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The New York Herald argües tn ts ladin;j edito'l il that the present wonderiul prosperity of England is due to free trade a.nd sound money. The New York Evening Post attributes that prosjierity to sound money and tlhe "reign of cominon sense" In England, botín among the people and in tiie government. All thinkers ngree as to the fcound money, and the l3ost correctly points out another cause of Englisli supremacy. Wlll theee editors listen while we try to give our readers a more comprehensive view ? England is the center of the world's finalices. She owns a piimary lien on most of tihe best values in the different countries of Even at 3 per cent., with the interest yearly reinvested, her entire measure of wealth due 'from other eountries would doublé in tJiirty years. If it were not ïor reorganizations and other dlsappointments in her invest■ments, England would have a Hat mortgage on the -"hole globe in two hundred years. This enormoys yearly increase, therefore, is one of the causes of lier prosperity. During 1890 an international panic burst upon the earth. It was followed by a depressioti of English industries as profound as ever visited this country. It tx happened after that first crush-down of the world's industrial structures that this country produced large crops, while the crops of Bngland and other countries were small. We sold those crops to other countries at high prices, and were able to fstaod up against the downward forces of the international panic for a considerable period. Our final crush-down carne long after the panic had desolated England, and therefore the better torees oí British nature have had more time to rest and recupérate than American energies, and as a consequence her trade oonditions have Improved more rapidly. More than a year ago a new natural industrial ephoc began its development the world over and was conspicuous first in England. It would have developed with equal rapidity in this country had it not been for the Venezuelan war scare, and the ignorance and brutality of congress, which has mutilated our credit and trampled upon our trade. The theory of the Herald that the wealth of England should be attributed to free trade seems to us illogical and far-fetched. The fact is England has very little to protect. Her natural resources are 'being rapidly exhausted. She is a vast manufactory, and it is to her interest to obtala materials at lowest cost from every portion of the earth. It is very different in America, -wliere we have illimitable resources of timber, coal, iron and other producís, which, if England possessed, her thoughtful government would hasten to protect. After this year women will be adöirtted to the state Agricult-ural College. Gradually, Btep by step, the doons are ewinging open and the weaker eex are being placed on an equality with the stronger. Next you knöw some Masonic lodge wlll admit a woman ! Tnder protection we derived a large revenue upan a comparatively small volume of imports of wool. Cnder democratie tariff we derive no revenue from a very large volume. Under protection the "farmer commanded a good price for Itis wool, and consequently was a large buyer of goods; under democratie tariff he gets a low price, and thierefore is a small purchaser.- Cliicago Inter-Ocean. Yes, tibe momey and the lawyers and the railway vtrack and newspaper men are all lying and_there seems to be more lying to the square rod In Ann Arbor t.han in any place in America outslde oí Lansing. It is said figures won't lie, trat several liave been seen lying around In the parks Bummer evenings. Even the sheep have been lying down there, about the wool clip.- Adrián Press. All of which Boes to prove the Press man an expert in lying. The movement to bring to Americans and American capital a fair aliare of the carrying trade upon The tlgh seas and to restore that prestige which this country had when the famous clipper ships were ndmired In the ports of the world and which was lost soon after, is making rapid strides. Last week the Atlantic Transport Company, American, pur chased the entire outfit and rishts of tlie Xational Line, British, and the Americam flag will soon be run up on the following vessels : America Euirope, Spain, G-reece.France an( England. Let the good work go on until the American can ship his goods liimself travel and the governmeni ean Bend its mails upon American ships, and the United States flag wil become familiar once more ín the sea port cities the wide world over.- Mail Lowell, Mass. The democratie county conventioa last Wedrajesday was not as harmonious as Che surface indications might imply. There was a deep undercurrent, and tlie contest delégate at large, althomgh settled on the first ballot, meant more tQian the casual observer could see. The republicana of Wisconsin, in eonvention assembled, promulgated the views of the party in that state, on the money question in these words: 'The republicana of iWisconsin are unyielding in their demand for honest money. We are unalterably opposed to any scheme thnt will sive to this couintry a depreciated or debased currency. "We favor che use of silver as curremcy, but to the extent only and under sucii restrictions that lts parity with gold can be maintained." The highest honor íhat can le paid any economie system is that which is paid to the protective system in the fact that after 30 years' experience we have cheapened every manufactured product and our labor has held its ow.n. The manufactured article seems to (have gone down in price, but the wage that the workman recelves ïias not (been reduced. Match that if yon can. Free trade cheapems th article by cheapening the artisam. Protection clbeapens the


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