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A. R. Oomgdtan is moving his famIly from Chelsea to Dexter. God's Acre at ÍDexter Ís being thoroug-hly cleaned and fixed up. Ed. May, of TJnadilla, had two horses struck by lightnimg and killed recently. There wlll be twelve members of the graduating class of the Dexter High School this year. The house of Henry Carrier, near Jvorth Lake, was struck by lightning recently and burned. Ber. Mr. Stacey of Webster, preaches at the Delhi school house every Sunday p. m., at 3:30 o'clock. The good people of Dexter are continuing the excellent work of setting out shade trees again this spring. Mrs. "Wm. Trenholm, of Dexter village, dfed April í20th, from an operation performed; to remove a tumor. Dexter is to Siave a few inore modern and handsome residences erected this year (by some of her young busineiss men. The Seoey farm, mear Chelsea, over which there was a sensational scène In the circuit court recently, has been purchased by Hiram Pierce. M. E. Fohey and George Reason, of Pinckney, claim to have made the run f rom there to Dexter on their wheels in one (hour and five minutes. Good record consldering the road. Henry Kirby wlll probably be the new dteputy game "warden ior this district aind he promises to make it very sultry for those who are violating the fish law.- Dexter leader. If the Commercial is right the Monroe republicana elected "delegates to the congressional convention at Jackson." ThO republicans down there must be getting in a hurry. The congressional convention has not beeu called yet. The Commercial is authoiity for the statement that "t?he renovating business" has struck Monroe in such a wild, frenzied way, that the services of renovators .are not to be had without an engagement of severaj weeks ahead. Smith had not noted tliis feature. Preemam Tucker waa thrown from the vehicle in Svhich he was riding while driving a team of colts, at Ohelsea, on the 21st, and injured bo that he dled soon alter. He was GO years of age. 'His inother, aged 83 his wife, six children, three brothers and two sisters, survive him. Frank E. Foster, conductor on the switch engine at Ypsilanti, on the M. C. B'y, was fatally injured last week by attemptimg to jump upon the enigine while in motion. He was aged about 40 years, leaves a wife and two daughtere. He had been ain emploj'e of the M. C. for 17 years, and lived In Ypsilanti for 25 years. He had a policy of $2,000 in the Maccabeee and euKrtber of $2,000 in the Brotfherhood of Conductors. About six yenrs ago Conductor Lappens. of ttoe same engine was killed In the same marmer. The Ypsilanti department of the Daily Times, gets off this in Friday'a issue : "Dr. Owen has a pet 'wild' turkey, wliich under the doctor's liyj)notic influences has been tained down to domesticity and in which 'ie takea a good deal of pride. Yesterday the turkey wa-ndered away and was dLsoovered In tlie back yard by a minister of the city, wlrose reputation ior missing the mark from his pulpit has not suffered any of late. The minister saw a chance for a game dinner, being Innocent of the f act that it was a pet and ran for his gun. The turk did not teeem to feel itself in any danger, and judging from the result he had great froesight. Three sihots were fired at the bird and not a featlher stirred. Then someone informed the man iof the cloth that it belonged to Dr. Owen and he had to acknowledge that he had been on a wild goose chase." Cheteea has a new telephone exchange - not the Bell. Sneak thieves appear to be doing business in Ypsilanti lately. Frank Dunlavey has moved irom Ann Arbor to ïexter village. Ira G lo ver, aged 85, (lied at his home in Manchester April 20. Mrg. Millie D. RoWnson, of ípsilanti, died recently aged 62 years. The Negus ciedr - not -wind- mili at Ghelsea, has 'been rented to Chris. Baggs. Bishop Foley coníirmed 54 candidates at St. Mary's chureh, Chelsea, April 21. The flouring mili at Pinckney changes ownership oftener than the moon changes phases. Mrs. Caroline Jones, forcnerly Miss Rix, oí Manchester, died recently at her home in Albion. Concert by the Ypsilanti Orchestral Society at Cleary Hall, io-morrow, Thursday evening. AVill Kellar, the new prize flghter is a product of Dexter. Very pugilistic atmosphere up there. Rev. Isaac Burdine, an aged and respected oclored man of Ypsilanti, died April 21, very suddenly. Rev. Dr. McCorkle at one time pastor of the Ypsilanti Presbyterian ehurch, died recently in Detroit. The Ypsilanti O. E. S. will celébrate itas eecoed Iñrthday with a oanquet and reception to-morrow evening. Crop correspondents from all over this county report everything two weeks in advance of former years. Frank B:ock, ageJ 19. was caught ia a belt at the Scharf Tag Co's works oaie day last week, and received injuries from which he died a few hours later. An enterprismg and big hearted Manchester! te has ífcepted f i ve different invitations from five different women, to attend ia leap year party. Our adviee to hkn is to get his head shaved befare the party. Howell Herald thinks the next thing to agítate is the' idea of an electric railway from Howell via Pinekney to Dexter. Good idea to resurrect, we thought that plan advisable a couple of years ago. Push lt. - Pinckney Dispatch. Capital dea for capitalista. Sheep shearing is qiow in order with a"bout one-third the usual number to shear. Ho-w is 'this for free trade?- Chëlsea Standard's Sharon items. The Argus and the Adrián Press keep telling UB all the time that lVee trade will incr'ease th eprice of wool and help build up the sheep industry. Ask them. The editor of the Pinckney Dispatch pays a neighboring editor this compliment (?) : "The ass-tute editor of the Fowlerville Review contrived to condense more imbecility into a 14-line item last ■week than would suffice tö equip a first class state asylum." The Review man will now take the quill. At a recent teachers' examina tion at Ypsilanti, a teacher made answer tö the question, "Wiat is the electoral college ?" thus : "An electoral college is an imstitution having for its object the furtherkig of the study of electricity." Pattengill could not do better than to secure this teacher to assist him in ïormulating examination questions.- Monroe Democrat. A few days 'ago a farmer drove into town, and tied his horse in front of Crane's gyocery store. To his surprise, a hen ilew out of the buggy and started on a century run down the street. On investigation, a nest of eziSi was found under the seat, the lien having selected that spot for the starting .of a Bniall chicken iactory. The farmer paid a boy ten cents to catch the hen, tied her fast in the buggy, and took lier home.- Ypsilantian. Wheat has been twoming at a wonderf ui rate for the past two weeks. Natflian Dresete, now oí Kansas, Is visiting Whittaker for the firet time In 17 years. Quarterly meeting at the Society 01 Friends c'hurch in eouth Ypailant; t-own May 2 .aind ü. Farmers have sowed their oats- not the wild variety- and are now putting in early potatoes. The Bastera Store of Milan innounce a musicale for Fiiday cveninj May 3st, at Masonic Hall. A herdic is run by Mr. Yost every Suinday between Oongress st. anc the cemetery, at Ypsilanti. The Ypsilanti Oommorcial speaks oi th eYpsilantian's "hen editor." The Commercial man is a great rooster. Th-e Iadies Aid Society of Pittsfield holds its next (meeting with Mrs. Sbonkland, at the covnty house, on May 7th. Fot th-e 19th seasoïTthe Pittsfield Unian Sunday Sctoool iias again commenced ite eessions.' Mr. Blair acta as superintendent this year. Both hiouses of congress have again appropriated $5,260 for salary of the ü. S. fish Btation located here.- Northville Keeord. Yes. It is the general opinión that the present congress is quite ïishy. The "Wayne Review in language more terse than poHshed, glves some one a diff in this way : "The miscreant wlio steals the cups placed on Mr. Stellwagen's pump, for the benefit of the public, is mean fenough to steal swül from a blind feow." Lightning raiseil the old Harry with property in this state last Friday evening. In "Wasïitenaw county over $4,000 worth of property was destroyed.- Fowlerville Observer. It might be inferred from the above that lightning was a sharp razer. The Globe cotnpany has just completed an order for 10,000 wooden wliistles for the Clover Condensery Co. to be used by them in ad vertising thi Ir brand of milk.- Xorthville Keeord. They must work 'on the principie of the old song : "Oh, whtetle, and PU come to you." tete. They teil of a mind reader in one of our neighboring towns, who read a newspaper before a select audience thro'ugh the thickness of two horse blankets. After the feat was accomplished one of the ladies left the room, at the same time remarking to a friend that she was not going to stay there any longer with only a thin calicó dress on. Lightning struck Frank Polly'3 house on Monday knocking the chimney from the roof, and blowing soot all over the interior of the house. Mr?. Polly found herself lying on the table when sherecovered from the shock. Xo serious damnge was done, strange to say.- Plymouth Mail. That was an instance where Polly got a cracker, whether she wanted it or not. The Washtenaw Baptist Associaation, comprising fifteen churches, will meet with the church in Milan, May Gth and 7th. Tlie several departments of church "work will be reported, and addresses vAtt be made by district secretarles. On "Wednesday evening an address will be glven by A. Gaylord Slocum, X.L. D-, president of Kalamazoo college. - Milan Ieader. We hear that some of Ypsilanti's best business firms a-re contemplating moving to ItetroitiJ the electric road is built from Detroit to that city this summer. Merchants in other places tdpped by electric roads running to larger cities all claim it kills thelr trade.- Belleville Enterprise. (All of which we take the liberty of not lielieving.)- Ypsilanti Commercial. It U a liberty vreïï taken. Fra,nk Bailey, living near aregory, luis conceived the idea that he will shortly die, and has constructed a sort of strong box or casket, in which fte proposes his remains shall rest. The affair is inade of two inch plank, tound togetJier by tour strips of iron one way, and three the other. It slnits up with a Btrong spring lock m the inside. He has been troubled for some time with a cáncer on his face and is despondent.- Stockbridge San.


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