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Republican State Convention. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 21st, 1896 To the Republican Elector of the state of Michi gan. The State Convention of the Kpublicans o Michigan isherebycalled lo nieeLat the Aud ltorium, Detroit, on Thursday, May 7th. 1896, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominatlng fourteen (14 electors of President, and Vlce-President o the United States,and electing four delega tes at-large and four altérnate delegates-at-Iarg to the Republlean National Conveotïon to b neld at St. Louis, Mo.. June 16, 1S9H. Also fo the purpose of selecting a chtiirman .of th State Central Committee and two mèraber thereof for each eongressional district and the transaction of such other business a may properly come forward. Under the cali of the National Republican Committee, each eongressional district is en tftled to two delegates and two altérnate dei egates to the National Convention, whicl delegates shall be chosen at District Conven t.ions, held with not less than twenty (20)days public uotlce, and not less than thlrty (30 days before the rneetiug of the National Con vention. The delegates from the several counties in each eongressional district are requested t meet in District caucus at 10:30 o'clock a. m. on the day of the State Convention, aud se lect candldates as follows, to be presented t the State Convention for confirmation : Two members of the State Central Committee, on Vice-President, one Asslstant wecretary, on member each of the committee on "Creden tialR," Permanent Orgauization aud order o Business" and ' Resolutions," and to transac such other business as they may deem neces sary. Under the resolution of 1858, no delesat wlll be entltled to a seat lu the conventioi who does not reside in thecouuty he propose represent. In aceordance with the resolution of 1876 every eounty will be entltled to one delegat for each flve hundred of the total vote cas for Govenorat the laststate election (Novém ber 1894), and one addltional delégate fo every fractlon amounling to three hundrec but each organized eounty will be entitled to at least two (2) delegates. In compliance with the resolutions adopted in Detroit, June23d, 1890, the secretary of eac] County Convention is urged to forward to the secretary of the State Central Committee Detroit, by the earliest mail afti r the dele gates to the State Convention be chosen, certifled list of such delegates as are entltle to seats in the State Couvention from thei respective connties. This committee requests that the severa counties select their County Committees fo the ensulng two years at the County Conven tlons which elect delegates to the State Con vention heieby ealled, and thát the organiza tion and membership ol such County Com mlttees, together with tbenostofficeaddresse be at once forwarded to the Secretary of th State Ceutral Committee at Detroit, in orde that early and systematic work be begun an carried on through the coming campaigo. James McMillan, Chalrman Dennis E. Alwakd, Secretary. Washtenaw county will be entitled to nine teen delegates. Mexiean International Railroad. Eaglc Pass Route STANDARD GUAGE STEEL RAILS.J THESHORT and DIRECT LIIE FKOM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POINTS to all Points in the Interior of the MEXI'CAN REPUBLIC, and to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attractions to the Sightseer, Tourist, or Travelier than any other Route. Traversing a country unrivaled in Sceuery- ripe wilh Ancient History- to the land of the Moutezumas and Aztecs. " EQUIPMENT UK'SURPASSED. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct counections at San Antonio with all Unes from the North aud East. For Information cancerning Mexico, Tickets , Time Tables and Particulars, and the journey to Mexico or intermedíate points, cali upon or address, W. G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agent, Mex. Int. R. R. 230 Clark Street, Chicago. C. K. DÜXLAP, G. P. & T. A., Mex. Int. R. R. Eagle Pass, Texas. Oct. 1. MEL GILLESPIE TEACHER OP BANJO, GUITAR AND MANDOLÍN. ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC. OFFICE, Ank Arbor Organ Co. "DITTT direct from us and SAVE JDU X MONEY. Writefor samples and prices. We ship subject to inspectiou. Star Mfg. Co. Middlebury, Ind. fHE EXECJTORS OF THE KSTATE OF WILLIAM W. WHITE Offer for sale lots in Tappan Park, also in Hill's Addition to the city ot Ann Arbor, in Blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4. For terms and prices apply to J. B. DAVIS, 51 S. Ingalls St., - Ann Atbor 15 Sales-Agents Wanted t„r Made t0„re and Ready Made Clothine by Sample. The very lowest prices for best clothing. Ltheral commissions are pald, and energetic soliciting agents can malie irora one to three thousand dulliirs yenrly. wtorekeepers ran supply themselves without carrying stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, PHILADELPHIA. Nerve Jjk. Blood Tonic jjgJBuilder r K nmtUJW descriptiva L W 4Pfl IF paiujjblet, ptr'boLtfw MEDICINE CO., 6t.rsi.5o. Schenectadv.H.Y. WANTED Men to work for us who desire to make money this fall and winter during slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, ont of work, or looking for a paylng business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. (Inlike the Dutch Process INo Alkalies Other Chemicals are uxert in the preparation of W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which ia abaolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa rulled with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more econoraical, casting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and iasilt DIGBSTED. Sold by Crocers everywhero. W. Baker & Co.. Dorchester. Mass. pASTHÜA? SCHIFFMANN'S Así hma Cure Never fails to give instaat relief in the worst C&ses, and effect cures whcre otlicrn f AL Trial FUEE or Dragglste or bj Boil, Addrws DR. R. SOHIFFMANN, St. Paul, ttlon. CAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to IttUNN & CO., wno have had nearly flf ty years experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldential. A Handbook of Information concerning Patenta and how to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanIcal and scientifio books sent free. Patenta taken through Munn & Co. recelve snecial noticetn the Scien tifie American, and thus are brouKht widely beïorethe public without coat to the inventor. Thls splendid paper, iesued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientiflc work in the world. &3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, 25 cents, tevery number containa beautiful plates, in colora, and photographs Of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracta. Address MUNN & CO., New Yokk, 3til Bboadwat. riEÜL DIEFFETJBACH'S rHK PROTAGON CAPSULES, iviirY Sure Cure for "W'eafc Men, M jCy aftX proved byreportsof leadingphy CyC----B W8ícíaus. State ge in ordering. SHi Hm #'Price. SI. Caliilotfue Free. P"l, tJöS &ilï% O A A safe and speedy ammBi ;IM 11 for Gleet, dKi 1 lw U m felrlctureand all ;.",, MV' onnatural discharges. PrlceSS. W ■fiREERSPECIFICg?,IS!S UtBfr wand Skin Siseases, Scrofnlons Sores andSyphilltlc AfToetlons, wittk out mercury. Price, 2. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. L%. 18 Wiüoonsin Street, MILWAUKEE, WI8. [MonTcaTI i At the expense of little sLrk&i&y f moicy and his spare jmhSbSw? 5 t time obtain a fair work (f X;jSa t I ing education. IP f JSTUDYATHOMEJ THROUGH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT10N, j Comprislng the leading conespondence schools in theworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I I 1111 The School of Law prepares pupils for admisslon j III ff to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f ( ovei X.6OO students in every part of the country. J ! inilDUll ICM This school teaches journalistic i t JUUnNALlOm an1 literary lt from the vvmini.ivHi dation up. Onntf VCCDIIIP Ths scho' is conducled by t 'PlinDT Ullin nisschool teaches short-hand by f iOllUn I "HAllU the b=ssys'.anirronithebe. ! W' "' """" ginning to the best expert work. PDCCtf anrl I ATlftl Tl,is school teachestrans. GHtEK and LATIR &x2gsj t tion tü the most advanced work in the classics, f Theabove schools teach by the { ence method only, and recognlze no rivals Id 0 i their respective flelds. - - - - - . , Relief in Six Hours. Distresting Kliney and Bladder dleasee relleved In ix hours by the - 'New Great South American Kldney Cure." This new reomedy Is a great surprise on account of ita eiceedlng yromptness in relierlng pain In the Jladder, kidneys, back and every part )f tho Tiriinary paseares In male or emale. It relieves the retentlon of water and pain In passing It almoet mmedlately. If yon want qnick relef and cure thte Is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist, Aun . Arbor, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Courier