ&ér close ten cents in E MV#Sr ' stainps for catalogue. 5 $ J$HfcLf, ', HflpjB Each school has sep 5 V wpi"Wt'ï WEliËl arate catalogue. Relief in Six Hours. Difitresaioig Kidney and Bladder dlseases relleTed In lx hours by the "New Great South. American Kidney CJure." Th! new remedy Is a grettt surprise om account of it excèedlng promptnese lm rellevlng1 pain In the bladder, kidney, back and every part ol the urimary passages In male or female. It relieve the retentlon ol water and palm In passing It almoat lmmedlately. H you want qulck relief and cure thls la your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, drugglst, Ann Arbor, Mlch.


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