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120 DOLLARS ■V PER MONTH IN YOUR OWN LOCALITY made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any maa, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unuecessary. Nothing like it for moneymaking ever offered bef ore. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted n learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the flrst liour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everythiug needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. S A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff Leaguo is a national organizaron advocating " Protection to American Labor and Industry " as expUnód by its constitution, as follows : 11 The object of this Leapue "hall be to protect Amanean labor bv a tarrtf ■ ■ : rta. which shall ■dequately secure American incustnal product gainst tlie competitior. f foreijn labor. There are no personal or private profits in connect'on w th ihe organizationand it issustained by memberships, contributions and the diitribution of ts publications. FIRST: Correspond-'-ce is snlicited 'regarding " Membsrship " and ' Oficial Correpondent8." SECOND: oeed and w -'■ -nu oontribution, whother amatl or large. to our cause. THIRD: We publish a large line of (documento covering all phases of the Tariff guestion. Complete set will bemailed toany address for 50 oent. , FOURTH: Send postal card request fbrfrM ampie uopy of the ■'American Economitt. Addres Wilbur F Wakeman, General Storttvy, 136 Wet 23d 8trt. New York. TRUCK and STORA&E Storage of Household Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS! CAEEFULLY MOVED All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK. PARGELfDELIVERY. C E. GODFREY, Phone 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. HAVE IT IN YQUR HOI. We are pleased to announce to our readers that we have purohased from the publishers, 50 SUBSCRI PTIONS to American Homes Monthly Magazine and that we want as many of our subscribers as possible to take advantage of this Great Opportunity which is limited in numbers and for a short time only. American Homes is the handsomest and most beautifuljy llustrated monthly in this country ; it is filled with Designs and Plans for "Homes of all kinds ; Arrangement of Grounds ; Dec,orations; Ideas and Receipts; Furniture; Drapery; Plants and Flowers, etc., etc., by common sense practical writers. In making this offer, we know that we are giving our readers one of the most acceptable presents we could make. This is the way -r- to get this magnificent present -T ABSOLUTELY FREE. D Anyone who may be among the first 50 to pay us an annual R subscription to THE COURIER, Eshall have one annual paid up subscription to AMERICAN HOMES FREE, i Scïentifio American pE DCSICN PATENTS, itsK=" COPVRIOHT8, etc For Information anit free Handbook wrlte to MUNN & CO.. 861 Broadway, NEW York. Oldest bureau for secxirlng patents in America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought beforo the public by a notice given free of charge la the f mxXtixt jlmmcmi Lareest drculatlon of any sclentlflc paper In the world. Splendldly lllustrated. No lutelligent man should be without lt. Weekly, s.t.OOa year; 1.50 six months. Address, MÜNN Sc. CO., Fcbusbebs, 361 Broadway, New York City. the; Anncari House Cor. Washington and Ashley Ave. Reñtted and equipped with all modern lm. proveniente. First Class Tablk. RATES, $2.OO TO $3.OO. lyr. d M, STAEBLER, Prop. ADIRONDA ■ i- ii ia TRADB MARK UMM Wheeler'syJ HeartlUr yíewe rmmm0 POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PR0STR4TIOH, EPILEPSY. sleeplessness and all aerangement ot the Nervou3 System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses. 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich') Savings Bank, says he cannot say too rnuch in favor of ' ' Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, Druggist. BftUMGARDNER'S ANN ARBOR ELECTRIC CRANITE WORKS, Manufacturer of and dealer in- Artistic Karble and Err&nite Méú Having on hand a large quantity oi Rough Granite, and full equipped machinery for Granite Work, we are prepared to execute Fine Monumental Work on short notice. OFFICE, No. 6 Detroit SI., ANN ARBOR, ■ MICHIGAN. Pí'hlchmtcr'n EnEliah Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PILLS _tl--s. Oriirlnnl and Only Genuine. A _ "fcN. safe, always reiiable. LAOiESasltA f., i U&Aft UruggUt Tor Chichetter s flnylisli a'JWK fi4L&i3SÊ&.inoid Brand in Ked and Gold metllicr y jTfflMhiit pr . sealcii with blue ribbon. Take V TWi ábtiRijnüOther. Refuse dangerous 'l tfFtionsandimitations. At Druggists,or8eod4c. I i. JM in starapi for particular, testimooiaU and "O Lr " Relief for Ladle," " letter, by return A ff Mali. 10,000 Ti-stiinoniaU. Name Paper - - r"Chkhe-terChemiculCo.,ModUnSquap, Bold bj all Local Druggists. l'hllad., Pm. OWtNSBOftOKY "R. MONARCH" - AND - "KENTUCKY CLUB" PURE WHISKIES. GENUINE OlfLY WHEN HOTTLED IN THIS STÏLE PACK.UiE. Put up in Quarts, Pints and One-Half Pints. Aak your dealer for these Brands. If he hasn't them, write us. S. A. Sloman & Co., BRANCH OFFICE, DETROIT, - MICHIGAN. Bottled at and shipped from the Distillery. Tö FARMERS. The Ypsilanti Eobe and Tanuing Co., feeling certain that they can make it an object to you, invite you to cali at 25 South Huron St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our make. Our business is to Tan Furs and Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens, or we will pay Cash for Hides. CUSTOM WORK. We will do Custom Work, tanning hides for owners at reasonable figures. . Farmers can thus secure first class Robes at nominal prices. We make a specialty of MOTH-PROOF ROBES from hides of cattle, which to be appreciated must be seen i Cali and see us. YPSILANTI ROBE&TANNING Co 25 South Huron St., YPSILANTI, - MICHIGAN. MEN WANTED 'o take orders. Instructton and outfit free alary or commisslon as preferred. Splendid hance for reliable men. Experlence not ecessary. Wrlte for terms and fnll particuars. The R. G. CHASE COMPANY, iurserymen. Qeneva, N. Y. ■ Til I1II1 III All Til Can obtain pleas FIE. il HilU nUlllLH work by addressn(? the Conibkxville Mfg. Co., Manvillk, .. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send 12 ents for samples, partlculars, and secure genoy. Mentlon thls paper. iutzel's later Back! A very important invention whicfc will be hailed with delight by every ody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex e rience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances beconaing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Plumbers and Steamfitttrs. ANN ABBOB, - - MICH. W. F. MOOREJ DBNTI SZT. Work done in all forms ol modern dentlstrr; crown and bridge work a specialty Gradúate of the U. of M. Office, 27 S. Main st. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1 v ƒ J,jf L?g " ■ ■ ft Hl O 0 M Wri n f 1 H sí'n # i l-'a.&JL JJL-Ami i r iiMBWB fflHfflJHrTWf EÍnDIANAPOÜS 00 .fON eDoWl ' The Only Direct Route From All Polntn In MICHIGAN AND GANADA T0 Modern Sleeping Cars IS R onNightTralns. , Miflfö; ""iguj FINOLAY, DAYTON5 CINCINWIIanillölf:5 INDIUUPOUSl k)Ss For rates and f uit information, address D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., Jefferson & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt., 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent, 9 Carew Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. W TH IS YEAR THE BOYS WILL WANT TO economize , but you oan't aflord to always walk when POLHEMUS has added a lot of new stylish rigs, before bard times were upon us and now is determined to make the prices so low, that it will be a pleasure to spend a dollar now and then. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. I am prepared to answer all calis for Hacks with the fluest turnouts in the city. Cali up POLHEMUS by 'Phone, or order at barn, corner Main and Catherine streets. Cars lromlUniversity stop at our office. 83yr Sept. 27, 1394 Xt Cures Colda, Coughs, Sore Throat, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A oertain care for Consumption in firat stage, and a ure relief in advanced stages. . TJse at once. You will see the excellent effect af ter taking the flrst doae. Sold by dealera everywhore. Lar bottles 50 oer.ta and $1.00. ASTHMA '■■■■-'-.. CURED, but The PEERLESS ASTHMA -REMEDY wifl give instant relief. 25c and 5ÖC slzes. Sample mailetl f ree. At druggiMts or mailedon receipt of jpric


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